Crowder Park | Village of Bethany
Crowder Park | Village of Bethany
Village of Bethany Board of Trustees met April 11.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The regular board meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Jonathan Book, President. The following Trustees were present; Dave Doty, Jeannie Ruppert, Zakary England, Greg McLain, Raven Allen and Brian Gill.
A motion was made by Trustee Doty to approve the minutes from the March 14, 2024, regular meeting, seconded by Trustee Ruppert. Roll call taken, all ayes, motion carried.
A motion was made by Trustee Doty to approve the “Statement of Income and Expenses”, seconded by Trustee McLain. Roll call taken, all ayes, motion carried.
A motion was made by Trustee McLain to approve the “Banks and Checks Journal”, seconded by Trustee England. Roll call taken, all ayes, motion carried.
Public – Steve Ozee, Park Supervisor, let the Board know that the Internet has been installed at the Park and is ready for the cameras to be installed. He is also interested in the property behind him, the Jack Jones property. He also thanked Shannon Risley for all his help at the park when he needed it.
Pastor Rob Roy asked if anyone in town needed help with house maintenance to let him know.
Greg Gustafson Water Improvement Project Updates - Water main project has scheduled a preconstruction meeting for tomorrow. Shannon and another utility worker will be there. They will talk about getting this started. This will have a large impact on the employees. Shop drawing plans have been discussed. The raw water line coming into the water treatment plant will be reduced from 6” to 4” pipe. This will reduce the project by $21,000. May 1st has been sighted as a start date for this. Electrical work, shop drawings have been submitted. Start date of May 15th. Detention tank replacement drawings are ongoing with Bruder Tank. Construction has started on site. No significant changes as of yet. The abandonment of well #1 is complete. The well abandonment forms have been submitted with IEPA. Floor prep at the water treatment plan will begin soon. Mr. Gustatson talked with the Fire Chief to reconsider which fire hydrants need to be replaced. Mr. Gustafson shared with the Board members a list of what was suggested. We have funds allotted for 20 hydrants with RD. RD has asked for an updated form in regards to the new water meters that will be installed. The water tower anniversary inspection will be scheduled when the weather cooperates.
Issuance of Watersworks Bond Ordinance - A motion was made by Trustee McLain to pass ordinance #24-831 for bonds for the water improvement project, seconded by Trustee Ruppert. Roll call taken, all ayes, motion carried.
Purchase of Security Cameras for Crowder Park - This was agreed upon several months ago. The Ordinance just needed passed. A motion was made by Trustee McLain to approve Ordinance #24-832 A TIF agreement with the Marrowbone Township Park District, seconded by Trustee Doty. Roll call taken, all ayes, motion carried.
Zoning Agreement with Moultrie County - President Book did not have a chance to talk with them. This will be tabled until next month.
Pay for Part-Time Police Officers - Chief Nichols had mentioned that he thought we had agreed to raise the pay for part-time officers to $22 per hour. It was not found in any minutes. He recommended that part-time pay should be $27 - $30 per hour and cap the hours per month. This will be further discussed in closed session.
Approval to Sell Village Owned Lots - The three lots that are currently being held by the Village at 502 S Washington, 219 S. St. John and 101 E Oak St. If listed with a realtor we can only sell it for 80% of the appraised value. Another alternative is to have an auction for the properties which will need to be listed in the paper. This could be with an auctioneer or sealed bids. Mr. Flynn, Village Attorney, suggested having an auction since the combined value is approx. $17,000. If sealed bids are used, a minimum bid could be required. Mr. Flynn will draw up the paperwork and notices to begin the bid process for these properties. A motion was made by Trustee Ruppert to authorize the Village attorney to begin the process for the properties at 502 S Washington, 219 S St. John, and 101 E Oak, seconded by Trustee Doty. Roll call taken, all ayes, motion carried.
Town Wide Clean-up Day - Treasurer Jessica Henderson created a clean-up and recycling day schedule for the next several years. This year’s clean-up day date was discussed to be held June 1st. A motion was made by Trustee Ruppert to have a cleanup day beginning May 28th, seconded by Trustee Doty. Roll call taken, all ayes, motion carried.
Purchase of Trailer for the Mini Excavator - Shannon Risley thanked the Board for the purchase of the excavator. It does not fit on the trailer the Village already had. He has some prices on trailers, two tilt trailers and a trailer with ramps. Bids ranged from $11,000 to $6,200. He asked the Board to sell the current trailer towards the purchase of a new trailer. A motion was made by Trustee Allen to approve purchase of a new trailer for the mini excavator not to exceed $10,000 to come from the utilities, seconded by Trustee Ruppert. Roll call taken, all ayes, motion carried.
Property at 119 E. Main St. - This building is beginning to fall apart and losing bricks out front. The estate of Mary Goetz owns this building. This is beginning to cause issues with the two building properties next to it. The Board is in agreement to have the Village Attorney send a letter to the building owner to take care of this issue.
Reports – Utilities Manager, Shannon Risley, Finance Committee, and Police report given by Police Committee Chair Greg McLain.
Correspondence – None
Committee Meeting Dates – Utilities
4/24/24 @ 6pm
*Utility Rates
A motion was made by Trustee Allen to go into Executive Session to discuss personnel matters and litigation, seconded by Trustee McLain. Roll call taken, all ayes, motion carried.
A motion was made by Trustee Allen to return to Open Session, seconded by Trustee Ruppert. Voice vote taken, all ayes, motion carried.
A motion was made by Trustee Allen to establish pay for part-time police officers for weekdays, Monday - Thursday at $27/hour and weekends Friday - Sunday at $30/hour hours not to exceed 32 per month, seconded Trustee Doty. Roll call taken, all ayes, motion carried.
With no other business to discuss a motion to adjourn was made by Trustee Allen and seconded by Trustee McLain. Voice vote taken, all ayes, motion carried. Meeting was adjourned.