Tracy Weaver, Moultrie County State's Attorney | Moultrie County Republicans | Facebook
Tracy Weaver, Moultrie County State's Attorney | Moultrie County Republicans | Facebook
Moultrie County Board met Feb. 13.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
2. Opening Prayer by Scott Buxton
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Roll Call
5. Mission Statement: AARON WILHELM
6. Correspondence
7. Approval of the January 16, 2024, County Board Minutes
8. Guest Speakers: John Althoff, Operations Manager of CEFS Central Illinois Public Transit.
a. Motion to approve an Ordinance to Provide for Public Transportation and Intergovernmental Agreement for fiscal year 2026, beginning July 1, 2025, and ending on June 30, 2026.
9. Unfinished Business:
10.Appointments by Chair:
a. Motion to appoint Paul Roney as Chair of the Zoning Board of Appeals, term to end May 1, 2025.
b. Motion to appoint Larry Herschberger to the Mast Drainage District No. 1 of Lowe and Jonathan Creek Townships. The term to take effect upon the filing of his Oath of Drainage Commissioner and Commissioner’s Bond in the amount of $500.00 in the Office of the Moultrie County Circuit Clerk and expires the first Tuesday in September 2027 or until his successor is appointed and qualified.
1. Budget and Finance Chair: Josh Roe
Meeting: February 10, 2025
a. Motion to approve Treasurer’s reports for January 2025.
b. Motion to approve all claims as presented.
c. Motion to approve Resolution on 08-08-99-996-221M, to surrender the tax certificate for the full payment of taxes due of $1,565.69.
2. Building and Property
Chair: Tyler Graven
Meeting: February 5, 2025
No motions.
3. Road and Bridge
Chair: Scott Buxton
Meeting: February 6, 2025
a. Motion to approve the Resolution for Joe Pound Road 20-02116-00-PV.
4. Planning and Zoning
Chair: Kenny Graven
Meeting: February 7, 2025
a. Motion to approve Special Use Permit request for a manufactured home by Paul Herschberger on PIN 03-03-23-000-105, 2287 CR 1600E, Arthur, IL.
5. Public Health, Safety & Welfare
Chair: Travis Phelps
Meeting: No meeting.
No motions.
6. Personnel Chair: Aaron Wilhelm
Meeting: No meeting.
No motions.
1. None
A. Motion to approve an Ordinance Reducing the Number of Election Judges to Three for the Consolidated Election [to be held April 1, 2025].
B. Childcare Initiative update by Aaron Wilhelm
13.Executive Session 5 ILCS 120/2
14.Comments: County Board; Elected Officials; Department Heads
15.Public Comments:
(Public comments are welcomed and encouraged but individual comments will be restricted to 5 minutes, with total public comments limited to 30 minutes. The Chairperson will have the authority to increase that time if the situation is warranted. Repetitive comments may also be restricted.)
16.Motion to Adjourn