Village of Warrensburg Village Board met Sept. 19.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pro-tem Oakley called the meeting to order at the Warrensburg Village Hall at 5:30 p.m., reminding everyone the meeting was being recorded.
ROLL CALL: Present: Trustee Fisher, Trustee Hood, Trustee Netherton & Trustee Oakley. Also present were Chief Wheeler, Atty Jankowicz, DPW Allen & VAC Hundley. Mayor Riley, Trustee Freeman & Trustee Hackl were absent.
MAYOR’S COMMENTS: Nothing to share.
PUBLIC COMMENTS: Andrew Weatherford was in attendance. He is an attorney and a candidate for Macon County Circuit Judge and wanted to introduce himself to the board. He has previously filled in for Atty Jankowicz when requested.
ENGINEER: Stephanie Brown from Chastain & Assoc was in attendance. She let the board know the resubmission for SRTS project, including a few minor tweaks, is on schedule for January letting by IDOT.
Seth Flach from Milano & Grunloh Engineers was in attendance to present information about water main replacement, using an EPA loan. The estimate he presented was based on the map and information which had been given to them. The deadline for applying for the EPA loan is March 30, 2023. If the board would decide to move forward with the application, they would come in, do more surveying and GPS location of hydrants, meters, valves, etc. Their firm does not charge anything up front until the Village is awarded the money. He explained the line items on the estimate. He explained the difference between an EPA and a USDA loan.
Trustee Oakley asked what the basis was for the proposed replacements. It was based on leaks over the years. Trustee Oakley mentioned that we have 476 metered users and only 87 are being addressed. The engineering fees are typically 16 – 18% and could be 20% depending on the railroad permits. Trustee Hood asked if this would help clear up the dead ends since there was a lot of rust in the water and was told no.
Since Mayor Riley and Trustee Freeman were not in attendance, it was preferred to not make a decision this evening.
REVIEW/APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made by Trustee Hood and seconded by Trustee Netherton to approve the minutes of the September 6, 2022 regular meeting. Motion carried.
VILLAGE ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK: Trustee Hood moved and Trustee Netherton seconded to approve the Balance Sheet, pay the bills and make the appropriate transfers for September 19, 2022. VAC Hundley stated Macon Co RE tax monies had been received on Friday and the 2nd payment for ARPA funds were received today. Trustee Oakley asked about the Payroll Fund balance as it seemed higher. Payroll was just last Friday so there are checks outstanding; we are approaching quarter end so there are tax payments coming due plus the RE tax monies were deposited. Trustee Oakley also asked about the invoice from Moran Economic and why there hadn’t been a TIF meeting. VAC Hundley explained this invoice was for FY21 audit and she’s been working on FY22 information for them. VAC Hundley mentioned she was talking with Frontier in regards to their invoices they had sent because one of the invoices had a $95.00 negative balance. Each of the invoices had a balance forward, which matched our payment last month, so it is possible this is part of the credits we were receiving for discontinuing the service. Roll call vote: Yes – Trustees Oakley, Hood, Netherton, & Fisher. No -none. Motion carried.
FINANCE: Trustee Oakley moved & Trustee Hood seconded to receive and file the audit for FY22, which had been presented at the previous meeting. Roll call vote: Yes – Trustees Netherton, Hood, Fisher, & Oakley. No – none. Motion carried. VAC Hundley confirmed if she should request the electronic copies of the audit so that it could be forwarded to the USDA and if the adjusting journal entries could be done. Both can be done.
Village Code section 1349 was brought up since we had a resident commenting at our last meeting about the appearance of abandoned or unregistered vehicles around town. Trustee Oakley read the Village Code and questioned the abatement section. Section 1349-5 states: “If, within 10 days after receipt of the notice of the Village Administrative Clerk for maintaining the nuisance, the said nuisance is not abated, or whenever the owner, occupant or person in charge is unknown or cannot be found, the Village may abate without further notice, and the expense thereof is recoverable from the person who may have created, continued or suffered such nuisance to exist and is a lien on the premises on which such nuisance was found in addition to any fine or penalty.” Trustee Oakley feels we should be able to do something about it to which Chief Wheeler responded “I will not remove someone’s vehicle from their property without a judge’s order.” Trustee Oakley asked if our ordinance is in contradiction to state law. Atty Jankowicz asked the Chief if he wanted to expand on the basis for his opinion. Chief Wheeler stated there is some allowance for removal of vehicles if someone else has parked or left their vehicle on another persons’ property. Those vehicles can be marked for a period of time but if we are going on vehicle registrations being expired, we are setting the Village up for some issues.
