
Macon Reporter

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Moultrie County Board met June 13

Webp 20

The Moultrie County Republican Central Committee would like to congratulate the great candidates that won election on November 8th, 2022. Every county level elected position is now held by a Republican! | Moultrie County Republicans | Facebook

The Moultrie County Republican Central Committee would like to congratulate the great candidates that won election on November 8th, 2022. Every county level elected position is now held by a Republican! | Moultrie County Republicans | Facebook

Moultrie County Board met June 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Moultrie County Board met on Thursday, June 13, 2024, in the County Board Room, Second Floor, Moultrie County Courthouse. Chair Billy Voyles called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

The opening prayer was given by board member Aaron Wilhelm, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance recited by all in attendance.

Roll Call was taken, with the following members present Billy Voyles, Marsha Kirby, Tyler Graven, John Vander Burgh, Travis Phelps, Scott Buxton, Aaron Wilhelm, Kenny Graven, and Josh Roe. Absent -. A quorum was present.

There were 12 people in attendance, nine board members, and Planning & Zoning Director, Kristi Hart serving in place of the Clerk.

Mission Statement – Read by Bill Voyles.

Correspondence: None.

Minutes: Voyles asked for a motion to approve the May 9, 2024, county board minutes. Kirby moved to approve said minutes. Buxton seconded the motion. There being no discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 9 yes, 0 no.

Guest Speaker:

Voyles introduced Kathy Garvey with Mid-Illinois Senior Services. Ms. Garvey provided handouts for the board and introduced herself as the Director of Mid-Illinois Senior Services. Ms. Garvey said in 2010 they worked to get a referendum passed that would allow them to levy property taxes for their services for seniors and disabled citizens of Moultrie County. At that time, they were allowed to levy up to 0.025% of the EAV. They have not changed that number in 14 years, with costs going up on everything, they were recently given a new building, which will cost more in the future. There are six a/c units on the roof of the building that are 10 years old, they will probably need to be replaced soon. That’s just one example of the upcoming costs they are anticipating.

Last year they saw 388 clients just for their senior information services. Every hour in their office is counted as a unit of service; last year they provided 2,101 units of service, just for senior information services. They have a caregiver program, which is a completely different program; they saw 73 clients in that program, providing 3,336 units of service.

Ms. Garvey said she was here to ask for an increase of $10,000.00 for their services. Voyles thanked Ms. Garvey for her presentation.

Unfinished Business:

Voyles moved to approve Agreement between the University of Illinois Extension and Moultrie County for levying/appropriating $63,699.00 as the County’s contribution for fiscal year 07/01/2024 – 06/30/2025. Wilhelm seconded the motion. Phelps explained they were here last month and shared this is a three percent (3%) increase over what we normally contribute. This is the same situation; costs continue to rise; Phelps feels they are being very frugal by asking for only 3% increase. With no further discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 9 yes, 0 no.

Appointments by Chair:

Voyles moved to appoint Cindi Reed to the 708 Board to fulfill the term of the late Kenny Bontrager. The term is retroactive to December 1, 2023, and ends November 30, 2026. The motion was seconded by Kirby. There being no discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 9 yes, 0 no.

Voyles moved to re-appoint Kurt Van Deursen as Trustee of the Moultrie County Rural Public Water District. Term to be retroactive to May 6, 2024, and ending on the first Monday of May 2029. The motion was seconded by T. Graven. There being no discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 9 yes, 0 no.

Voyles moved to re-appoint Mike Reedy to the Moultrie County Board of Health. Term to begin July 1, 2024, and end June 30, 2027. The motion was seconded by Buxton. There being no discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 9 yes, 0 no.

Voyles moved to approve the resignation of Chief County Assessment Officer, Lori Barringer. The motion was seconded by Wilhelm. There being no discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 9 yes, 0 no.

Voyles moved to appoint successor Chief County Assessment Officer Alicia Morgason to continue the same as Lori has been in pay. The motion was seconded by Kirby. Voyles added to the motion the term is to begin July 15, 2024. Wilhelm asked if GIS responsibilities will change. Voyles stated it will be changed and they will be working on Alicia’s replacement next. Phelps then asked if this is July through December, then reappoint? State’s Attorney Weaver stated at the end of what would have been Lori’s appointment, the board will have to re-appoint. With no further discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 8 yes, 0 no, and 1 abstention by Buxton.




