
Macon Reporter

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Moultrie County Board met Aug. 15

Webp 20

The Moultrie County Republican Central Committee would like to congratulate the great candidates that won election on November 8th, 2022. Every county level elected position is now held by a Republican! | Moultrie County Republicans | Facebook

The Moultrie County Republican Central Committee would like to congratulate the great candidates that won election on November 8th, 2022. Every county level elected position is now held by a Republican! | Moultrie County Republicans | Facebook

Moultrie County Board met Aug. 15.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Moultrie County Board met on Thursday, August 15, 2024, in the County Board Room, Second Floor, Moultrie County Courthouse. Chair Billy Voyles called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.

The opening prayer was given by board member Scott Buxton, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance recited by all in attendance.

Roll Call was taken, with the following members present Billy Voyles, Tyler Graven, John Vander Burgh, Travis Phelps, Scott Buxton, Kenny Graven, and Josh Roe. Absent were Marsha Kirby and Aaron Wilhelm. A quorum was present.

There were 8 people in attendance, seven board members, and County Clerk Qualls.

Mission Statement – Read by Tyler Graven.

Correspondence: None.

Minutes: Voyles asked for a motion to approve the July 11, 2024, county board minutes. Roe moved to approve said minutes. T. Graven seconded the motion. There being no discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.

Guest Speaker: None.

Unfinished Business: Voyles moved to approve the 12-year TIF extension for the Village of Bethany. Roe seconded the motion. Voyles stated the motion is open for discussion; stating he has a motion to table the motion to approve the extension, seconded by T. Graven. Voyles stated there is a meeting August 27, 2024, for the Village of Bethany Alicia Morgason is attending and will get further information. With no further discussion, roll call for tabling the motion was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.

Appointments by Chair:

Voyles moved to appoint board members Aaron Wilhelm and Marsha Kirby to the Tourism Committee with Aaron Wilhelm as chairman. Buxton seconded the motion. Voyles amended the motion to add “for a one-year term”. With no further discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.

Voyles moved to appoint John Fayhee and Will Bates the Tourism Committee. T. Graven seconded the motion. Voyles amended the motion to add “for a one-year term”. There being no further discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.

Voyles moved to appoint Carl Baker as Assistant Moultrie County Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) Director with a starting salary of $5,000.00. The motion was seconded by Phelps. There being no discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.




Meeting: August 12, 2024

Vander Burgh moved to approve the Treasurer’s report for July 2024. Roe seconded the motion. There being no discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.

Vander Burgh moved to approve all claims as presented. The motion was seconded by K. Graven. There being no discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.

Vander Burgh moved to approve the Resolution for the sale of 02-02-27-421-012 by Moultrie County, as Trustee, to Greg Helmuth for $4,900.00 for the disposal of said property through the sealed bid auction process. The motion was seconded by Buxton. There being no discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.

Vander Burgh moved to approve the Resolution for the sale of 02-03-27-425-017M (actual PIN 02-02-27-425-017M (typo on agenda)) by Moultrie County, as Trustee, to Cassie Mann for $1,576.21 for the disposal of said property through the sealed bid process. The motion was seconded by Roe. There being no discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.

Vander Burgh stated we are going through the budget process, budget & finance are hoping to finish that at the September meeting and encourages anyone with questions about the process, to attend the meeting. Vander Burgh stated there will be a budget & finance meeting August 29 to go over various things that goes into the budget they intend to finish up at the September meeting.


Meeting: July 16, 2024, and August 7, 2024

T. Graven moved to accept the bid of Clint Robinson in the annual amount of $76,480.00 for the county farm beginning November 1, 2024, and ending October 31, 2026. The motion was seconded by Buxton.

Voyles addressed Assistant State’s Attorney Elizabeth Dobson regarding the county farm lease to add that estimated property taxes are to be paid no later than October 31, 2026. Discussion was held about an escrow account for holding the funds prepaid. ASA Dobson will look into that. With no further discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.

ROAD AND BRIDGE (Chair: Voyles)

Meeting: August 1, 2024

Voyles stated they did meet, but it was only updates on ongoing projects. No motions this month.


Meeting: August 2, 2024

Phelps moved to approve Special Use Permit request for a manufactured home by Glen Hostetler on PIN 03-03-35-000-321, 1640 CR 2000N, Arthur. The motion was seconded by Roe. There being no discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.

Phelps moved to approve Special Use Permit request for a manufactured home by Julie Kinert on PIN 02-02-28-000-127, 815 Old Springfield Rd., Lovington. The motion was seconded by Buxton. There being no discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.

Phelps moved to adopt the 2018 Building Codes for Moultrie County. The motion was seconded by T. Graven. There being no discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.

Phelps moved to approve the amendment to the Moultrie County Zoning Ordinance 77-1 for Cargo Containers as storage. The motion was seconded by Roe. There being no discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.


Meeting: August 7, 2024

No motions

PERSONNEL (Chair: Kirby)

Voyles stated the committee did not meet but will be meeting Wednesday, August 21, 2024, at 3:30 p.m.


Voyles stated he knows Aaron usually discusses the childcare initiative; since he is sick, he will fill us in next month.


Voyles moved to accept and approve the addition of Joy Voltenburg (D) to the Selection of Election Judge Candidates for 2024 – 2026 as requested by the Democratic Political Party Chair for Selection of Judges of Election and Application for Confirmation by the Circuit Court for 2024 – 2026. The motion was seconded by Roe. There being no discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.





Roe reminded the board that last month they discussed having to get an actuary. Updated on that is that is something that would have to be next year. We will have to budget for it. It sounds like it was something that was a very quick thing that not everyone was ready for when it happened, that is why it was a get it done now thing. And now it isn’t so pressing.


Qualls informed the board they each received at their seat a copy of the UCCI Practical Guide to County Government Law as provided by UCCI. In addition, each board member received the Pipeline Association for Public Awareness Newsletter as received in her office.


Mike Jennings, IEMA Director, stated if anyone wants to dive, contact him. PUBLIC



Voyles asked for a motion to adjourn. Roe moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by K. Graven. Via voice vote, the meeting was adjourned at 7:26 p.m.
