
Macon Reporter

Saturday, September 21, 2024

City of Sullivan City Council met March 8

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City of Sullivan City Council met March 8.

Here is the agenda as provided by the council:

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Roll Call

Recognize Lee Beckman of Milano & Grunloh

Comments from Public in Attendance

Consent Agenda

      1. Approval of minutes of the previous regular meeting held February 22, 2021

      2. Approval of claims except those in TIF funds

      3. Pass Resolution 21-D – Authorizing the Destruction of Audio or Video Recordings of Closed Meeting Sessions

      4. Approval of Banking Resolution 21- F – establishing a Water Plant Construction checking account per USDA requirements

Approval of TIF Claims

      1. Approval of TIF claims (Fowler to abstain)

Reports of Commissioners & City Administrator

      1. Accounts & Finances – Commissioner Sherwood

      2. Public Property – Commissioner Fowler

      3. Public Health & Safety – Commissioner Woodworth

      4. Streets & Public Improvements – Commissioner Booker

      5. Mayor Glazebrook

      6. City Administrator – Dan Flannell

New or Unfinished Business

      1. Discussion and action regarding the extension of the ordinance declaring an emergency

     2. Pass Resolution 21-E – Regarding the Release of Executive Session Minutes (not to be passed until reconvening from closed session)

Closed Session Meeting

      Closed session to discuss minutes of meetings lawfully closed (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21))

