
Macon Reporter

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Blue Ridge Community Unit School District 18 Board of Education met March 22.

Blue Ridge Community Unit School District 18 Board of Education met March 22.

Here is the minutes as provided by the Board:

I. Call to Order

Board President, Justin Otto called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

II. Roll Call

Board Members in attendance were Matt Althaus, Curt Homann, Maureen Gilbert, Dion Lathrom, Franci Miller, Dale Schneman, and Justin Otto. Also in attendance were Superintendent Susan Wilson; Principal John Lawrence, Principal Katie Nichols, Principal Ryan Peyton, and Recording Secretary Krista Voyles.

III. Public Comments/Recognition of Guests Brent Jayne Lara Davis Drew O’Connell Joe Sawyer

Angie Elliott Lois Dowling Don Becker Harmony Bray

Cade Bray Stephanie Hale Chris Roy Kenna Dunlap-Johnson

IV. Communications

Mrs. Weedman will be taking some students from the Junior High to the Tech Conference at the Capital in Springfield. Blue Ridge CUSD 18 was ranked 8th in National Technology Award for small schools under 3,000 students. Ms. Brokaw and Mrs. Trimble will be going to Colorado to accept the award and possibly give a presentation on how technology is used in the classroom.

V. Board Committee Reports

VI. Administrative Reports

A. Superintendent

Mrs. Wilson received an email from ISBE stating approval for full day student improvement days are expiring next year. The Board agreed to have Mrs. Wilson submit the application to continue with student improvement full days. Blue Ridge Board of Education Mintutes 3-22-17 2

B. Principals

The principals each highlighted events listed in their monthly reports.

1. Ryan Peyton, Schneider Elementary School

2. Katie Nichols, Blue Ridge Intermediate & Junior High School

3. John Lawrence, Blue Ridge High School

C. Technology

D. Operations and Maintenance

E. Transportation

F. Food Services

VII. New Business

A. Approve Updated Handbooks

The Board was presented with updates to handbooks for the 2017-2018 school year.

Motion by Maureen Gilbert, 2nd by Franic Miller to approve the revisions to the following 2017-2018 Handbooks: Substitute Teacher Handbook, Volunteer Handbook, Schneider Student Handbook, BRIJHS Handbook, BRHS Handbook, and the Bus Driver Handbook, for Blue Ridge School District #18, as presented, and authorize that pertinent names in handbooks be updated as changes may occur between now and the start of the school year.

Voice vote. 7 ayes 0 nays. Motion carried.

1. 2017-2018 Substitute Teacher Handbook

2. 2017-2018 Volunteer Handbook

3. Schneider Handbook 2017-2018 Revisions

4. Blue Ridge Intermediate & Junior High School Handbook 2017-18 Revisions

5. Blue Ridge High School Handbook 2017-18 Revisions

6. Bus Driver Handbook 2017-18 Revisions

B. Discuss for Approval 2017-2018 Curricula for Math and Social/Emotional Learning

Motion by Dion Lathrom, 2nd by Maureen Gilbert to approve the 2017-2018 curricula for Math and Social/Emotional Learning, as presented. Blue Ridge Board of Education Mintutes 3-22-17 3 Voice vote. 7 ayes 0 nays. Motion carried.

C. Discuss for Approval Membership with Little Okaw Valley Conference for 2018-2019 Mr. Lawrence informed the Board that the Little Okaw Valley Conference voted on March 15, 2017 to accept Blue Ridge High School into their conference. Mr. Miles, Athletic Director for Blue Ridge High School, gave reasons why the change would be a good move for our students. It gives the opportunity to build relationships with other schools, school enrollment numbers are closer to our enrollment numbers as opposed to the HOIC who is accepting larger schools in their conference, and travel time for our region is very similar to the HOIC travel times. Drew O’Connell, teacher and coach, gave reasons why Blue Ridge should move conferences. He was in favor of moving to LOVC. Angie Elliott, parent of a high school student, expressed her reasons why she felt Blue Ridge should stay with HOIC. Motion by Matt Althaus, 2nd by Maureen Gilbert to approve the membership with Little Okaw Valley Conference for the 2018-2019 school term, as presented. Voice vote. 5 ayes 2 nays. Motion carried.

VIII. Closed Session

A. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, reduction in force, or dismissal of PEL employees, or legal counsel for the public body. 5ILCS 120/2(2) (1).

1. Employ Probationary Certified Staff for 2017-2018

2. Employment, School Nurse, Blue Ridge Intermediate & Junior High School

3. Employment, Cheer Coach, Blue Ridge Intermediate & Junior High School

4. Employment, Bookkeeper, Blue Ridge CUSD 18

5. Employment, At-Will Bus Aide, Blue Ridge CUSD 18

6. Employment, Cook, Blue Ridge CUSD 18 Blue Ridge Board of Education Mintutes 3-22-17 4

7. Positions, 2017 Summer Maintenance Help, Blue Ridge CUSD 18

8. Position, 2017 Summer School Teacher, Grades 1 - 7, Blue Ridge CUSD 18

9. Position, 2017 Special Education Summer School Teacher, , Grades 1 - 7, Blue Ridge CUSD 18

10. Positions, 2017 Summer Bridge Teachers, Blue Ridge High School

11. Leave of Absence Without Pay, Math Teacher, Blue Ridge Intermediate & Junior High School

B. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, reduction in force, or dismissal of PEL employees, or legal counsel for the public body. 5ILCS 120/2(2) (1).

