
Macon Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Harristown Board of Trustees met Sept. 23

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Les Jenkins, Trustee | Village of Harristown Website

Les Jenkins, Trustee | Village of Harristown Website

Village of Harristown Board of Trustees met Sept. 23.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Trustees of the Village of Harristown held their monthly meeting on September 23,2024 at 185 N. Kembark St., Harristown, IL. Trustees Kevin Vessels, Kurt Terry, Jay Trusner, Jeff Eller, Les Jenkins, Mayor Evelyn Deverell, Financial Clerk Teresa Acree, Budget Officer Rick Laskowski, and Attomey Joshua Dubbelde were in attendance. Clerk Penny Allen and Trustee April Bogan were absent. Mayor Deverell called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Adopt Agenda

Moiion by Trustee Vessels to approve meeting agenda. Trustee Eller 2nd. Approved 5-0.


a) Cathy Patton - letter sent to Board regarding PVC drain pipe issue at her residence at 181 S. V/yckles Rd. Board assistance requested.

b) Wayne Hughes - Cannabis Lounge opposition.

c) Steve Shepherd - Cannabis Lounge opposition; neighbors do not want it, signatures obtained from other residents opposing Cannabis Lounge.

d) Maurice Doyle - Cannabis Lounge opposition.

Approve Minutes

a) August 26,2024 regular meeting minutes. Under Public Works change last sentence from Senator Turn to Senator Turner. Motion by Trustee Yessels to approve meeting minutes with above correction. Trustee Eller 2nd. Approved 5-0.

b) September 12,2A24 special meeting minutes. Change 5rt paragraph lst sentence from "discuss job performance of Village employee" to o'discuss Personnel". MoJion by Trustee Vessels to approye meeting minutes with above correction. Trustee Trusner 2"d. Approved 5-0.

Treasurers Report

a) September 2}24banktotals of all Funds (Scott State Bank and Illinois Funds) was presented. Motion by Trustee Vessels to approve the report, Trustee Trusner 2nd, approved 5-0.

b) A list of invoices >S1,000 requiring Board approval was also presented. The list contained 5 invoices totaling $47,763.79. Motion by Trustee Vessels to approve payment, Trustee Jenkins 2'd. Approved 5-0.

Budget Otficers Report

a) Monthly budget report for August 2024 was reviewed. There are 3 accounts that are over budget for the 2024-25 fiscal year. Motion by Trustee Trusner to approve the Budget report. Trustee Terry 2'd. Motion passed 5-0.


a) Storage of America Drainage Plan and Blueprints. Plan & blueprints received. Engineering review is needed. Mr. Bingham (Engineer used in Park projec| will be asked to review the documents and provide feedback. Motion made by Trustee Trusner to approve Engineer review. Trustee Eller 2nd. Approved 5-0.


a) No Report

Public Works

a) Report in meeting packet included September 2024 activities. Comments made about water leaks, ditch work, and preparation of Twin Lakes storm sewer project.

Old Business

a) None

New Business

a) Received call from business to open a gas station. Billingsley TIF agreement denies new gas station in village for 12 years. Location mentioned was Harristown Blvd and Lincoln Trails; northwest corner is not in village.

Personnel Committee

a) No report

Public Works Commiltee

a) IDOT Compliance Review for2023 MFT - documents received from the state; audit and other data relating to the MFT program.

b) Asset Management Plan for IEPA Loan- required to submit for IEPA Loan for the service line upgrade project. 2A23 audit information has been provided. Motion made by Trustee Vessels to approve plan. Trustee Jenkins 2nd. Approved 5-0.

c) Building Maintenance - Public Works meeting needs to be held to include Cleaning Gutters / Gutter Guards and pest control for the Office / Community Center. No action to be taken till after committee meeting.

d) Complaint - 181 S. Wyckles Rd. Cathy Patton. Prior Public Works Superintendent, Mike Holeman, performed work at the residence in20l9 which was not authorized by the village Board. The village received a letter &om Cathy Patton describing the problem and events that occurred in the past. Current Superintendent Closs needs to asses the work to be done to fix the problem. This issue will be added to the agenda of the Public Works meeting.

e) Surveys for Grant - 4l% of surveys have been returned; 75Yo needed. Sewer rates need to be adjusted; add to Public Works meeting agenda.

Finance Committee

a) Primary School Request * Sangamon Valley student roller skating activity donation. Cost is $12 x 115 students - $1,380.00. Motion by Trustee Vessels to approve $1,380 donation. Trustee Trusner 2nd. Approved 5-0.

b) OLAF Donation - provides Christmas gifts / baskets. $500 suggested. More specific details are needed. Table issue till more information is available.

c) Yearbook Ad for Sangamon Valley Schools - cost is $55 to print an Ad. Motion by Trustee Trusner to approve $55 donation. Trustee Vessels 2'd. Approved 5-0.

d) Braniff Quote for Siren Maintenanee - Quotation of $3,030.00 received from Braniff. Motion from Trustee Trusner to approve $3,030.00 quote. Trustee Eller 2nd. Approved 5-0.

Ordinance Committee

a) Cannabis Ordinance / Referendum - Revised ordinance received from Attorney. Current ordinance contemplates Lounge; residents do not want Lounge. Revised ordinance removes Designation Consumption Area (DCA). Motion by Trustee Trusner to approve revised ordinance not allowing a DCA. Trustee Vessels 2"d. Roll Call - Each Trustee voted "Yes." Approved 5-0. Ordinance number ts2024- 11. Referendum is a public question for voting residents. Specific forms and resident signatures are needed. Signafures from Steve Sheperd (see Visitors section) will be reviewed.

Business - Economic & Community Development

a) Parks TIF agreement and Resolution - formal paperwork is needed. Motion by Trustee Jenkins to use $40,000 out of TIF firnds. Trustee Eller 2nd. Roll Call - Each Trustee voted "Yes." Approved 5-0.

b) Trunk or Treat - should this be held at Village Hall or Wyckles corner. Wyckles oomer was selected as the site. Donation will be made to Parks to fund the activity.

c) Village Signs - Quotes received from Bendsen ($26,272.00) and New Era Signs ($28,793.50). Motion by Trustee Vessels to accept Bendsen proposal. Trustee Jenkins 2od. Approved 4-l: Trustee Trusner voted "No".

d) Salvation Army Bell Ringing - Email from Kyle Karsten included in the meeting packet. Need to talk to Wyckles corner businesses for input to support the2024 program. No actions taken.

Motion by Trustee Eller to adjourn, Trustee Trusner 2'd. Motion passed 5-0

Meeting adjourned at 7 :52 PM




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