
Macon Reporter

Sunday, December 22, 2024

DeWitt County Board met July 18

Webp 25

DeWitt County Courthouse in Clinton | WikipediA

DeWitt County Courthouse in Clinton | WikipediA

DeWitt County Board met July 18.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:





*Christopher Ware, Chairman of the DeWitt County Housing Authority Board, would like to introduce Samantha Rusk, the new DeWitt County Housing Authority’s Executive Director and tell the Board what she’s been working on.



*Motion to approve the June 20, 2024, County Board meeting minutes.


*Motion to appoint Curt Homann to fill the vacant DeWitt County seat with Central Illinois Economic Development Authority (CIEDA). The term is for 6 years and will expire the third Monday of 2030. Mr. David Tolbert, prior to his passing, was the DeWitt County seat holder.

*Motion to re-appoint Sharon Mills to the DeWitt-Piatt Bi-County Health Department serving a 3-year term expiring June 30, 2027. In assuming this role, Sharon will also serve as a member of the DeWitt County Tuberculosis Sanitarium Board.

*Motion to re-appoint Christopher Ware as a commissioner on the DeWitt County Housing Authority Board of Commissioners with a term set to expire on May 31, 2030.

*Motion to appoint Brandi Carter as Supervisor of Assessments effective September 27, 2024, to fill the unexpired term ending May 31, 2026.

LAND USE: Report given by Mr. Carter. For discussion and possible action:

*No Recommendations.

PUBLIC SAFETY: Report given by Mrs. Myers. For discussion and possible action:

*No Recommendations.

PROPERTY: Report given by Mr. Ferguson. For discussion and possible action:

*Meeting Cancelled. No quorum.

ROAD AND BRIDGE: Report given by Mr. Prestegaard. For discussion and possible action:

*Motion to approve the Resolution for Salary and Expenses of DeWitt County Engineer, Section 23-00000-00-CS & 23-CS039-00-AC.

*Motion to approve quote to purchase concrete sealer from ICC Distribution Group for $16,620.80.

MARINA: Report given by Mr. Matthews. For Discussion and possible action:

*No Recommendations.

FINANCE: Report given by Mrs. Tilley. For Discussion and possible action:

*Motion to pay all bills.

*Motion to purchase new handheld radios from Motorola in the amount of $161,715.40 utilizing ARPA funds.

OLD AND/OR NEW BUSINESS: For Discussion and possible action:

*Tabled Motion made by Matthews second by Ferguson at the May 23, 2024, meeting- Motion to approve the financial form of letter of credit for decommissioning with Enel/Alta Farms.

*Motion to approve and certify salary increase for full time Public Defender position at 90% of the State’s Attorney’s salary pursuant to 25ILCS 120/6.6 and 55ILCS5/3-4007.

*Motion to approve Case S266-2024- City of Farmer City is requesting a special use permit to construct a municipal building on property located at 1 Municipal Drive, Farmer City. The building has already been constructed. A special use is required because of the zoning designation of R1. Both the RPC and ZBA have recommended approval of the special use.

*Motion to adopt the revised Chapter 110: Alcoholic Beverages (County Code of Ordinances).

*Motion to approve the “Resolution for the Adopting of Supplement to DeWitt County Code of Ordinances”.

*Motion for the Board to direct all committees to review/update job descriptions for positions reporting to them including verification of all compensation being paid to that position.

*Motion to approve the Resolution to Authorize County Board Chairman Dan Matthews the Authority to Sign Any and All Required Documents to Effectuate the Sale of the Property Constituting Clinton Lake Marina.

