Clinton Community Unit School District 15 Board met April 16.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Upon roll call the following members were present:
Mrs. Sondra Baker
Mr. John Blythe
Mr. Ron Conner
Mr. Chris Hammer
Mr. Cole Ritter
Mr. Rodney Rogers
Mr. Dan Matthews
Administrators present were:
Mr. Curt Nettles, Superintendent of Schools
Mr Drew Goebel, Director of Business and Support Staff Services
Mr. Josh Maxwell, Junior High School Principal
Mrs. Sacha Young, Clinton Elementary School Principal
Mr. Ben Mooney, Clinton Elementary School Principal
Mrs. Beth Wickenhauser, Douglas/Lincoln School Principal
Others present were:
Laura Molitoris
Matt Cooper
Brian Ennis
Tammie Ennis
Haley Bevans
Bob Hill and JH wrestlers
Mark Tarbox
The wrestling state qualifiers for CJHS and CHS were recognized.
It was moved by Conner, seconded Hammer, to approve the minutes minutes of the March 19, 2019, meeting open and closed session.
The President put the motion to a vote and the voice vote was all “yea.” Motion carried.
It was moved by Ritter, seconded by Baker, that the meeting be adjourned sine die. The President put the motion to a vote and the voice vote was all “yea”. Motion carried.
It was moved by Hammer, seconded by Conner, to appoint
Mr. Nettles as the president pro tem and secretary pro tem. The President put the motion to a vote and the voice vote was all “yea. Motion carried.
The new Board was called to order:
Mrs. Sondra Baker
Mr. Ron Conner
Mrs. Tammie Ennis
Mr. Chris Hammer
Mr. Cole Ritter
Mr. Rodney Rogers
Superintendent Nettles administered the oath of office to Tammie Ennis.
The President pro tem opened nominations for President.
Dan Matthews was nominated by Ron Conner.
It was moved by Conner, seconded by Rogers, that the nominations
be closed. The President pro tem put the motion to a vote and the voice vote was all “yea.” Motion carried.
The President pro tem put the nomination to a vote and the voice vote was all “yea.” Dan Matthews was elected President by receiving a majority of the votes.
The President opened nominations for Vice President.
Rodney Rogers was nominated by Ron Conner.
It was moved by Baker, seconded by Hammer, that the nominations be closed. The President put the motion to a vote and the voice vote was all “yea.” Motion carried.
The President put the nomination to a vote and the voice vote was all “yea.” Rodney Rogers was elected Vice President by receiving a majority of the votes.
The President opened nominations for Secretary.
Sondra Baker was nominated by Chris Hammer.
It was moved by Conner, seconded by Ritter, that the nominations be closed. The President put the motion to a vote and the voice vote was all “yea.” Motion carried.
The President put the nomination to a vote and the voice vote was all “yea.” Sondra Baker was elected Secretary by receiving a majority of the votes.
It was moved by Conner, seconded by Ritter, to set meeting calendar as presented. The President put the motion to a vote and the voice vote was all “yea.” Motion carried.
It was moved by Ritter, seconded by Conner, to table the appointment of committees until May. The President put the motion to a vote and the voice vote was all “yea.” Motion carried.
It was moved by Ritter, seconded by Ennis, to approve the consent agenda which includes:
A. Financial Information – Imprest Fund, Petty Cash Report, Treasurer’s Report, Investment Summary, Insurance Pool Report, Transportation Report, Activity Fund Report, Cafeteria Report and Bills.
B. Accept the resignation of Janet Leone as CHS cafeteria manager effective on March 18.
C. Accept the resignation of Jennifer Campbell as CES teacher effective at the end of the school year.
D. Accept the resignation of Jim Rhoades as boys’ 7th grade basketball coach effective immediately.
E. Accept the resignation of Shawn Crandell as CHS cheer coach. (page 55
F. Approve the transfer of Heather Perring from CHS cafeteria to CHS cafeteria manager.
G. Approve the employment of Robert Switzer as CHS cafeteria worker effective immediately.
H. Approve the employment of Molly Arseneau as CHS cheer coach effective immediately.
I. Approve the employment of Zoe Savage as CHS M-Squad coach effective immediately.
J. Approve the employment of Carolyn Jameson as CHS business teacher for the 2019- 20 school year.
K. Accept the retirement/resignation notice of Elaine Gibson effective June 30, 2019.
L. Accept the retirement/resignation notice of Sherry Chapman effective June 30, 2019.
M. Approve the transfer of Annette McMath from CES 2nd grade teacher to CES reading teacher effective 2019-20.
N. Approve board policy updates from Issue 99
The President put the motion to a vote and the following roll call was taken:
Ritter, yea
Rogers, yea
Baker, yea
Ennis, yea
Conner, yea
Hammer, yea
Motion carried.
Laura Molitoris demonstrated the new website and app.
It was moved by Conner, seconded by Hammer, to approve the compensation increases for support staff and administration at 3% with noted exceptions listed, Roben Huffman 5%, Eric Barringer $60,000 and Drew Goebel $105,000. The President put the motion to a vote and the following roll call was taken:
Ritter, yea
Rogers, yea
Baker, yea
Ennis, yea
Conner, yea
Hammer, yea
Motion carried.
It was moved by Ennis, seconded by Ritter, to approve the 4-year retirement contract with Beth Wickenhauser. The President put the motion to a vote and the following roll call was taken:
Rogers, yea
Baker, yea
Ennis, yea
Conner, yea
Hammer, yea
Ritter, yea
Motion carried.
It was moved by Hammer, seconded by Ennis, to approve the Consolidated District Plan for federal grants. The President put the motion to a vote and voice vote was all “yea.” Motion carried.
It was moved by Ritter, seconded by Hammer, to approve the proposed 2019/2020 school calendar. The President put the motion to a vote and the voice vote was all ”yea.” Motion carried.
It was moved by Hammer, seconded by Ennis, to approve giving the Superintendent the authority to amend the FY 19 budget and to set June 18 at 6:30pm as the budget hearing. The President put the motion to a vote and the following roll call was taken:
Conner, yea
Hammer, yea
Ritter, yea
Rogers, yea
Baker, yea
Ennis, yea
Motion carried.
It was moved by Conner, seconded by Ennis, to approve writing the IDEA grant for total amount allowable for FY 20. The President put the motion to a vote and the voice vote was all “yea.” Motion carried.
It was moved by Ritter, seconded by Conner, to approve the purchase PURCHASE VANS of 2 new vans from Baum Chevrolet for amount not to exceed $27,900 per van. The President put the motion to a vote and the following roll call was taken:
wing roll call was taken:
Ritter, yea
Rogers, yea
Baker, yea
Ennis, yea
Conner, yea
Hammer, yea
Motion carried.
It was moved by Conner, seconded by Ennis, and duly voted by acclamation to adjourn at 7:31pm.