Linda Qualls - Moultrie County Clerk | Facebook
Linda Qualls - Moultrie County Clerk | Facebook
Moultrie County Board met March 13.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
2. Opening Prayer by Scott Buxton
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Roll Call
5. Mission Statement: JOSH ROE
6. Correspondence
7. Approval of the February 13, 2025, County Board Minutes
8. Guest Speakers:
9. Unfinished Business:
10.Appointments by Chair:
a. None
1. Budget and Finance Chair: Josh Roe
Meeting: March 10, 2025
a. Motion to approve Treasurer’s reports for February 2025.
b. Motion to approve all claims as presented.
c. Motion to approve the purchase of 9 iPads for County Board Members, cost not to exceed $4,500.00.
2. Building and Property Chair: Tyler Graven
Meeting: March 5, 2025
No motions.
3. Road and Bridge Chair: Scott Buxton
Meeting: March 6, 2025
No motions.
4. Planning and Zoning Chair: Kenny Graven
Meeting: March 7, 2025
a. Motion to approve Special Use Permit for a manufactured home by Sarhonda Aldridge on PIN 01-01-12-308-002, 525 Webster St., Lake City, IL.
b. Motion to approve a Rezoning application from AG to C-2 by Aden Graber on PIN 02-05-10-000-305, 923 CR 1850N, Sullivan for commercial storage units.
c. Motion to approve a variance request application by Aden Graber to build approximately 5 feet from the west property line on PIN 02-05-10-000-305, 923 CR 1850N, Sullivan.
5. Public Health, Safety & Welfare Chair: Travis Phelps
Meeting: No meeting.
No motions.
6. Personnel Chair: Aaron Wilhelm
Meeting: March 6, 2025
No motions.
1. Legislative
Meeting: March 10, 2025 Chair: Tyler Graven
No motions.
A. Discussion/action to allow Rolling Thunder, Chapter 3, Olney, Illinois to erect a Chair of Honor on the Courthouse lawn.
13.Executive Session 5 ILCS 120/2
14.Comments: County Board; Elected Officials; Department Heads
15.Public Comments:
(Public comments are welcomed and encouraged but individual comments will be restricted to 5 minutes, with total public comments limited to 30 minutes. The Chairperson will have the authority to increase that time if the situation is warranted. Repetitive comments may also be restricted.)
16.Motion to Adjourn