
Macon Reporter

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Mt. Zion Community Unit School District 3 Board met January 15

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Mt. Zion Community Unit School District 3 Board met Jan. 15.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

President Todd Garner called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Members present were: Todd Garner, John Flora, Nathan Brock, Kristi Niles, Jeffrey Sams, Dave Brandon, Jerry Birkey.

The Administration present consisted of Dr. Travis R. Roundcount, Superintendent of Schools; Brian Rhoades, Associate Superintendent; Gary Gruen, Mt. Zion Grade School.

The Pledge of Allegiance was cited by those present and led by Mt. Zion Grade School students Maci Veale and Owen Sy from Mr. DeMeio’s class, Lucy Koehn and Quincy Petersen from Mrs. Kyburz’ class, and Ellie Jenkins and Jaxen Taylor from

Mrs. Wendell’s class.

The Regular Meeting minutes of December 18, 2018 were approved as presented by general consent.

The Executive Session Meeting minutes of December 18, 2018 were approved as presented by general consent.

There were no visitor communication requests.

Superintendent Roundcount announced (1) that the solar panel project had been tabled for the time being; however, if a good opportunity for solar panels presents itself again in the future, the District would re-visit the project at that time.

Nathan Brock presented a motion to go into Executive Session at 7:09 p.m. Seconded: Jeffrey Sams. Roll call: Kristi Niles, Jeffrey Sams, Dave Brandon, Jerry Birkey, Todd Garner, John Flora, Nathan Brock, yea. Motion carried 7-0.

President Garner called the meeting to return to order at 9:30 p.m. Roll call:

Jeffrey Sams, Dave Brandon, Jerry Birkey, Todd Garner, John Flora, Nathan Brock, Kristi Niles, present.

Nathan Brock introduced a motion to approve the personnel related items as outlined including: Retirement: Donna J. Hord, Secretary to the Superintendent of Schools, effective June 28, 2019. Resignation: P J Hachmann, Bus Driver, effective

December 21, 2018. Reassignments: Michelle Adkins, moving from Fiscal Services Assistant to Secretary to the Superintendent of Schools, effective with Donna Hord’s retirement or in her absence for the 2019-2020 school year; Tami Wagers, Special Ed Teacher, moving from Mt. Zion Jr. High to Mt. Zion High School, effective August 15, 2019. Employment: John Maas, Assistant Girls’ Track Coach, effective January 30, 2019; Brittaney Hillyer, Playground Supervisor, Mt. Zion Intermediate School, effective

January, 16, 2019 for the 2018-2019 school year; Julie Hott, Bus Driver, effective January 23, 2019. Employment of District Substitute Teachers, effective immediately: Kami Crutchfield, Kristin Grohne, Shiowa Hanson, Donovan Marschner,

Matt Menacher, Zachery Miles, Lance Muirheid, Josie St. Pierre, Shawn Todd,

Sarah Urquhart. Seconded: Jeffrey Sams. Roll call: Dave Brandon, Jerry Birkey, Todd Garner, John Flora, Nathan Brock, Kristi Niles, Jeffrey Sams, yea.

Motion carried 7-0. (See Book of Attachments.)

Nathan Brock introduced a motion to approve payment of the presented list of January 2019 Fund Warrants #25032-25185. Seconded: Dave Brandon. Roll call: Jerry Birkey, Todd Garner, John Flora, Nathan Brock, Kristi Niles, Jeffrey Sams, Dave Brandon, yea. Motion carried 7-0. (See Book of Attachments.)

Report be accepted and filed for audit. Seconded: Kristi Niles. Roll call: Todd Garner, John Flora, Nathan Brock, Kristi Niles, Jeffrey Sams, Dave Brandon, Jerry Birkey, yea. Motion carried 7-0. (See Book of Attachments.)

Nathan Brock introduced a motion to adopt, as per Board Policy 4:10, the FY 2020 Budget Calendar outline as presented. Seconded: Jeffrey Sams. Roll call: John Flora, Nathan Brock, Kristi Niles, Jeffrey Sams, Dave Brandon, Jerry Birkey, Todd, Garner, yea. Motion carried 7-0. (See Book of Attachments.)

Board members had further discussion regarding opportunities that would continue

to build relationships and achieve unity in the District. Dave Brandon shared a thank you note from the Bradshaw family. President Garner announced Tuesday,

February 19, 2019, 7 p.m., as the next regular meeting of the Board of Education.

The February 19, 2019 meeting will be held at the District Office, 1595 W. Main St.,

Mt. Zion, IL 62549. The Board of Education meeting was adjourned by general consent at 9:54 p.m.