Meeting: May 6, 2024.

Vander Burgh moved to approve the Treasurer’s report for May 2024. T. Graven seconded the motion. There being no discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 9 yes, 0 no.

Vander Burgh moved to approve all claims as presented. The motion was seconded by Kirby. There being no discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 9 yes, 0 no.

Vander Burgh moved to approve the six-month reports from the County Clerk and County Sheriff for the period December 1, 2023, through May 30, 2024. The motion was seconded by Roe. Voyles asked why the Circuit Clerk was not in there. Vander Burgh stated, traditionally it is, we did not have the reports at that time. Circuit Clerk Christa Helmuth explained the report falls under the County Code and the Circuit Clerk is not a County officer and is not required to file the report. Voyles asked if they wouldn’t all like to see that. Helmuth stated her books are open if they would like to see them. After some discussion between Voyles and Helmuth, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 8 yes; 1 no; with Voyles voting no.

Vander Burgh moved to increase Mid-Illinois Senior Services 2024-2025 fiscal year tax levy from $63,000.00 to $73,000.00. The motion was seconded by Wilhelm. There being no discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 8 yes, 0 no, and one abstention by Vander Burgh.

Vander Burgh mentioned the committee will be starting the budget shortly and encourages anyone on the board who wants to have a better grip on the finances of the County to attend those meetings. The treasurer has put those dates out to everybody.


Meeting: June 5, 2024.

T. Graven moved to approve the bid of $111,129.00 from Mason’s Masonry Restoration, Inc. for painting and sealing of the jail. The motion was seconded by K. Graven. T. Graven stated they had budgeted almost $400,000.00 for what the estimates came in at, so this is a lot cheaper than we expected. Vander Burgh asked if there were other estimates close to this or if this was just wildly different. T. Graven said this one was wildly lower than the rest. Liddiard stated this is for the exterior of the jail with bids going from $111,000.00 to $150,000.00 to $220,000.00 to $300,000.00. Wilhelm asked is this is the same company that just did the courthouse, Liddiard answered in the affirmative. Vander Burgh asked if an architect had reviewed the bid. T. Graven and Liddiard both answered in the affirmative. Vander Burgh further asked if the architect believed they could realistically do it for that price. T. Graven stated, yes. Liddiard stated they had a special meeting with the owner [of the company] and walked around the jail to make sure everything that was in the bid sheet was on his bid. [The owner] said yes and was very comfortable in being able to do what we want done for the price he quoted. T. Graven stated they made sure there wasn’t a reason to throw out a bid that was that low. Voyles mentioned there is additional work coming up on the jail and hoping to get a bid from the same company while they are there. With no further discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 9 yes, 0 no.

T. Graven moved to approve the bid from Kin Lar for $94,500.00 for boiler replacement at the jail. The motion was seconded by K. Graven. T. Graven stated this is the one we’ve had problems with for 10 or 12 years. It’s kind of an emergency now due to the timeline of when we approve the bid to when they can install it, it’s going to be pushing to when it’s getting cold. Wilhelm mentioned the parts that have been put into this boiler will be removed and held on to as backups for the one that’s being put in. Liddiard mentioned the two boilers go together and are piped out of a 12” pipe in the roof. With the installation of the new boiler, they will be piped out of the roof separately. With no further discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 9 yes, 0 no.

ROAD AND BRIDGE (Chair: Voyles)

Meeting: June 6, 2024.

Voyles moved to approve the Resolution for funding for Whitley Township 94- 08112-00-BR (Shipman Bridge). Buxton seconded the motion. Wilhelm asked if this is for repairs to the bridge or replacing the bridge. Voyles explained it is for replacing the bridge. There being no further discussion, roll call was taken; the motion carried 9 yes, 0 no.


Meeting: June 7, 2024.

Phelps moved to approve Special Use Permit request for a Cottage Industry by Norman and Cythia Yoder on PIN 04-04-16-000-114, 232 New Hope Road, Bethany. The motion was seconded by Roe. T. Graven asked what a Cottage Industry is. Planning and Zoning Director, Kristi Hart explained in an Ag district, to run a business, you either have to have it rezoned or, if it’s a small thing or run by family, you can ask for a special use for cottage industry since it’s zoned Ag. It’s going to be a specialty shop, ice cream and coffee, and a resale of furniture. With no further discussion, roll call was taken; the motion carried 9 yes, 0 no.

