Lovington Library | Village of Lovington
Lovington Library | Village of Lovington
Village of Lovington Board of Trustees met Nov. 26.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Trustee Daily stated that we need a Pro Tem President to chair the meeting. A Motion was made Bates and seconded by Hale to recommend Brittany Bates to act as President Pro Tem.
YEA: Young, Hale, Wardrip
No: Stanberry, Daily
Call to order: Pro Tem Brittany Bates called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance: Pro Tem Bates led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call found the following trustees to be present: Mike Young, Todd Hale, Andrea Wardrip, April Daily and Keith Stanberry. Pro Tem President Bates and Clerk Alma Fair were also present.
Guests: David Bowers, Dennis Garmon, Jeremy Doggett and Sharon Barricklow 1. David Bowers wished to speak - He read the agenda and wants to know what is going on. Clerk Fair explained what and why we are having this meeting.
2. Dennis Garmon wished to speak but had nothing to say at the present. 3. Jeremy Doggett & Sharon Barricklow didn’t wish to speak.
Old Business:
1. Discussion and Action on approving the replacement for Acting President after the resignation of Dennis Garmon
Clerk reminding all that Garmon at the 11-18-24 special meeting recommended Brittany Bates to take over his role as president until the election.
A Motion was made by Hale and seconded by Wardrip to accept Garmon’s recommendation of Brittany Bates to replace him as Acting President.
Discussion – Daily had several comments to make regarding an email that was sent out to everyone from Bates from her personal email account to everyone’s village email except hers, it was sent to a Gmail address that didn’t belong to her. Bates responded it was an accident. Daily also questioned Bates’ qualifications for the job, calling into questions regarding her cosmetology license. Several of the board members had words with Daily. After some discussion, the following votes occurred:
YEA: Hale, Young, Wardrip
No: Daily & Stanberry
New Business:
Discussion and Action if needed for the review of Roberts Rules of Order which are to be followed.
The new Illinois Municipal Handbook needs to be updated to the new ones. Clerk Fair will get them ordered. Also needed, one new edition of Roberts rules of order.
Discussion and Action on reviewing November 12th & November 18th special minutes for any corrections.
Clerk Fair read how she would like for the motion after coming out of closed session on the November 12th meeting to read. It was okay with all present. The November 18th special meeting was corrected at the above motion.
A Motion was made by Young and seconded by Hale to adjourn at 6:35 p.m. YEA: all agreed
No: None