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Warrensburg Village Hall | Facebook
Village of Warrensburg Village Board met Feb. 4.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
CALL TO ORDER: Acting Village President Hackl called the meeting to order at the Warrensburg Village Hall on Monday, February 3, 2025 at 5:30 p.m., reminding everyone the meeting was being recorded.
ROLL CALL: Present: Acting Village President Hackl, Trustees Fisher, Eskew, Hood, Freeman and Netherton. Also present were Chief Wheeler, Attorney Jankowicz and VAC Booth.
REVIEW/APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made by Trustee Netherton, seconded by Trustee Hood to approve the minutes of the January 21, 2025 regular meeting. Motion carried.
VILLAGE ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK: Trustee Netherton moved and Trustee Hood seconded to approve the balance sheet, pay the bills and make the appropriate transfers for February 3, 2025.
VAC Booth pointed out the $25 invoice from Lewis Brisbois Law firm for legal services through December 2024 regarding the ongoing asbestos case. VAC Booth also noted the invoice for repairs to the street vehicle.
Roll Call Vote: Yes – Trustees Netherton, Fisher, Hackl, Eskew, Hood and Freeman.
No – none. Motion carried.
FINANCE: Nothing
POLICE: Trustee Fisher and Chief Wheeler discussed the details regarding hiring a school resource officer. The school will pay 69.4% of the new officer’s salary and the Village will cover the remainder. This figure is based upon the amount of time that the officer will divide between working at the school and for the Village (mostly during the summer months). The process of how the school will reimburse the Village and the officer’s salary is still to be determined.
Trustee Fisher made a motion to authorize Chief Wheeler to continue the negotiations for hiring a school resource officer, seconded by Trustee Freeman.
Roll Call Vote: Yes – Trustees Hackl, Eskew, Fisher, Netherton, Freeman and Hood.
No-none. Motion carried.
Chief Wheeler also discussed the required training for Officer Talley to become full-time.
Trustee Fisher made a motion to authorize $1,800 for the academy for training for Officer Talley, seconded by Trustee Eskew.
Roll Call Vote: Yes – Trustees Netherton, Freeman, Hood, Fisher, Hackl and Eskew.
No – none. Motion carried.
Chief Wheeler explained the quote for Digi-tickets and mentioned that Saltus Technology is the only company that the County will accept for the Digi-tickets. Trustee Hood inquired if the Digi-tickets are mandatory; no, not at this point but that is where Agencies will move in the future. Tickets will be automatically registered; which will save time between runs to the Courthouse and also in paper expenses moving to digital.
Trustee Fisher made a motion for the Village to pay up to $2,000 for Digi-ticket expenses, seconded by Trustee Netherton.
Roll Call Vote: Yes – Trustees Eskew, Hood, Freeman, Netherton, Fisher, and Hackl.
No – none. Motion carried.
SEWER: AVP Hackl discussed the need for repairs to the sewer backhoe.
Trustee Eskew made a motion to pay the Birkey’s invoice to repair the backhoe for $6,082.43, seconded by Trustee Netherton.
Trustee Freeman questioned why two more estimates were not obtained for the repair. DPW Allen stated that Birkey’s was called on-site for maintenance to the backhoe and presented an estimate at that time. A discussion followed regarding the policy of obtaining three estimates versus the difficulty of finding a business that will visit on-site to assess the necessary repairs.
Trustee Eskew amended the motion to hold on contacting Birkey’s until 2 other estimates are obtained, seconded by Trustee Hood.
Roll Call Vote: Yes – Trustees Eskew, Netherton, Freeman, Hood, Fisher and Hackl.
No – none. Motion carried.
A Roll Call Vote was taken to approve the amended motion; authorizing an expenditure not to exceed $6,100 for repairs to the backhoe (once the three estimates are obtained).
Roll Call Vote: Yes – Trustees Fisher, Hood, Eskew, Hackl, Netherton and Freeman.
No – none. Motion carried.
AVP Hackl informed the Board that he and VAC Booth are in the process of sending information regarding the sewer plant and water line work to DCEO for possible funding. He will keep the Board updated.
STREETS: Trustee Hood mentioned that the street crew should clean up the large snow drifts still accumulated around town.
WATER: Nothing
PUBLIC WORKS: DPW Allen explained that the computer at the water station is very out of date. He has had trouble receiving emails as well as the important information for his JULIE’s and it also doesn’t print. The Board authorized DPW Allen to obtain three quotes for a new computer after Decatur Computers assesses the ability to repair and/or update the existing computer.
VILLAGE ATTORNEY: Attorney Jankowicz updated the Board regarding the reimbursement of TIF funds from the Callarmans at 121 Coffee Run. He distributed a letter that was sent to their Attorney, stating that the Village is requesting the repayment of the TIF funds plus accrued interest by February 18, 2025. Their Attorney responded that the Callarmans are willing to pay their debt and asked if the Village would forgive the accrued interest if paid within 60 days.
Attorney Jankowicz stated that he has not yet calculated or pushed the issue of his attorney’s fees, but waiving those fees could be one possible response.
A discussion followed regarding details of the TIF agreement with the Callarmans and the timeframe for which the Board expected repayment.
Trustee Netherton pointed out that the Board made an exception for this business and it could set an incorrect precedent for future TIF businesses.
Trustee Hood stated that there should be no more negotiations, the money should be repaid now.
Trustee Eskew stated that no more exceptions should be made.
Trustee Freeman stated that the payment should be made now, including the interest.
Trustee Fisher stated that it is time for repayment and agreed with an incentive offer of not paying attorney fees if paid now.
Trustee Hackl stated that more expenses have accrued over this time period and he thought the Callarmans should have kept the Board better apprised of details during the process.
Trustee Freeman made a motion to allow Attorney Jankowicz to ask their Attorney for the full amount to be paid plus interest by February 18, 2025. If the full amount is not received by that date, the Board will then require attorney’s fees to be added to the amount, seconded by Trustee Hood.
Roll Call Vote: Yes – Trustees Hackl, Eskew, Fisher, Netherton, Freeman and Hood.
No – none. Motion carried.
A motion to adjourn was made by Trustee Netherton, seconded by Trustee Hood.
The meeting adjourned at 6:31 PM.
The next regular meeting will be on Tuesday, February 18, 2025 @ 5:30 PM.