Phelps stated for b [on the agenda] (Motion to Rescind 1994 Nuisance Ordinance (Ordinance No. 94-2) and all subsequent amendments, and to enact the proposed Nuisance Ordinance as presented) they would like to postpone the motion until next month as they continue to review the nuisance ordinance.

Phelps stated for c [on the agenda] the potential zoning amendment for shipping containers used for storage; in their meeting as the popularity of the storage containers grows, they discussed if they are going to tax them. They will still need a special use permit, how they will structure that is what they are looking at. What they want to bring up to the board is to be thinking about that; if you’ve had people contact you, they are not permitted at this point but definitely in the future, that will be part of our zoning ordinances. When asked if they are taxed or not taxed, Phelps stated they are not taxed, and they are not allowed in Moultrie County now. Voyles asked the board, what are your thoughts going forward? Phelps stated that some of these are very nice, he thinks to put regulations on them to make them appealing and tax them just like an outside shed, or anything over 150 sq. ft. Roe stated he thinks that’s been the area of concern, that people are paying taxes on sheds and these people are special use permit and not paying taxes. Phelps and Voyles agreed. Alicia Morgason of the County Assessment office stated the problem is if someone appeals to ptab and ptab makes a decision and ruling, if they are personal property or real estate. She doesn’t know if there has been a case in Illinois yet, but they are becoming more popular and it’s on the fence whether or not assessors are assessing them.

Hart stated we would not allow them as houses, and she will write something in there that they are not allowed to be used as houses. Hart explained to the board that in their packets she gave what she has started. Further discussion was held about expectations for the containers.


Meeting: June 7, 2024.

No motions. Phelps stated they continue to monitor the effects of the Safe-ty Act.

The IEMA director (Mike Jennings) did come talk to them about possibly filling that position, it is budgeted to fill that position to get him some assistance. If anyone is interested, they can contact Mike. There was discussion about a potential candidate.



Meeting: June 13, 2024.

Voyles moved to approve Liquor License application for issuance of Liquor Licenses effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025.






American Legion Post 429 (Lovington)


J (A & F)

M&S Holdings, LLC d/b/a Findlay Marina



Sullivan Country Club



VFW Post 6410 (Sullivan)

12, 13

J (A & F)

S.A. Brown Properties d/b/a Rusty’s



JEDE LLC d/b/a Timberlake Golf Course



Sullivan Rosati, Inc.



Sullivan 66, Inc.



32 Marine LLC

26, 27

J (A & F)

NorthEnd Pub & Grill LLC

The motion was seconded by T. Graven. Wilhelm asked if NorthEnd Pub didn’t just receive a license. Voyles explained they had a prorated license so they could open the business because they took over the business. After a short amount of discussion, roll call was taken; the motion carried 9 yes, 0 no.


Voyles moved to approve the holiday calendar for calendar year 2025 as executed by presiding judge Jeremy Richey. The motion was seconded by Kirby. There being no discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 9 yes, 0 no.

Voyles moved to approve Resolution to Dissolve the Moltrie County Jury Commission. The motion was seconded by Wilhelm. State’s Attorney Weaver stated Judge Richey is in favor of this, then reappointed to the Circuit Clerk’s office. There being no further discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 9 yes, 0 no.





Wilhelm gave an update on the childcare committee. The group met last Tuesday, there were two disbursements since the last month. Last month they were approved and this month they were disbursed. That was $20,800.00 to Agri-Fab’s ProtoTykes and $12,800.00 to Alison Davis out of Lovington. There are three other providers whom they are trying to get in contact with. They have not been able to get ahold of them. One of them is from Bethany and the other from Lovington. They are keeping an eye on the end of the year for disbursement deadline. If they don’t have additional people come forward and there is funding remaining, they will revisit existing providers to get a second round of funding so that money doesn’t just go back to the feds.

