
Macon Reporter

Friday, September 20, 2024

Mt Zion Community Unit School District 3 Board met July 15

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Dr. Travis Roundcount, Superintendent | Mt Zion Community Unit School District 3

Dr. Travis Roundcount, Superintendent | Mt Zion Community Unit School District 3

Mt Zion Community Unit School District 3 Board met July 15.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

President Jeffrey Sams called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

Board members present were: Jeffrey Sams, Nathan Brock, Kent Newton, Kyle Janvrin and Kristi Niles.

Administration present consisted of: Dr. Travis R. Roundcount, Superintendent of Schools; Brian Rhoades, Associate Superintendent; Justin Johnson, Mt. Zion High School Principal; Julie Marquardt, Mt. Zion Jr. High School Principal; Randy Thacker, Mt. Zion Intermediate School Principal; Heather Ethell, McGaughey Principal; and Renea Smith, Special Education Administrator.

The Pledge of Allegiance was cited by those present and led by Jeffrey Sams.

Nathan Brock introduced a motion to approve the Regular and Executive Meeting minutes of June 17, 2024. Seconded: Kristi Niles. Roll Call: Nathan Brock, Kyle Janvrin, Kristi Niles, and Jeffrey Sams, yea. Kent Newton, abstained. Motion carried: 4-0. (See Book of Attachments.)

Nathan Patrick spoke about the voting that will take place for the new scoreboards.

Dr. Travis Roundcount gave a few highlights of upcoming events: Registration for the new school year opens next week, Teachers Institute is coming up in a few weeks and the first day of school which is a half day is August 15th. He also made a note that as the end of the meeting, all teaching positions for the upcoming year are filled.

Kristi Niles presented a motion to approve payment of the enclosed list of Fund Warrants, Quick Pays, and Athletic Imprest. Seconded: Nathan Brock. Roll Call: Kyle Janvrin, Kent Newton, Kristi Niles, Jeffrey Sams, and Nathan Brock, yea. Motion carried 5-0. (See Book of Attachments.)

Kristi Niles introduced a motion that the presented Financial Treasurer’s Report be accepted and filed for audit. Seconded: Kent Newton. Roll Call: Kyle Janvrin, Kent Newton, Kristi Niles, Jeffrey Sams, and Nathan Brock, yea. Motion carried 5-0. (See Book of Attachments.)-

Nathan Brock introduced a motion for the authorization to bid and approval for construction manager and architect for the science lab remodel. Seconded: Kyle Janvrin. Roll Call: Kent Newton, Kristi Niles, Jeffrey Sams, Nathan Brock, and Kyle Janvrin, yea. Motion carried 5-0. (See Book of Attachments.)

Kristi Niles presented a motion for the resolution to accept grant from the Mt. Zion Foundation For Quality Of Education. Seconded: Nathan Brock. Roll Call: Kristi Niles, Jeffrey Sams, Nathan Brock, Kyle Janvrin, and Kent Newton, yea. Motion carried 5-0. (See Book of Attachments.)

Kristi Niles introduced a motion for the resolution to accept donation from Mt. Zion Youth Basketball and other donors. Seconded: Kyle Janvrin. Roll Call: Jeffrey Sams, Nathan Brock, Kyle Janvrin, Kent Newton, and Kristi Niles, yea. Motion carried 5-0. (See Book of Attachments.)

Kristi Niles introduced a motion to go into Executive Session at 6:42 p.m. for the purpose of discussing the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of an employee or office of the public body. Seconded: Kent Newton. Roll Call: Nathan Brock, Kyle Janvrin, Kent Newton, Kristi Niles, and Jeffrey Sams, yea. Motion carried 5-0. (See Book of Attachments.)

Kristi Niles presented a motion to return the meeting to order at 7:27 p.m. Seconded: Nathan Brock. Roll Call: Kyle Janvrin, Kent Newton, Kristi Niles, Jeffrey Sams, and Nathan Brock, yea. Motion carried 5-0. (See Book of Attachments.)

Kyle Janvrin presented a motion to approve the following personnel-related items as outlined below, pending a drug test and background check for new employees. Seconded: Kent Newton. Roll Call: Kyle Janvrin, Kent Newton, Kristi Niles, Jeffrey Sams, and Nathan Brock, Yea. Motion carried 5-0. (See Book of Attachments.)

Jeffrey Sams announced Monday, August 12, 2024, 6:30 p. m. as the next regular meeting of the Board of Education, to be held at the Mt. Zion C.U.S.D. #3 District Office, 1595 W. Main St., Mt. Zion, IL 62549.

Kristi Niles introduced a motion to adjourn the Board of Education Meeting at 7:37 p.m. Seconded: Nathan Brock. Roll Call: Kyle Janvrin, Kent Newton, Kristi Niles, Jeffrey Sams, and Nathan Brock, yea. Motion carried 5-0.
