
Macon Reporter

Friday, February 21, 2025

Decatur Public School District 61 Board of Education met Jan. 14

Webp 8

Alana Banks, Board Member | Decatur Public Schools

Alana Banks, Board Member | Decatur Public Schools

Decatur Public School District 61 Board of Education met Jan. 14.,

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Call for Closed Executive Session

President Clevenger called the meeting to order and moved into Closed Executive Session to conduct employee discipline hearings, discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body, the purchase or lease of real property for use of the public body, security procedures, school building safety and security, and the use of personnel and equipment to respond to an actual, a threatened, or a reasonably potential danger to the safety of employees, students, staff, the public, or public property and collective negotiating matters between the Board and representatives of its employees, seconded by Mr. Reynolds.

President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Dion, Wetzel, Reynolds, Clevenger

Nay: None

Absent: Banks, Collins and Scheider (arrived 5:30 PM)

Roll Call Vote: 4 Aye, 0 Nay, 3 Absent 

Returned to Open Session 

President Clevenger asked for a motion to return to Open Session. Mr. Reynolds moved, seconded by Vice President Dion. All were in favor.

Open Session Continued

President Clevenger noted that the Board of Education had been in Closed Executive Session to conduct employee discipline hearings, discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body, the purchase or lease of real property for use of the public body, security procedures, school building safety and security, and the use of personnel and equipment to respond to an actual, a threatened, or a reasonably potential danger to the safety of employees, students, staff, the public, or public property and collective negotiating matters between the Board and representatives of its employees. No action was taken during Closed Executive Session.

Pledge of Allegiance

President Clevenger led the Pledge of Allegiance. 

President Clevenger noted that in Superintendent Clark’s absence, Dr. Larry Gray, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning, was in charge of the District until she returns.

Approval of Agenda, January 14, 2025 

Assistant Superintendent Gray recommended the Board of Education approve the January 14, 2025 Open Session Board Meeting Agenda as presented. 

Mr. Wetzel moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Vice President Dion. All were in favor

District Highlight 

Kathryn Rogers, Assistant Principal at Baum, and Jim Dawson, Art Teacher, presented and shared information regarding their athletics, arts, parent events and community involvement (enclosed with packet). 

Public Participation

President Clevenger noted that during Public Participation, the Board of Education asked for the following:

• Identify oneself and be brief.

• Comments should be limited to 3 minutes.

• Any public comments submitted to the Board Secretary will be included in the record.

For our listening audience, please note that during any Board of Education meeting and public participation, Board Members do NOT respond and/or comment to public comments; all comments are referred to administration. Furthermore, the Board refrains from referring to specific students or staff members by name, and requests that public commenters refrain from doing so as well. The request that you omit names was made to protect you from allegations of libel or slander or from violations of the Illinois School Student Records Act. It was not intended to shield an employee from criticism.

There were no public comments.

Board Discussion

No report from the Junior Board Members. 

Mr. Scheider asked about his request for an updated Organizational Chart; he stated he had not received it. 

Mr. Scheider felt that reading and math were high priorities in the District. The other Board Members agreed. He asked the Board Members to support the return of strong academic courses during summer school, especially for the elementary. He felt the funds were there to support this initiative and the District needs to provide more instruction during summer school for students. 

He noted that the District could not wait on the implementation of the new Strategic Plan and that the Board Members need to let administration know that the District could fully fund these efforts. 

Mr. Reynolds asked about attendance during summer school last year. Assistant Superintendent Gray replied that last year a lot of students did not attend and a lot of teachers did not want to teach summer school. There were more students who attended summer enrichment and participated in a lot of camps. During summer school, the students were involved with instruction and during summer camps, the students were involved in different enrichment activities. 

Mr. Scheider noted that in other Districts, the parents were told that if the students were not involved in summer school (instruction), there would be no promotions. Mr. Scheider noted that if it takes more money, the District should offer high incentives to teachers to teach summer school. The majority of summer school should be focused on academics. 

President Clevenger agreed with the reading and math issues and asked administration for some recommendations. Summer school needs to be reviewed other than by the traditional classroom settings. There needs to be creative ways to bring students back to the classroom. 

Vice President Dion compared demand and supply with summer school and suggested possible partnerships to help with the funding. How do we get students into the classroom? 

Mr. Wetzel noted to Mr. Scheider that an updated Organizational Chart was previously sent to the Board Members. 

There will be more information forthcoming regarding summer school.

Reports from Admins Annual Report from Robertson Charter

Niki Fenderson, Principal of Robertson Charter, presented and shared information regarding Robertson Charter School (enclosed with packet), which included their school renovations, attendance, academics, athletics, student safety and community events. They have also implemented a staff Implicit Bias Training and a program called Royal Kings and Queens SEL for K-8 students that focused on the following: 

• Self-awareness 

• Self-management of behavior

• Social Awareness 

• Relationship skills

Ellsworth Dansby Jr. Magnet School Update

Dr. Mike Curry, Chief Operational Officer, presented and shared information and updates on the new Ellsworth Dansby Jr. Magnet School (enclosed with packet). Floyd Bolt, Supervisor at B&Gs, noted that they were about 50% through the punch list. We are on track for completion and the start of school in August 2025

Solar Panel Proposal

Becky Thompson and Aaron Raftery, Representatives from Nania Efficiency & Solar Group, presented and shared information regarding the process and RFPs (Request for Proposals) for solar panels. The RFPs went live in September and closed on October 22, 2024; they received seven (7). This was not a low-bid selection process, but based on the following: 

• The candidate’s qualifications. 

