
Macon Reporter

Friday, February 21, 2025

City of Macon City Council met Oct. 14

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Welcome to Macon sign | City of Macon

Welcome to Macon sign | City of Macon

City of Macon City Council met Oct. 14.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Frank Dunmire called the Macon City Council meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Present were Attorney Scott Garwood, Treasurer Kimberly Reynolds, Clerk Kim Miller, Council Members Caleb Beasley, Brandon Windell, Monte Holsapple, Rocky Markham, Also present were Cody Holsapple, Pam Windell, Tami Long, Kim Cook, Lewis Cook, Lucille Shasteen, Lori Nixon, Eric Nixon, Denna Williams, Gary Cutler, Debbie Herbert, Anna Jesse, Danny Livingood, Linda Wiles, Sue Cole, Jan Berry, Bryton Sims, Mary Adams, Glenda Steiling, Daniel Noland, Joe Koehler, Nelda Strahle, Stan Boulware, and Tristan Easley.

The minutes from the Sept 9th meeting were reviewed and approved as presented. Deputy Evenson is attending Military training. There were no police reports available.

Several citizens voiced their concerns over the partial closing of Glenn Street. One citizen was here to voice her concerns over properties with accumulated debris. Another citizen was present and asking for improvements in the parks and repair or replacement of damaged playground equipment. One citizen complimented the improvements that have been made to the parks. Mayor Dunmire thanked everyone for their comments.

Alderman Long reported that work on dugouts has been started on the ball fields and fencing will be installed within the next couple weeks.

Alderman Long made a motion, seconded by Alderman Windell to partially close Glenn Street from of Towson Street to East side of the library parking lot. Motion Carried unanimously.

Charlie was not able to attend the meeting, Mayor Dunmire presented the water report. Well 6 has been installed and back online.

Alderman Beasley is working on two building permits.

Mayor Dunmire informed the council that the Crow Barn wishes to relocate from Decatur to Macon where the 51 Bistro was located. They will have breakfast, lunch and dinner. They will have live entertainment and a banquet hall. They hope to be open by November 1, 2024. Residents are very excited about this new business in Macon. They are requesting a business district grant for $49,000 for building renovation.

Mayor Dunmire informed everyone present that the new electronic sign at the north end of Macon has been installed.

Attorney Garwood presented Resolution No. 2024-07. This Resolution authorizes the use of Business District special allocation funds for a redevelopment project occurring at 677 N. Wall Street (The Crow Barn).

A motion was made by Alderman Long, seconded by Alderman Holsapple to approve Resolution No. 2024-07. Motion carried.

Attorney Garwood informed the council that due to conflict of interest he will not be able to represent the city with the water system project. He would like the council to authorize Mayor Dunmire to obtain legal counsel if necessary. A motion was made by Alderman Long, seconded by Alderman Windell to authorize the mayor to obtain legal counsel if necessary. Motion carried.

Treasurer Reynolds presented the treasurer’s report. Motion was made by Alderman Beasley, seconded by Alderman Windell to approve the treasurer’s report as presented. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Alderman Windell, seconded by Alderman Holsapple to pay the bills as presented. Motion carried.

Mayor Dunmire asked Pam about dates for Santa lunch and distributing food baskets. Pam informed everyone Lunch with Santa will be December 7th and food baskets will be distributed December 14th. Pam also wanted the council to know that the Christmas tree lighting was so successful last year that it will be repeated this year on November 30th.

A motion was made by Alderman Holsapple, seconded by Alderman Beasley to adjourn. Motion Carried.

The City Council adjourned at 6:40 p.m.