Phelps had questions about the Long house in Lovington, are we done with that? Assistant State’s Attorney Dobson answered, yes. Phelps stated he has had more complaints about that house; that it hasn’t been shored up. Dobson stated we need to remember it was charged as a nuisance based on the clutter and the animals and all the problems in terms of the danger it was presenting. That aspect has been abated and cleared up. Under the theory of the case we filed, the structural propping is something that can be dangerous. The Longs have an architectural report that this would hold, which obviously it’s not. Dobson said she told Elizabeth Long’s attorney that this will be the number two. We will have to give them notice (the shoring up) it is not acceptable and has to be fixed. And we will have to go from there. Phelps thanked Dobson for the information.

Buxton said he went to the HSTP (transportation) meeting today. It is a mess throughout the district. They said some areas may be getting okayed for new vehicles with production maybe starting in August. But, it may be next year. These are the buses you see hauling people around. They are doing the best they can with what they have. The state is very slow in decommissioning the vehicles. They don’t only assist seniors, but vets, and anyone who needs assistance with medical rides or whatever it might be. Circuit Clerk Helmuth asked Buxton if he knew how far they go; for our area, he did not know. Helmuth stated she was just curious because some people coming to court said they don’t have a ride. Angie Hogan asked if he was talking specifically about the Central Illinois Public Transportation buses. He was. Wilhelm stated they also do bus rides for kinds in school at an affordable cost.

Roe stated last month he brought up the CEO of CEFS about possibly being a grant recipient, IDOT has since allowed Shelby County to do that. They are still not up to date on their audits, they are on a short leash and if they do not get their audits completed, they may be forced to make a change next year.

Roe stated he reached out to everyone through email about some committee stuff, that he has actually done some work on. He had a handout for each board member. Roe received statute information from the State’s Attorney’s office that in order to make any changes, the board will have to make changes to the by-laws if they want to do anything with the committees. Roe wants a conversation to make sure they are more present at the committee meetings. Roe read what he felt was the important part of the Rules of Procedure and Oreder of Business: that no other standing committees can be appointed without amending the by-laws; the standing committees most frequently established by local societies, are few in number. Roe feels like the 13 or 14 we have are probably above the few in number. Roe’s handout included a proposal for the committees. He said a lot of his basis behind the proposal was just looking at the times met in the year and a half. His proposal includes not getting rid of committees but having some standing committees absorbing as needed committees that don’t meet often. His proposal included: Building and Property would include Technology; Personnel would include Insurance; Planning and Zoning would include GIS; still have the as needed committee Legislative would include Liquor Commission and Election. That would lower our numbers to eight; with the vice-chair chairing Legislative; any Ad Hoc committees created would be chaired by a board member. Wilhem stated he likes the idea. Phelps asked if the plan is to change in November and be implemented in December? Roe would like it that way in the reorganization meeting in December. Additional discussion was held between the board members. Dobson said they will check if this board can do something in November that binds the new board in December.

Voyles stated with the County Clerk out sick, he will later discuss having the board agenda done by noon on Tuesday not 7:00 on Tuesday evening. He will follow up with Linda on that.


Treasurer Helmuth announced they sent out the budget sheets to all the department heads and have asked that they be returned by July 22. They should be to the board members on the 23rd.

Our audit is scheduled for July 15 – 19th. Dennis and John will be onsite. Once complete, they will make distributions. They cannot distribute tax dollars until the audit is finalized and published.

The first due date for taxes is July 12 and have collected approximately $5,000,000.00 of $29,000,000.00.

Dobson asked if the plan to restructure the committees is something that can be done by October. Voyles stated, sure. She feels if this board has it in place and established, then turn it over to the others, something that is in play as opposed to something they then have to start new. There was some additional discussion between the board members. Phelps feels this can be done as soon as Weaver and Dobson oversee it. Dobson asked if they have it in mind now who will be appointed to the new ones. Voyles is of the opinion that whoever is on the two being combined, unless there is doubling up, there may need to be some shuffling there.


Jef Liddiard stated he is waiting on one part for the generator that is supposed to be here in August. He met with the owner of D&M Electric yesterday and reiterated that he needs two weeks’ notice to be able to shut down the courthouse for them to do all the power change over. So sometime in August or September one Friday, the courthouse will be shutting down. He reminded the board they already voted on that.


Alicia Morgason thanked the board for the appointment. Voyles thanked her as well for accepting. Wilhelm congratulated her on passing her certification on the first try. Alicia stated there were ten people there to take the test.


Voyles asked for a motion to adjourn. K. Graven moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by T. Graven. Via voice vote, the meeting was adjourned at 7:51 p.m.




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