
Macon Reporter

Friday, September 20, 2024

Argenta-Oreana Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met July 8

Webp 25

Erica Armstrong, Administrative Assistant | Argenta-Oreana Community Unit School District 1

Erica Armstrong, Administrative Assistant | Argenta-Oreana Community Unit School District 1

Argenta-Oreana Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met July 8.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Education of Community Unit School District Number 1, Macon and DeWitt Counties, Illinois, (Argenta-Oreana Community Unit School District No. 1) convened on July 8, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the Argenta-Oreana Middle School/High School Library at 500 North Main Street, Argenta, Illinois pursuant to notice of regular meeting having been given in due form of law with Todd Armstrong, President, in the Chair, and with a legal quorum as follows: Susan Daley, Dawn Decker, Dick Logue, Christine Sample, Jeff Schroetlin and Todd Armstrong. Also present: Damian Jones, Superintendent; and Sean German, Principal.

Susan Daley/Dawn Decker, second, made a motion to approve the June 10, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes. The roll vote: The roll vote: Susan Daley-yes; Dawn Decker-yes; Dick Logue-yes; Christine Sample-yes; Jeff Schroetlin-yes; and Todd Armstrong-yes.

Dawn Decker/Susan Daley, second, made a motion to approve payroll and bills. The roll vote: The roll vote: Susan Daley-yes; Dawn Decker-yes; Dick Logue-yes; Christine Sample-yes; Jeff Schroetlin-yes; and Todd Armstrong yes.

Dawn Decker/Christine Sample, second, made a motion to accept the resignation of Amy Gwyn Jones as Elementary School PBIS coach. The roll vote: Susan Daley-yes; Dawn Decker-yes; Dick Logue-yes; Christine Sample yes; Jeff Schroetlin-yes; and Todd Armstrong-yes.

Susan Daley/Dick Logue, second, made a motion to employ the following: Brianna Pearson and Katelyn Maxwell as district teachers on the first day of the 2024-2025 school year, contingent upon completion satisfactory to the Board of predicate legal requirements for employment, including proof of licensure, endorsement, fingerprint-based background check and employment history review; and Kaitlynn Landrus-Horn as High School Varsity Volleyball Coach. The roll vote: Susan Daley-yes; Dawn Decker-yes; Dick Logue-yes; Christine Sample-yes; Jeff Schroetlin-yes; and Todd Armstrong-yes.

Dick Logue/Dawn Decker, second, made a motion to approve a $400,000 Abatement from the Working Cash Fund of the District to the Transportation Fund. The roll vote: Susan Daley-yes; Dawn Decker-yes; Dick Logue-yes; Christine Sample-yes; Jeff Schroetlin-yes; and Todd Armstrong-yes.

Dick Logue/Dawn Decker, second, made a motion to set the Budget Hearing date for September 9, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the Argenta-Oreana Middle School/High School Library at 500 North Main Street, Argenta, Illinois. The roll vote: Susan Daley-yes; Dawn Decker-yes; Dick Logue-yes; Christine Sample-yes; Jeff Schroetlin-yes; and Todd Armstrong yes.

Dawn Decker/Susan Daley, second, made a motion to approve the Student and Extracurricular Handbook changes as presented. The roll vote: Susan Daley-yes; Dawn Decker-yes; Dick Logue-yes; Christine Sample-yes; Jeff Schroetlin yes; and Todd Armstrong-yes.

Dick Logue/Susan Daley, second, made a motion to approve two facility usage requests for the A-O Booster Club as presented. The roll vote: Susan Daley-yes; Dawn Decker-yes; Dick Logue-yes; Christine Sample-yes; Jeff Schroetlin yes; and Todd Armstrong-yes.
