Lovington Library | Village of Lovington
Lovington Library | Village of Lovington
Village of Lovington Board of Trustees met Oct. 24.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Special Board Meeting
Call to order: President Dennis Garmon called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance: President Garmon led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call found the following trustees to be present: Brittany Bates, April Daily and Keith Stanberry. President Dennis Garmon and Clerk Alma Fair were also present. Absent: Mike Young, Todd Hale, Andrea Wardrip
Guests: None
New Business:
Discussion and Action on Contract Addendum with Waste Management
A Motion was made by Daily and seconded by Bates to approve the Contract Addendum with Waste Management.
YEA: Bates, Stanberry, Daily
No: None
Absent: Hale, Young, Wardrip
Young arrived at 6:13 pm.
Discussion and Action on Ordinance 2024-09 Municipal Utility Services Billing and Collection
A Motion was made by Daily and seconded by Young to approve Ordinance 2024-09 Municipal Utility Services Billing and Collection
YEA: Bates, Stanberry, Daily, Young
No: None
Absent: Hale, Wardrip
Discussion and Action on Ordinance 2024-10 Intergovernmental Agreement on Equipment with Atwood.
This ordinance needs to have some words corrected before passing. Daily will get it back to the attorney for corrections.
A Motion was made by Young to adjourn at 6:18 p.m.
YEA: all agreed
No: None