1. Resolution Reference Honorable Reduction in Professional Educator Licensed ("PEL") Employee Responsibilities

C. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, reduction in force, or dismissal of PEL employees, or legal counsel for the public body. 5ILCS 120/2(2) (1).

1. Resolution Reference the Dismissal of a Professional Educator Licensed ("PEL") Employee

IX. Open Session

 Motion by Matt Althaus, 2nd by Maureen Gilbert to move from closed session to open session at 9:35 p.m. Voice vote. 7 ayes 0 nays. Motion carried.

 Motion by Franci Miller, 2nd by Dawn Stout, to approve the employment of the Probationary Certified Staff for the 2017-2018 school term, as presented. Voice vote. 7 ayes 0 nays. Motion carried. Blue Ridge Board of Education Mintutes 3-22-17 5

 Motion by Franci Miller, 2nd by Maureen Gilbert to approve the employment of: Dawn Stout, School Nurse, BRIJHS Donald “Mac” Harden, Bus Aide, Blue Ridge CUSD 18 for the 2016-2017 school term as presented, AND Cara Wells, Cheer Coach, BRIJHS Vennessa Watterson, 6.25 FTE Cook, Blue Ridge CUSD 18 Voice vote. 7 ayes 0 nays. Motion carried.

 Motion by Franci Miller, 2nd by Maureen Gilbert to approve the employment of Krista Voyles, Bookkeeper for Blue Ridge CUSD 18, with training beginning July 1, 2017, as presented. Voice vote. 7 ayes 0 nays. Motion carried.

 Motion by Franci Miller, 2nd by Maureen Gilbert to approve the following positions:

2017 Summer Maintenance Help, Blue Ridge CUSD 18

2017 Summer School Teacher, Blue Ridge CUSD #18

2017 Special Education Summer School Teacher, BR CUSD #18

2017 Summer Bridge Teachers, Blue Ridge High School as presented. Voice vote. 7 ayes 0 nays. Motion carried.

 Motion by Matt Althaus, 2nd by Maureen Gilbert to approve the requested sabbatical for Amy Roehrig, Math Teacher at Blue Ridge Intermediate & Junior High School for the 2017-2018 school term, as presented.

Voice vote. 7 ayes 0 nays. Motion carried.

Blue Ridge Board of Education Mintutes 3-22-17 6

 Motion by Matt Althaus, 2nd by Dale Schneman to adopt the Resolution Reference Honorable Reduction in Professional Educator Licensed ("PEL") Employee Responsibilities for Christopher Mitchell as presented and that the Superintendent be authorized and directed to deliver or cause to be delivered the Notice to the employee as specified in the Resolution.

Roll call vote. 7 ayes 0 nays. Motion carried.

 Motion by Maureen Gilbert, 2nd by Matt Althaus to adopt the Resolution Reference the Dismissal of a Professional Educator Licensed Employee for Harmony Bray as presented and that the Superintendent be authorized and directed to deliver or cause to be delivered the Notice to the employee as specified in the Resolution.

Roll call vote. 7 ayes 0 nays. Motion carried.

X. Approval of Consent Items

Motion by Matt Althaus, 2nd by Franci Miller to approve the consent agenda items listed on attachment A as presented.

Roll call vote. 7 ayes 0 nays. Motion carried.

A. Minutes from the Board of Education Meetings

B. Financial Reports

C. Bills and Payroll

D. Ratification of Suspensions

E. Updated Job Descriptions

F. Updated Bus Driver Performance Evaluation

G. High School Graduation Date for 2016-2017

H. IHSA Membership for 2017-2018

I. Sequence of Honorable Dismissal List for 2016-2017

J. 2017-2018 Student Fees

K. Curriculum Coordinator Position & Job Description

L. Elementary Science Teacher Position & Job Description

M. Natural Gas Contracts

N. Meeting Date to Certify Elections

O. Resignations of District Personnel

1. Krista Voyles, Unit Secretary, Blue Ridge CUSD 18 Blue Ridge Board of Education Mintutes 3-22-17 7

2. Chelsea Pittenger, Cheer Coach, Blue Ridge Intermediate & Junior High School

3. Gail Salyards, Secretary, Blue Ridge Intermediate & Junior High School

4. April Collins, School Nurse, Blue Ridge Intermediate & Junior High School

5. Pam Houser, Special Education Teacher, 3 Year Retirement Notice, Blue Ridge Intermediate & Junior High School

XI. Good of the Cause Discussion

A. Discuss Blue Ridge Connect Meeting The Board agreed to table the discussion of the Blue Ridge Connect meeting until the April Board of Education meeting. The Board discussed ways get information to the public other than Facebook the morning of meeting, and that if a Board member had concerns about the direction of a decision, then that should be stated as early in the process as possible. That Board member who made the posting said he did it to give the community information and get feedback to make his decision. He did not think communication with the community on the issue was adequate. Another Board member stated that the posting gave the impression that it was the opinion of the Board. Board Member Curt Homann left the meeting

XII. Adjournment

Motion by Matt Althaus, 2nd by Maureen Gilbert to adjourn the meeting at 9:55 p.m.

Voice vote. 6 ayes 0 nays. Motion carried.