DeWitt County Courthouse in Clinton | WikipediA
DeWitt County Courthouse in Clinton | WikipediA
Meeting was called to order at 6:00pm by Chairman Matthews.
Roll call was answered by Myers, Prestegaard, Riddle, Ryan, Tilley, Werts, Witte, Carter, Deerwester, Farris, Ferguson, Matthews.
Betsy Shifflet addressed the Board about ENEL and curtailment issues.
Eric from the DeWitt Co Sailing Association addressed the Board about funds to help the Association.
Motion by Matthews second by Tilley to approve the February 22, 2024, County Board meeting minutes. Aye: Myers, Prestegaard, Riddle, Ryan, Tilley, Werts, Witte, Carter, Deerwester, Farris, Ferguson, Matthews. Motion Carried.
Matthews told the Board that all but one of the individuals listed for appointment to the ETSB had errors so he would only be bringing one name forward at this time.
Motion by Matthews second by Ferguson to appoint Brian Miller to the ETSB for a 2-year term ending on the last day of March 2026. Aye: Myers, Prestegaard, Riddle, Ryan, Tilley, Werts, Witte, Carter, Deerwester, Farris, Ferguson, Matthews. Motion Carried.
Matthews told the Board that he would not be bringing forward the appointment of Russell Pearl to the Farmer City Fire Protection District at this time. He said the term is not up until May and there are additional individuals to consider for the appointment.
Carter gave the Board a brief description of what was discussed at the current month’s Land Use meeting. He said they had requested ENEL to attend tonight’s Board meeting but only received a “typical attorney response” by email. Minutes from the Land Use meeting are filed with these minutes.
Myers gave the Board a brief description of what was discussed at the current month’s Public Safety meeting. Minutes from the Public Safety meeting are filed with these minutes.
Motion by Myers second by Farris to hire William Paveleck to the EMA Coordinator position with an annual salary of $48,000 contingent on his acceptance of the offer. Myers informed the Board that they interviewed Mr. Paveleck before the Board meeting for the EMA Coordinator position and that he would be graduating in May with a master’s degree in public safety administration. Ryan said he
believed to keep someone in that position, the pay should be higher. He recommended $50,000. Riddle agreed. Tilley said that Mr. Paveleck was informed in the interview that he would receive a raise after his 6-month probationary period in December.
Motion by Ryan second by Riddle to amend Myers’ original motion and change the annual salary to $50,000. Aye: Myers, Prestegaard, Riddle, Ryan, Werts, Witte, Carter, Deerwester, Farris, Ferguson, Matthews. Nay: Tilley. Motion Carried.
Back to original motion with amendment. Motion by Myers second by Farris to hire William Paveleck to the EMA Coordinator position with an annual salary of $50,000 contingent on his acceptance of the offer. Aye: Myers, Prestegaard, Riddle, Ryan, Werts, Witte, Carter, Deerwester, Farris, Ferguson, Matthews. Nay: Tilley. Motion Carried
Prestegaard gave the Board a brief description of what was discussed at the current month’s Property meeting. Minutes from the Property meeting are filed with these minutes.
Motion by Ryan second by Myers to accept the bid from Jason’s Lawn Service in the amount of $30,300.
Motion by Prestegaard second by Ferguson to amend Ryan’s motion to the correct amount of the bid which is $35,360. Yay: Myers, Prestegaard, Riddle, Ryan, Tilley, Werts, Witte, Carter, Deerwester, Farris, Ferguson, Matthews. Motion Carried.
Back to the original motion with amendment. Motion by Ryan second by Myers to accept the bid from Jason’s Lawn Service in the amount of $35,360. Prestegaard feels that voting on this is premature. He said this should be done after the tuck-pointing project is completed. Ferguson said they haven’t started with bids for the tuck-pointing project yet. Tilley made a motion to table with Ferguson as a second, but then Tilley withdrew her motion to table. Nay: Myers, Prestegaard, Riddle, Ryan, Tilley, Werts, Witte, Carter, Deerwester, Farris, Ferguson, Matthews. Motion Failed.
Motion by Prestegaard second by Ryan to purchase a capacity size commercial washer and dryer for $15,555 and $7,200 for plumbing with a 50/50 split of the cost out of donations and contingencies with 50% of any additional donations going back to contingencies. Myers wanted to clarify that 50% of donations going back to contingencies would be collected from the additional donations that will be raised when Tony Harris holds a fundraising campaign.
Motion by Myers second by Matthews to amend Prestegaard’s motion to say that 50% of any additional donations raised from the washer and dryer fundraising campaign will go back into contingencies. Yay: Myers, Prestegaard, Riddle, Ryan, Tilley, Werts, Witte, Carter, Deerwester, Farris, Ferguson, Matthews. Motion Carried.
