
Macon Reporter

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Village of Warrensburg Village Board met Sept. 16

Webp 1

Warrensburg Village Hall | Facebook

Warrensburg Village Hall | Facebook

Village of Warrensburg Village Board met Sept. 16.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

This Village is an equal opportunity provider and employer

CALL TO ORDER:  Acting Village President Hackl opens the meeting at 5:30 P.M.

PLEDGE: Optional to participate.

 ROLL CALL: Establishment of a quorum.

MAYOR’S COMMENTS:  Discussion of Resolution authorizing the adoption of the

Macon County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan



ENGINEERS: Seth Flach, Milano and Grunloh Engineers, Discussion and possible action: MFT appropriation approval, IEPA loan regarding the filter media and water main replacement

REVIEW/APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  Approval of August 19, 2024 regular session minutes, report from September 3, 2024.

VILLAGE ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK: Discussion and possible action:  Balance sheet,

bills and transfers for September 16, 2024. Upgrade to Locis 8

FINANCE: (P. Hood) Discussion and possible action: Corn Festival committee members thank you/recognition gift/dinner

BUILDING: (B. Netherton) Discussion and possible action:  Macon County government assistance with abandoned homes

POLICE: (D. Fisher) Discussion and possible action:  Nothing

Chief Wheeler: Discussion and possible action:  Monthly Report, purchasing computer mounts and accessory equipment for the new CIRDC computers

SEWER: (L. Hackl) Discussion and possible action: Renewing the contract for our (3) generators, replacing air lines in Lagoon

STREETS: (K. Hood) Discussion and possible action:  Nothing

WATER: (S. Freeman) Discussion and possible action: Nothing

PUBLIC WORKS: (T. Allen) Discussion and possible action: Quote for an electrical run

VILLAGE ATTORNEY: (J. Jankowicz) Discussion and possible action: 121 Coffee Run TIF Agreement


NEXT BOARD MEETING:  Monday, October 7, 2024 @ 5:30 P.M.
