Damian Jones, Superintendent | Argenta-Oreana Community Unit School District 1
Damian Jones, Superintendent | Argenta-Oreana Community Unit School District 1
Argenta-Oreana Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met Dec. 9.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The Board of Education of Community Unit School District Number 1, Macon and DeWitt Counties, Illinois, (Argenta-Oreana Community Unit School District No. 1) convened on December 9, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the Argenta Oreana Middle School/High School Library at 500 North Main Street, Argenta, Illinois pursuant to notice of regular meeting having been given in due form of law with Todd Armstrong, President, in the Chair, and with a legal quorum as follows: Susan Daley, Dawn Decker, Dick Logue, Cory White and Todd Armstrong. Also present: Damian Jones, Superintendent; Sean German, Principal; Jackie Rose, Principal and Tucker Mathieson, Assistant Principal.
A Property Tax Levy Hearing began at 6:10 p.m.
The Property Tax Levy Hearing adjourned at 6:15 p.m.
Cory White/Dawn Decker, second, made a motion at 6:16 p.m. to enter closed session pursuant to the Open Meetings ACT – 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) & (c)(2) which permits a closed session to consider the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, and/or dismissal of specific certified and/or non-certified employee(s) of the public body and collective negotiating matters. The roll vote: Susan Daley-yes; Dawn Decker-yes; Dick Logue-yes; Cory White yes; and Todd Armstrong-yes.
Dawn Decker/Cory White, second, made a motion at 6:37 p.m. to reconvene the regular meeting. The roll vote: Susan Daley-yes; Dawn Decker-yes; Dick Logue-yes; Cory White-yes; and Todd Armstrong-yes.
Susan Daley/Dick Logue, second, made a motion to approve the November 11, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Minutes. The roll vote: Susan Daley-yes; Dawn Decker-yes; Dick Logue-yes; Cory White-yes; and Todd Armstrong-yes.
Cory White/Dawn Decker, second, made a motion to approve payroll and bills. The roll vote: Susan Daley-yes; Dawn Decker-yes; Dick Logue-yes; Cory White-yes; and Todd Armstrong-yes.
Dawn Decker/Susan Daley, second, made a motion to accept the resignation of Jennifer Hupp as Co-PreK Parent Coordinator. The roll vote: Susan Daley-yes; Dawn Decker-yes; Dick Logue-yes; Cory White-yes; and Todd Armstrong yes.
Dawn Decker/Cory White, second, made a motion to employ the following: Patricia Swafford as bus driver and Stacy Wright as 3-hour lunchroom/playground supervisor, contingent upon completion satisfactory to the Board of predicate legal requirements for employment, including fingerprint-based background check and employment history review; Clay Haurberg as assistant High School softball coach; and Ryan Gifford as Middle School assistant boys basketball coach. The roll vote: Susan Daley-yes; Dawn Decker-yes; Dick Logue-yes; Cory White-yes; and Todd Armstrong-yes.
Dawn Decker/Todd Armstrong, second, made a motion to approve a resolution to abate a portion of the tax heretofore levied for the year 2024 to pay debt service on General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2017A, of Community Unit School District Number 1, Macon and DeWitt Counties, Illinois. The roll vote: Susan Daley-yes; Dawn Decker-yes; Dick Logue-yes; Cory White-yes; and Todd Armstrong-yes.
Dick Logue/Dawn Decker, second, made a motion to adopt the final tax levy as presented. The roll vote: Susan Daley-yes; Dawn Decker-yes; Dick Logue-yes; Cory White-yes; and Todd Armstrong-yes.
Dawn Decker/Susan Daley, second, made a motion to keep closed session minutes confidential. The roll vote: Susan Daley-yes; Dawn Decker-yes; Dick Logue-yes; Cory White-yes; and Todd Armstrong-yes.
Cory White/Todd Armstrong, second, made a motion to adopt the board policies and revisions (agenda Exhibit A) as presented. The roll vote: Susan Daley-yes; Dawn Decker-yes; Dick Logue-yes; Cory White-yes; and Todd Armstrong yes.
Dawn Decker/Todd Armstrong, second, made a motion to approve the facility usage request for the Class of 2026 Post Prom Vendor Fair, contingent upon fulfilling policy requirements, including proof of insurance. The roll vote: Susan Daley-yes; Dawn Decker-yes; Dick Logue-yes; Cory White-yes; and Todd Armstrong-yes.
Susan Daley/Dawn Decker, second, made a motion at 6:41 p.m. to adjourn. The roll vote: Susan Daley-yes; Dawn Decker-yes; Dick Logue-yes; Cory White-yes; and Todd Armstrong-yes.