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Welcome to Macon sign | City of Macon
City of Macon City Council met May 13.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
Alderman Long called the Macon City Council meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Present were Attorney Scott Garwood, Treasurer Kimberly Reynolds, Clerk Kim Miller, Council Members Caleb Beasley, Brandon Windell, Monte Holsapple, Chad Rappe, Rocky Markham also present were Korey Damery, Charlie Dunmire, Cody Holsapple, Mark Bingham, Pam Windell, Kevin Metsker, Lottie Metsker, Sue Cole, Mike Stewart, Debbie Stewart, Kelsey Stewart, and Ryan Murray.
Alderman Beasley made a motion, seconded by Alderman Rappe to appoint Alderman Long as Mayor Pro-Tem due to Mayor Dunmire’s absence. Motion carried.
The minutes from the April 8th meeting were reviewed and approved as presented. Alderman Windell presented the police report.
MFT- Earl Walker proposal was presented.
A cost of $ 135,100.00
A motion was made to by Alderman Windell, seconded by Alderman Holsapple to approve the bid from Earl Walker for the oiling of streets. Motion carried.
Alderman Beasley- Aye
Alderman Rappe- Abstain
Alderman Holsapple- Aye
Alderman Windell- Aye
Alderman Markham- Aye
Alderman Beasley presented a Zoning permit for Meridian High School.
Re-opening of Macon Speedway is May 18th. Alderman Windell has volunteered to attend for the ribbon cutting.
Attorney Garwood prepared a petition for Gordon Stade to disconnect the large portion of his property.
Kevin Metsker informed the council that his property at 345 W. Cole has been getting illegal dumping and he assured the council it is not his tenants.
Ryan Murray was present to voice his concerns about the previous track owner’s use of TIF funds. The council assured Mr. Murray that TIF funds were not used. Mr. Kearns received a business district grant. He submitted paid receipts and required forms.
Sue Cole is requesting that before the street by library is closed the council inform the public ahead of time. The council assured Sue it will be made public before it is closed.
Pam Windell reminded the council that Music in the Park is starting May 18th 2-5p.m. Treasurer Reynolds presented the Treasurer’s Report.
A motion was made by Alderman Windell, seconded by Alderman Markham to approve the treasurer’s report as presented. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Alderman Beasley, seconded by Alderman Holsapple to approve the bills as presented. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Alderman Beasley, seconded by Alderman Markham to adjourn. Motion Carried.
The City Council adjourned at 6:30 p.m.