• Their experience with similar projects. 

• There demonstration of the technical needs of the project. 

The top three were brought in along with administration for interviews and StraightUp Solar was the top choice and also the lowest offer. 

Shannon Fulton and Jason Hawksworth (Hawk-Attollo LLC), StraightUp Solar, presented and shared information regarding their offer and the organization (enclosed with packet). There would be a different cost savings every five-years; each school would be reviewed individually. 

The schools that could possibly receive the solar panel systems are: 

• Eisenhower High School

 • Franklin Gove Elementary School 

• Muffley Elementary School 

• Hope Academy 

• Ellsworth Dansby Jr. Magnet School 

• Stephen Decatur Middle School 

If Board approved, the smaller systems would be installed first. 

The Board of Education discussed the presentation with company. 

A recommendation from administration will be forthcoming at a future Board of Education meeting.

First Read: Policies from Press Issue 116 and Exhibits from Press Issue 115

Dr. Mike Curry, Chief Operational Officer, presented and shared a first read on School Board Policies from Press Issue 116 and Exhibits from Press Issue 115 (enclosed with packet). 

Mr. Reynolds asked about the strikethrough in Policy 2:260, which read as follows: 

If the Complainant is a student under 18 years of age, the Complaint Manager will notify his or her parents/guardians that they may attend any investigatory meetings in which their child is involved. 

Mr. Reynolds asked if this was removed from the policy, would parents be excluded if something was going on with their child.

Attorney Feeney noted that he would like to review the entire policy (2:260) before he shared his opinion on its meaning.

Mr. Reynolds noted on record that this was a concern if removed.

Administration and Attorney Feeney will get back with the Board of Education after further review.

Consent Items

Assistant Superintendent Gray recommended the Board of Education approve the Consent Items as presented, which included:

A. Minutes: Open/Closed Meetings December 10, 2024

B. Freedom of Information Report

C. Bills

Mr. Wetzel moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Mr. Reynolds. Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Clevenger, Reynolds, Dion, Scheider, Wetzel

Nay: None

Absent: Banks and Collins

Roll Call Vote: 5 Aye, 0 Nay, 2 Absent 

Consideration and Action on Possible Suspension without Pay and/or Termination of a Teamster Employee 

Assistant Superintendent Gray recommended the Board of Education approve the

Termination of Derek Brown, Teamster Employee, effective Wednesday, January 15, 2025 as presented.

Vice President Dion moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Mr. Reynolds.

Mr. Scheider noted that he was not able to attend the hearings for Roll Call Items A., B., and C., due to a work obligation and that he will vote present on each.

Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Reynolds, Wetzel, Clevenger, Dion

Nay: None

Present: Scheider

Absent: Banks and Collins

Roll Call Vote: 4 Aye, 0 Nay, 1, Present, 2 Absent

Consideration and Action on the Possible Suspension without Pay for a Custodian

Assistant Superintendent Gray recommended the Board of Education approve the One-day Suspension without Pay for Tamara Garner, Custodial Employee, effective Wednesday, January 15, 2025 as presented. 

Vice President Dion moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Mr. Reynolds. Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Reynolds, Wetzel, Dion, Clevenger

Nay: None

Present: Scheider

Absent: Banks and Collins

Roll Call Vote: 4 Aye, 0 Nay, 1, Present, 2 Absent 

Consideration and Action on the Possible Suspension without Pay for a Custodian Assistant Superintendent Gray recommended the Board of Education approve the Fifteen-days Suspension without Pay for Chris Bradford, Custodial Employee, effective Wednesday, January 15, 2025 through Wednesday, February 05, 2025 as presented.

Vice President Dion moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Mr. Reynolds. Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Wetzel, Clevenger, Dion, Reynolds

Nay: None

Present: Scheider

Absent: Banks and Collins

Roll Call Vote: 4 Aye, 0 Nay, 1, Present, 2 Absent

Personnel Action Items 

Assistant Superintendent Gray recommended the Board of Education approve the Personnel Action Items listed in the Memo from Monica Wilks, Director of Human Resources, and the Human Resources Department as presented. 

Mr. Scheider moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Vice President Dion. Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Dion, Scheider, Reynolds, Wetzel, Clevenger

Nay: None

Absent: Banks and Collins

Roll Call Vote: 5 Aye, 0 Nay, 2 Absent 

Employment of an Assistant Principal at Dennis Lab School 

Assistant Superintendent Gray recommended the Board of Education approve Allison Brinkoetter as an Assistant Principal at Dennis Lab School as presented.

