
Macon Reporter

Thursday, September 19, 2024

DeWitt County Board Finance Committee met Sept. 16

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DeWitt County Board meeting | Edgar County Watchdogs

DeWitt County Board meeting | Edgar County Watchdogs

DeWitt County Board Finance Committee met Sept. 16.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Call Meeting to Order

2. Persons Wishing to Address the Committee (If requesting action, also list below in section three)

a. Fritz Robinson

b. Sharon Mills

3. Items for Discussion and Possible Action

a. Approve last month’s minutes

b. Approve claims

c. Fritz Robinson - Additional ARPA funds for Kenney Fire

d. Sharon Mills – FY25 budget request for Mental Health

e. Sharon Mills – request for ARPA funds Narcan cabinets - $2615.00

f. Eagleview aerial imagery project – ARPA Funds

g. County Clerk request for additional ARPA Funds - $89,002.14 – Historical scanning

h. Approve non union wage schedule FY25 – FY27

i. Create part time dispatch position

j. Set part time dispatch position wage - $25/hour

k. Create full time administrative assistant to the County Administrator

l. Set administrative assistant to the County Administrator wage - $20/hour

m. Purchase printer/copier for county clerk’s office - $1508.75

n. Where to budget revenue from the sale of the marina property

o. Interfund loan from 2014 County Highway

p. Interfund loan from 2014 - GIS

4. Items for Discussion Only (No Action Requested)

5. Executive Session

6. Motion to adjourn