Atty Jankowicz stated he can’t disagree with that but we can use a case-by-case analysis of the situation. Someone who has had a vehicle there for several months or a year is different from someone who has had a vehicle there for a couple months. Part would have to do with what was done with the vehicle after removal. He agrees that the Village has, as do many villages, a problem with people having inoperable vehicles and the language in the code is a way to try to get rid of the egregious problems.
Trustee Oakley asked Chief Wheeler if he understood him that he wasn’t going to do anything regardless of the situation. Chief stated if we have a judge’s order then we have the court backing to remove someone’s personal property. Atty Jankowicz stated we could file an ordinance violation case with the court system. Atty Jankowicz also mentioned the procedures from the towing companies and if the Village requests a vehicle to be towed, it may be towed to their lot and if nothing is done, the Village may be sent a bill for towing and storage. Trustee Oakley stated that we have this ordinance and we are not following it so we either need to follow it or change it. It was suggested this be discussed at a police committee meeting.
BUILDING: Trustee Netherton mentioned the partial vehicle which had been on S. Powers and it has been removed along with the property being mowed. Atty Jankowicz stated he had driven around the Village prior to the meeting and 235 W Warren is looking bad again. Trustee Netherton mentioned the personal vehicle at this address doesn’t have plates on it. VAC Hundley updated the board on a couple of the properties which had received letters. They were being worked on and improved. Trustee Netherton asked if anything had been done about the boat on E. Warren. VAC Hundley deferred to Chief Wheeler. He stated he had not been able to catch the owner at home.
POLICE: Trustee Fisher has talked with Nancy Brohard in regards to the lights the Village was being billed for that are in the park. She will take care of it.
Trustee Fisher made a motion, seconded by Trustee Hood to contact Ameren to request a street light be installed on an existing pole near 132 S. Washington. Roll call vote: Yes – Trustees Oakley, Fisher, Netherton & Hood. No – none. Motion carried.
Trustee Fisher stated the new police vehicle has been delivered to the dealership. Chief Wheeler stated the equipment from the 2010 Tahoe that can be used in the new vehicle has been removed and ready to ship to the company who will install it. There is an expected delivery of the transport insert the end of September and we should have the vehicle by the middle of October. Trustee Fisher stated Buena Vista Bank is satisfied with all information provided and the interest rate should be 3.49%.
Trustee Oakley asked if the 2010 Tahoe is out of service & when we would be able to declare it as surplus and start the process of selling it. Chief Wheeler stated it is still in service until he receives the paperwork on the new truck and can get the plates switched.
SEWER: Trustee Hackl was absent. DPW Allen mentioned the blower motor is out again and will need replaced. He mentioned an approximate price of $1,088.00 to have a rebuilt one. He was going to check with Decatur Electric to see if they had anything cheaper. Trustee Hood asked the HP of the motor and Trustee Netherton asked if Decatur Electric & Bodine could be contacted about reconditioning this one. DPW Allen did state there are 2 other motors and blowers. Trustee Oakley asked if he could present precise options at the next board meeting,
STREETS: Trustee Hood had talked with DPW Allen earlier about getting with Dary Burnett Concrete to get an updated quote detailing what they would be doing so that it could be compared with the other bids. DPW Allen had talked with Diana Burnett and she was going to send it and verbally confirmed the only difference in the bids was the seeding after the sidewalks are done.
WATER: Trustee Freeman was absent.
PUBLIC WORKS: Trustee Hood mentioned they will need to get tires on the water department truck before winter. DPW mentioned he wasn’t at the last meeting and asked if the mini-pump was approved at that meeting. He will get a price on it before the next meeting.
VILLAGE ATTORNEY: Atty Jankowicz didn’t have anything.
Trustee Hood moved and Trustee Netherton seconded to adjourn. Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 6:26 p.m.