Back to the original motion with amendment. Motion by Prestegaard second by Ryan to purchase a capacity size commercial washer and dryer for $15,555 and $7,200 for plumbing with a 50/50 split of the cost out of donations and contingencies with 50% of any additional donations raised from the washer and dryer fundraising campaign going back to contingencies. Yay: Myers, Prestegaard, Riddle, Ryan, Tilley, Werts, Witte, Carter, Deerwester, Farris, Ferguson, Matthews. Motion Carried.
Motion by Prestegaard second by Myers to replace the panic alarm system at the County Building at a cost of $7,840.00 utilizing ARPA funds. Yay: Myers, Prestegaard, Riddle, Ryan, Tilley, Werts, Witte, Carter, Deerwester, Farris, Ferguson, Matthews. Motion Carried.
Prestegaard gave the Board a brief description of what was discussed at the current month’s Road and Bridge meeting. Minutes from the Road and Bridge meeting are filed with these minutes.
Motion by Prestegaard second by Werts to approve a Certificate of Authority for County Engineer Mark Mathon to execute the joint purchase agreement for salt purchase for DeWitt County. Yay: Myers, Prestegaard, Riddle, Ryan, Tilley, Werts, Witte, Carter, Deerwester, Farris, Ferguson, Matthews. Motion Carried.
Matthews gave the Board a brief description of what was discussed at the current month’s Marina meeting. Minutes from the Marina meeting are filed with these minutes.
Tilley gave the Board a brief description of what was discussed at the current month’s Finance meeting. Minutes from the Finance meeting are filed with these minutes.
Motion by Tilley second by Carter to pay all bills. Yay: Myers, Prestegaard, Riddle, Ryan, Tilley, Werts, Witte, Carter, Deerwester, Farris, Ferguson, Matthews. Motion Carried.
Motion by Matthews second by Tilley to approve the Resolution to execute a deed of conveyance of the County’s interest on the following described real estate for the sum of $300. The real estate is in Clintonia Township with parcel number 07-27-453-001 and has a certificate number of 201900041 that was sold in October 2020. The City of Clinton is the buyer. Yay: Myers, Prestegaard, Riddle, Ryan, Tilley, Werts, Witte, Carter, Deerwester, Farris, Ferguson, Matthews. Motion Carried.
Motion by Matthews second by Ferguson to grant the appeal of Robert Summers to overturn the finding of the ZBA granting a variance in case# V342-2023. Yay: Prestegaard, Riddle, Carter. Nay: Myers, Ryan, Tilley, Werts, Witte, Deerwester, Farris, Ferguson, Matthews. Motion Failed.
Tilley with a second by Ryan to table the motion listed on the agenda to approve the Website Policy. They would like to take it to the Finance Committee first.
Motion by Matthews second by Witte to approve resolution setting conditions of any sale of parcels 08-35-400-008, 08-35-400-009, and 13-01-100-009 (commonly known as the marina property). Yay: Myers, Prestegaard, Riddle, Ryan, Tilley, Werts, Witte, Carter, Deerwester, Farris, Ferguson, Matthews. Motion Carried.
Motion by Matthews second by Ryan to accept proposal for purchase of parcels 08-35-400-008, 08-35-400-009, and 13-01-100-009 (commonly known as the marina property) subject to conditions as set by the DeWitt County Board.
Motion by Ferguson second by Witte to amend Matthews’ original motion to accept the proposal from Sullivan Marina and Campgrounds, LLC.
The board discussed the bids.
Motion by Farris second by Tilley to amend the amended motion made by Ferguson and second by Witte to change the accepted proposal to GNH. Tilley withdrew her second.
Back to the first motion to amend Matthews’ original motion made by Ferugson and second by Witte to accept the proposal from Sullivan Marina and Campgrounds, LLC. Yay: Myers, Riddle, Ryan, Witte, Carter, Deerwester, Ferguson, Matthews. Nay: Prestegaard, Tilley, Werts, Farris. Motion Carried.
Back to original motion with amendment. Motion by Matthews second by Ryan to accept the proposal of Sullivan Marina and Campgrounds, LLC for the purchase of parcels 08-35-400-008, 08- 35-400-009, and 13-01-100-009 (commonly known as the marina property) subject to conditions as set by the DeWitt County Board. Yay: Myers, Prestegaard, Riddle, Ryan, Witte, Carter, Deerwester, Ferguson, Matthews. Nay: Tilley, Werts, Farris. Motion Carried.
Motion by Matthews second by Ferguson to authorize Mr. Markwell to draw up a short-term lease of the marina property to expire in 60 days or upon sale of the marina property, whichever is first. Yay: Myers, Prestegaard, Riddle, Ryan, Tilley, Werts, Witte, Carter, Deerwester, Farris, Ferguson, Matthews. Motion Carried.
Motion by Tilley second by Deerwester to adjourn at 7:19pm with all in favor.,%202024.pdf