Crowder Park | Village of Bethany
Crowder Park | Village of Bethany
Village of Bethany Board of Trustees met Sept. 26.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The special board meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Pro Tem Trustee Greg McLain. The following Trustees were present; Zakary England, Greg McLain, Raven Allen, and Brian Gill. Trustees Dave Doty and Jeannie Ruppert were absent.
Public – No public in attendance
Approve Pay Request #4 for SNC ($299,910.43) - Trustees have checked out the streets in town. Work has been completed, but not up to our standards that were requested. Even if approved tonight, funds will not be released from RD until our meeting in October. Greg Gustafson shared what he found as he drove around town to look at the progress of work requested of SNC. SNC expects to have their landscaper in next week to work on restoration of job sites. Mr. Gustafson suggested making a list of exactly what work the Board expects SNC to complete before the next meeting. Village Manager Shannon Risley mentioned he has been told by all the contractors that the Village needs to give them a list of complaints before items will get taken care of. On a live system, coordination is on the part of the contractors. Trustees would like Mr. Gustafson, Shannon Risley and Treasurer Jessica Henderson to create a letter stating exactly what is expected of SNC to have completed by the October board meeting. No action will be taken.
Trustee Doty arrived at 7:18 p.m.
New Utility Employee - This will be discussed in Executive Session
A motion was made by Trustee Allen to enter into Executive Session to discuss personnel, seconded by Trustee England. Roll call taken, all ayes, motion carried.
A motion was made by Trustee Allen to enter back into Open Session, seconded by Trustee Doty. Voice vote taken, all ayes, motion carried.
With no other business to discuss a motion to adjourn was made by Trustee Allen and seconded by Trustee Doty. Voice vote taken, all ayes, motion carried. The meeting was adjourned.