
Macon Reporter

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Maroa Forsyth Community Unit School District 2 Board of Education met Sept. 16

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Susie Conway, School Board Vice President | Maroa Forsyth CUSD 2 Website

Susie Conway, School Board Vice President | Maroa Forsyth CUSD 2 Website

Maroa Forsyth Community Unit School District 2 Board of Education met Sept. 16.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Pledge of Allegiance

2. Call to Order and Roll Call

3. Good News

A. New Staff Introductions

4. Guests and visitors

A. Tina Horve-Educational Foundation and Archives

5. Consent Agenda – Action

A. Approve the minutes of the August 19th, 2024, regular and closed session

B. Approve the financial report

C. Approve the bills as presentedD. Approve the destruction of audio of closed session minutes 18 months or older.

E. Accept the resignation of Rosanne Corey, HS Scholastic Bowl Sponsor

F. Approve the hiring of Bryanna Lugari as GS paraprofessional

G. Approve the hiring of Trey Longstreet as Freshmen Boys’ Basketball Coach

H. Approve Kolade Sessi as volunteer Boys' Basketball Coach

I. Approve the hiring of Jason Sherley as HS night custodian

J. Approve the hiring of Emma Pikula as HS scholastic bowl sponsor

K. Approve the hiring of Alyssa Garner as FFA assistant advisor

L. Approve the hiring of Chris Kerr as GS lunch/recess supervisor

6. New Business

A. Approval of Resolution Authorizing Intervention In Proceedings Beofre the Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board regarding Hickory Point Realty, LLC. PTAB Appeal No.2023-04182-Action

B. Approval of the FY 25 Budget-Action

C. Approve Press Issue 115 per policy: 2:70, 2:125, 4:70, 4.80, 5:130, 5:200, 6:140, 2.70-E, 2.160-E. Action

D. Place on Review Press Issue 116- Informational

E. Decatur Christian School Payment to Maroa-Forsyth CUSD#2-Informational

F. Staff Appreciation and Service Awards November 4th. Informational

G. October 3rd-IASB in Springfield. Informational

H. SRO Agreement-Informational

7. Old Business

A. Principal Board Reports –Information

B. IASB Liaison – Report – Jill Feinstein – Informational

8. Executive Session

A. Legal action against a public body. 5ILCS/120/2(c)(11), student discipline 5 ILCS/120/2(c) (2)

9. Adjourn
