Stephanie Helmuth - Moultrie County Treasurer | Facebook
Stephanie Helmuth - Moultrie County Treasurer | Facebook
Moultrie County Board met Jan. 16.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The Moultrie County Board met on Thursday, January 16, 2025, in the County Board Room, Second Floor, Moultrie County Courthouse. Vice-Chairman Tyler Graven called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
The opening prayer was given by board member Aaron Wilhelm, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance recited by all in attendance.
Roll Call was taken, with the following members present, Tyler Graven, Aaron Wilhelm, Josh Roe, Ralph Zancha, Lisa Florey, Scott Buxton, and Arlon Long. Travis Phelps and Kenny Graven were absent. A quorum was present.
There were 10 people in attendance, plus nine board members, and Chief Deputy County Clerk Pam Wittkowski.
Mission Statement – Read by Tyler Graven.
Correspondence: T. Graven said he received two things from UCCI. One is a refund of our 2024 dues as voted on by UCCI. The second document was an invoice for the 2025 dues. There was also a meeting and training notice if any board member is interested in seeing it.
Minutes: Graven asked for a motion to approve the December 12, 2024, county board minutes. Roe moved to approve said minutes. Zancha seconded the motion. There being no discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.
Guest Speaker: Graven introduced Alex Bone as guest speaker. Alex discussed his attendance at the Township meeting regarding the extension of the Bethany TIF. Alex mentioned there is more information coming to light about what the TIF has for the community.
Unfinished Business: Graven stated he had a letter from Mike Brewer which each member of the board should have a copy and proceeded to read the same (copy of letter attached to these minutes.)
Graven moved to approve the 12-year TIF extension for the Village of Bethany; and asked if there was a second or an alteration to the motion. Florey stated perhaps they should table this until they get more information, another board member agreed. Buxton moved to vote on this today because they have been (inaudible). Graven asked if he was seconding the motion. Buxton so stated he was seconding the motion. With no further discussion, roll call vote was taken; 0 yes, 7 no, the motion failed.
Appointments by Chair: Graven moved to appoint Kenny Ruff as Drainage Commissioner for the Hostetler Drainage District, Lovington Township. The term is to be retroactive to the first Tuesday in September 2024 and expires the first Tuesday. Chief Deputy Clerk Wittkowski informed Graven that the term expires September 2027. Graven corrected the motion to state the term is retroactive to the first Tuesday in September 2024 and expires the first Tuesday in September 2027. The motion was seconded by Wilhelm. There being no discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.
Graven moved to appoint Michael Sheehan to the office of Commissioner of Union Drainage District No. 1 of Mt. Zion and Dora Townships, Counties of Macon and Moultrie. Term to take effect immediately upon the filing of his Oath of Drainage Commissioner and Commissioner’s Bond in the amount of $500.00 in the Office of the Circuit Clerk, Moultrie County and expires the first Tuesday in September 2026 and until his successor is appointed and qualified. The motion was seconded by Buxton. There being no discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.
Graven moved to appoint Mike Orris to the office of Commissioner of Union Drainage District No. 1 of Mt. Zion and Dora Townships, Counties of Macon and Moultrie. Term to take effect immediately upon the filing of his Oath of Drainage Commissioner and Commissioner’s Bond in the amount of $500.00 in the Office of the Circuit Clerk, Moultrie County and expires the first Tuesday in September 2027 and until his successor is appointed and qualified. The motion was seconded by Florey. There being no discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.
Meeting: January 13, 2025
Roe moved to approve the Treasurer’s reports for December 2024. The motion was seconded by Wilhelm. There being no discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.
Roe moved to approve all claims as presented. The motion was seconded by Wilhelm. There being no discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.
Roe moved to approve Annual Financial Report (Audit) for fiscal year end 2023 as prepared by Dennis G. Koch & Associates, LLC. The motion was seconded by Buxton. After some discussion regarding the findings in the audit, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.
Roe moved to approve Corrective Action Plan attached to fiscal year end 2023 Audit. The motion was seconded by Wilhelm. Roe mentioned this is the actions that will be taken or have been taken to correct the findings; it has been filed. There being no further discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.
Meeting: January 2, 2025
Graven stated he had no motions.
They did get an engineer’s estimate to replace the water heaters at the jail, with a tankless system instead of the 250-gallon dual-tank system. Their estimate was less than what one water heater would have cost. The committee will move forward on getting some estimates from contractors to see what those come in toward and to get a timeframe to update them in the future.
ROAD AND BRIDGE (Chair: Buxton)
Meeting: January 2, 2025
Buxton moved to approve the Resolution for ADA Transition Plan. The motion was seconded by Zancha. There being no discussion, roll call vote was taken; the motion carried 7 yes, 0 no.
PLANNING, ZONING and LAND USE (Chair: K. Graven)
Meeting: January 3, 2025
On behalf of K. Graven, T. Graven stated they did have a meeting but had no motions.
Meeting: January 3, 3025
On behalf of Phelps, T. Graven stated they did have a meeting and also had no motions.
PERSONNEL (Chair: Wilhelm)
Meeting: January 2, 2025
Wilhelm stated they did have a meeting but had no motions.
Wilhelm stated he owed department heads an email about website responsibilities but held off because of changes and some current conversations. They did discuss the employee who is out on leave, there is nothing they have to do this month; they will have to next month.
LEGISLATIVE (Chair: T. Graven)
Meeting: January 9, 2025
T. Graven stated they did have a meeting but did not have any motions. It was general meeting being that is a semi-new committee made up of old committees.
Wilhelm gave an update on the childcare initiative. The committee has kind of come to a close, they are not entirely done since the last disbursement has not been made yet.
Status update: The Childcare Initiative committee consists of Laurrie Minor from the Chamber; Dr. Ted Walk from the school; Rita Florey, Pastor Grant Wade, and Aaron Wilhelm. The project started in 2022. Through this project, we have been able to develop 156 additional new childcare slots for the families of Moultrie County, with additional slots coming in the fall with the new facility south of town, that is a 76% increase from our numbers in 2022. In 2022 we had 205 slots, by the end of this year, we will have 361. A big improvement for the families. Lovington was able to get it’s first licensed daycare provider; she alone has 12 slots. The providers went through a training and business program. was launched as a hub for families with a list of all the providers they worked with, contact information for many entities and programs.
The project is coming to a close; it has a huge win for parents in Moultrie County.
There was no need for executive session.
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Treasurer Stephanie Helmuth informed the board that Moultrie County’s audit was published. The senior center and the 708 board will receive their funding next week.
Supervisor of Assessments, Alicia Morgason thanked the board for finally voting on the TIF.
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Graven asked for a motion to adjourn. Buxton so motioned with Long seconding the motion. Via voice vote, the meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m.