Vice President Dion moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Mr. Reynolds. Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Reynolds, Wetzel, Clevenger, Dion, Scheider

Nay: None

Absent: Banks and Collins

Roll Call Vote: 5 Aye, 0 Nay, 2 Absent 

Employment of an Assistant Principal at MacArthur High School 

Assistant Superintendent Gray recommended the Board of Education approve Denisha Patrick as an Assistant Principal at MacArthur High School as presented. 

Vice President Dion moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Mr. Reynolds. Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote: 

Aye: Clevenger, Dion, Reynolds, Wetzel, Scheider

Nay: None

Absent: Banks and Collins

Roll Call Vote: 5 Aye, 0 Nay, 2 Absent 

Addendum to Employment Contract for an Interim Director of Buildings & Grounds 

Assistant Superintendent Gray recommended the Board of Education approve the Addendum to the Employment Contract for Floyd Bolt as an Interim Director of Buildings and Grounds as presented.

Vice President Dion moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Mr. Reynolds. Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Scheider, Reynolds, Wetzel, Clevenger, Dion

Nay: None

Absent: Banks and Collins

Roll Call Vote: 5 Aye, 0 Nay, 2 Absent

MPSED Admins and Admin Support Salary Schedules for 2025-2026 

Assistant Superintendent Gray recommended the Board of Education approve the Macon-Piatt Special Education Administrator and Administrative Support Salary Schedules for 2025-2026 as presented. Please note: The Macon-Piatt Special Education District Executive Board approved the salary schedule during their December 19, 2024 Board meeting. 

Vice President Dion moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Mr. Scheider. Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote: Aye: Clevenger, Reynolds, Dion, Scheider, Wetzel

Nay: None

Absent: Banks and Collins

Roll Call Vote: 5 Aye, 0 Nay, 2 Absent 

Everyday Labs Service Agreement

Assistant Superintendent Gray recommended the Board of Education approve the Everyday Labs Service Agreement as presented.

Vice President Dion moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Mr. Wetzel. Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Reynolds, Wetzel, Scheider, Clevenger, Dion

Nay: None

Absent: Banks and Collins

Roll Call Vote: 5 Aye, 0 Nay, 2 Absent 

Resolution Abating Taxes Levied for 2024 to Pay Debt Service on the Taxable General Obligation School Bonds Series 2011B

Assistant Superintendent Gray recommended the Board of Education adopt the Resolution abating the taxes heretofore levied for the year 2024 to pay debt service on the District’s Taxable General Obligation School Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2011B (Qualified Zone Academy Bonds) as presented.

Mr. Scheider moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Mr. Wetzel. Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote: 

Aye: Wetzel, Scheider, Dion, Reynolds, Clevenger

Nay: None

Absent: Banks and Collins

Roll Call Vote: 5 Aye, 0 Nay, 2 Absent 

Resolution Abating Taxes Levied for 2024 to Pay Debt Service on the General Obligation Refunding School Bonds Series 2020C 

Assistant Superintendent Gray recommended the Board of Education adopt the Resolution abating the taxes heretofore levied for the year 2024 to pay debt service on the District’s General Obligation Refunding School Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2020C as presented.

Vice President Dion moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Mr. Wetzel. Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Dion, Reynolds, Clevenger, Scheider, Wetzel

Nay: None

Absent: Banks and Collins

Roll Call Vote: 5 Aye, 0 Nay, 2 Absent 

3-Year Security Camera Licensing Renewal 

Assistant Superintendent Gray recommended the Board of Education approve the Three-Year Security Camera Licensing Renewal as presented.

Mr. Scheider moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Vice President Dion. Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Clevenger, Dion, Reynolds, Wetzel, Scheider

Nay: None

Absent: Banks and Collins

Roll Call Vote: 5 Aye, 0 Nay, 2 Absent 


The Board of Education and Administration sends condolences to the families of: 

Alma Eileene Shuck, who passed away Tuesday, December 17, 2024. Mrs. Shuck was the mother of Denise Kelly, Cross-Cat Teacher at Franklin Grove Elementary School and Linda Renea Smith, former Special Education Administrator for MaconPiatt Special Education District. 

John Phillips Schultz, who passed away Friday, December 20, 2024. Mr. Schultz was a retired Administrator from Decatur Public Schools.


January 15 District-wide Half Day of School for ALL Students

– Please call your home school for details, if needed

 20 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday

– NO SCHOOL and District Offices are Closed

 30 Roadmap 2030 Community Input/Engagement Session 1 of 2

– MacArthur High School Auditorium, 6:30 PM

– More information www.dps61.org/roadmap2030 

31 DEADLINE to apply to a DPS Magnet School for the 2025-2026

 School Year

– More information www.dps61.org/magnet

February 07 Interim Progress Reports


The public portion of the next regular meeting of the Board of Education will be at 6:30 PM, Tuesday, January 28, 2025 at the Keil Administration Building.


President Clevenger asked for a motion to adjourn. Mr. Reynolds moved, seconded by Mr. Wetzel. All were in favor. 
