
Macon Reporter

Friday, September 20, 2024

City of Clinton City Council met July 16

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Taylor Baxter - Clinton City Administrator | LinkedIn

Taylor Baxter - Clinton City Administrator | LinkedIn

City of Clinton City Council met July 16.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Clinton, Illinois in session in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Tuesday, July 16, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. Acting Mayor Thomas Edmunds, presiding. On roll call, Commissioners Buchanan, Wise and Ballenger were present.

Chief Lowers presented before council a plaque and special recognition for Jean Rogers, who has served the Clinton Police Department for 40 years under several roles. An open house for Jean will be held at City Hall July 26th from 2-4 p.m.


Jeff Blood came before council regarding Kiwanis Park. Blood thanked council for his chance to speak during the meeting. Blood had concerns with the planning of the park, he offered his physical labor to help with demolition and replacement. Blood recollected in Junior High they were brought before council to raise money for a skate park, things fell through. Blood believes it would be a great time for revitalization and to bring a skate park to Kiwanis. Commissioner Ballenger stated he has had a lot of people reach out to help, when we get to the point for help, there will be communication to the community. Ballenger told Blood to keep in touch with City Administrator Baxter. Blood again thanked council for the opportunity to speak.

Ed Cicenas, owner of EMC Photography came before council to speak about the state of the sidewalks on the square. Cicenas said he came before the board 2 years ago about this topic. In front of his building the sidewalks area hazard. Two years ago it was marked out and he was told it was going to be fixed and it hasn’t. Cicenas stated he was a the President of the Chamber Board, the downtown is growing and an entry way into the downtown area. A wheelchair cannot get through it, winter time becomes an ice hazard. Commissioner Buchanan said the project is happening, a contract was awarded – the company hasn’t shown up as they were supposed to today.

Written motion was made by Commissioner Ballenger and seconded by Commissioner Wise that the minutes of the regular meeting of July 2, 2024 be approved as submitted. On roll call vote, Commissioners Wise, Ballenger, Buchanan and Acting Mayor Edmunds voted “Yes.”

The bills and payroll were read.

Written motion was made by Commissioner Buchanan and seconded by Commissioner Wise that the bills and payroll be allowed as read and the Clerk be instructed to issue warrants on the Treasurer for the several amounts. On roll call vote, Commissioners Ballenger, Buchanan, Wise and Acting Mayor Edmunds voted “Yes.”




Written motion was made by Commissioner Ballenger and seconded by Commissioner Buchanan to appoint William Monson to the Planning Commission to fill Steve Watkins term to expire May 1, 2025. On roll call vote, Commissioners Buchanan, Wise Ballenger and Acting Mayor Edmunds voted “Yes.”

Jim Arndt from Arnt Municipal Services came before council to present the Strategic Plan. Arndt presented the plan via PowerPoint presentation to include mission and vision statements, organizational values, goals and implementation strategies. Council thanked Arndt for the presentation.


Commissioner Buchanan reported due to the storm last night, brush pick up will may not get completed this week. The pile size is being waved. With he extra projects going on, he asks everyone to be patient and everything will be picked up.


Commissioner Wise welcomed Greg Myroth from Mead and Hunt to give an update and project overview for the water department. Roger Cyrulik had questions for Myroth regarding the project, Myroth answered those questions for clarification.


Commissioner Ballenger reported Kiwanis Park demolition has started as it has not been safe. The City has received plans to replace what is being torn down. The bricks will remain untouched, the plaques were not salvageable.


Commissioner Edmunds had no report.


Written motion was made by Commissioner Ballenger and seconded by Commissioner Buchanan to approve the engineering services agreement for Woodlawn Cemetery Bridge with Cummins Engineering it the amount of $5,798.60. On roll call vote, Commissioners Wise, Ballenger, Buchanan and Acting Mayor Edmunds voted “Yes.”

Written motion made by Commissioner Wise and seconded by Commissioner Buchanan to approve resolution 2024-10 a resolution accepting offers for lots 6,7 21 in Park Lane

West Subdivision. On roll call vote, Commissioners Ballenger, Buchanan, Wise and Acting Mayor Edmunds voted “Yes.”

Written motion mad by Commissioner Wise and seconded by Commissioner Ballenger to approve Ordinance 1602 an ordinance authorizing sale of real property – Park Lane West Addition. On roll call vote, Commissioners Buchanan, Wise, Ballenger and Acting Mayor Edmunds voted “Yes.”


On File – Purchase of Accessory Equipment and Installation by Meado Public Safety Equipment for two (2) 2024 Ford Police Interceptor utility vehicles– not to exceed $24,000.00

On File – Engineering Proposal Water Plant Improvements including Water Tower – Mead & Hunt - $375,000.00

On File – Supplemental Resolution for MFT Funding S. Madison St. Project – Cummins Engineering - $14,937.52

On File - Liberty Lane Resurfacing Bids – UCM $82,344.30 Dunn Company $79,351.70

On File – Ordinance Authorizing Sale of Real Estate -917 W North Street – Kelly Riggs $1,700.00

On File – 801 N Side Square Awning Proposal – Kyle & Melissa Morris 

On File – Kiwanis Park Playground Equipment Proposals

On File - Ordinance creating 13-6 of the Clinton City Code ‘Solar Regulations’ 

On File – Ordinance amending the Title 12 of the Clinton City Code

A written motion was made by Commissioner Wise and seconded by Commissioner Buchanan to hold a closed session for approval of closed session minute and employment of employee. On roll call vote, Commissioner Wise, Ballenger, Buchanan and Acting Mayor Edmunds voted “Yes.”


With no further business to come before the Council, a motion was made by Commissioner Ballenger and seconded by Commissioner Buchanan to adjourn the meeting. On roll call vote, Commissioners Ballenger, Buchanan, Wise and Acting Mayor Edmunds voted “Yes.”
