Tracy Weaver, Moultrie County State's Attorney | Moultrie County Republicans | Facebook
Tracy Weaver, Moultrie County State's Attorney | Moultrie County Republicans | Facebook
Moultrie County Board met Dec. 2.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The Moultrie County Board met on Monday, December 2, 2024, in the County Board Room, Second Floor, Moultrie County Courthouse for the purpose of reorganizing the board and committees. County Clerk, Linda Qualls called the meeting to order at 9:08 a.m.
The opening prayer was given by board member Aaron Wilhelm, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance recited by all in attendance.
Roll Call was taken, with the following members present Tyler Graven, Travis Phelps, Aaron Wilhelm, Kenny Graven, and Josh Roe, Scott Buxton, Lisa Florey, Arlon Long, and Ralph Zancha.
There were 5 people in attendance, plus nine board members, and County Clerk Qualls.
Mission Statement – Recited by all members of the board in unison.
Qualls informed the incoming members of the board about their mailboxes located in the Planning & Zoning Office; listed documents provided to each member and invited each member to stop into each office to see what each office does.
Qualls opened the floor for nominations for County Board Chair. Roe nominated Travis Phelps to serve as County Board Chair. The motion was seconded by Long. Qualls asked if there were any further nominations for chair. With no further nominations, roll call vote was taken; the motion was carried 7 yes, 0 no, and 1 abstention by Phelps.
Qualls turned the meeting over to the new Chair, Travis Phelps.
Phelps requested nominations for Vice-Chair for the term of 2024 – 2026. Roe nominated Tyler Graven for Vice-Chair. The motion was seconded by Wilhelm. There being no further nominations or discussions, Phelps restated the motion to nominate Tyler Graven for Moultrie County Board Vice-Chair to serve term December 2024 – November 2026, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no, and 1 abstention by T. Graven.
Phelps read the list of committees he had already set as follows:
Phelps then read the list of committees and definitions. Phelps asked for a motion to approve the Committee Definitions and Responsibilities. Roe moved to approve the Committee Definitions and Responsibilities. The motion was seconded by T. Graven. There being no discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 8 yes, 0 no.
Roe moved to approve the calendar setting dates, times, and locations for Committee meeting and Board meetings (2025). The motion was seconded by T. Graven. There being no discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 8 yes, 0 no.
T. Graven moved to approve following the Board’s Rules of Procedures and Robert’s Rules of Order. The motion was seconded by K. Graven. There being no discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 8 yes, 0 no.
Phelps stated the Open Meetings Act is mandatory for all board members who have not previously taken the same. For those that will take the training and for those who have previously taken the training, please bring to the County Clerk’s office a copy of their certificate showing completion.
Phelps asked for a motion to adjourn. Roe so moved with T. Graven seconding the motion. Via voice vote, the meeting was adjourned at 9:27 a.m.