Village of Warrensburg Village Board met Oct. 3.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Riley called the meeting to order at the Warrensburg Village Hall at 5:30 p.m., reminding everyone the meeting was being recorded.
ROLL CALL: Present: Mayor Riley, Trustee Fisher, Trustee Freeman, Trustee Netherton & Trustee Oakley. Also present were Chief Wheeler, Atty Jankowicz, DPW Allen & VAC Hundley. Trustee Hackl & Trustee Hood were absent.
MAYOR’S COMMENTS: Mayor Riley there had been a lot of “chatter” over the weekend regarding ACTS internet services. Brandon Rarick was contacted on Friday requesting him to appear at a Village Board of Trustees meeting in order for everyone to hear the information at the same time. So far, we’ve not heard back from him.
At one of the Coffee with the Mayor sessions, Denise Cass & Tori Tatum approached him about having a Village Christmas tree. It was too late in the year to do anything in 2021 but plans are moving forward to get thing set up for 2022. It’s going to be called “One Tree – Many Branches”. The tree lighting will be December 3 from 6:00 – 7:30 pm. It should be something fun to highlight the Christmas season and these ladies are willing to take it on.
Mayor Riley had received an email from the Mayor of Argenta trying to get the mayor’s meetings started up again.
PUBLIC COMMENTS: Harold Hawkins is looking forward to hearing more about the ACTS internet service.
ENGINEER: Stephanie Brown from Chastain & Assoc was in attendance. She didn’t have anything for engineering but does have something for Property Maintenance after a conference she attended.
REVIEW/APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made by Trustee Fisher and seconded by Trustee Netherton to approve the minutes of the September 19, 2022 regular meeting. Motion carried.
VILLAGE ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK: Trustee Oakley moved and Trustee Netherton seconded to approve the Balance Sheet, pay the bills and make the appropriate transfers for October 3, 2022. VAC Hundley stated the Village had received the 6th payment for Rebuild Illinois. It should be the final payment. Roll call vote: Yes – Trustees Oakley, Freeman, Netherton, & Fisher. No -none. Motion carried.
FINANCE: Trustee Oakley didn’t have anything.
BUILDING: Trustee Netherton didn’t have anything. Mayor Riley mentioned there was some activity regarding home improvement on N. Main.
POLICE: Trustee Fisher reported on the police committee meeting which was held last Tuesday. They discussed the new vehicle. It is set to be available mid-October. The loan is ready to go and would like a couple days’ notice in order to have paperwork ready to be signed. They discussed Section 1349 regarding inoperable vehicles. It was suggested it be reviewed by Atty Jankowicz and reworded to include proper language in order to protect the Village.
Chief Wheeler presented the September report. A couple questions were asked as to what the ordinance violations were for and exactly what the state citations were. Trustee Oakley asked what written warnings were issued for.
SEWER: Trustee Hackl was absent. DPW Allen mentioned the blower motor had been taken into Decatur Electric to have it checked. They were supposed to be getting a price for a new one. The $1,088.00 quote mentioned at the previous meeting was for a rebuilt one from Bodine Electric.
STREETS: Trustee Hood was absent.
WATER: Trustee Freeman would like to have the engineering firm that presented their information at the previous meeting move ahead with their work. Mayor Riley mentioned that everyone should review Ordinance #743 which approves the agreement with Chastain & Associates. Trustee Oakley said he had read it and if it’s not exclusive, then what is the issue with using the other firm. Atty Jankowicz mentioned they are a long-standing firm and the Village needs a firm that does municipal engineering. We contracted with them and it is a general understanding that we contact them to confirm. General engineering projects should be referred to Chastain first to see if they are in a position to provide services and the costs. Stephanie explained the different levels of the contract. Trustee Freeman suggested to have another water committee meeting to decide how to proceed from there.
PUBLIC WORKS: DPW Allen did price tires for the Water vehicle and 4 tires from Neal Tire would be $1,253.63 with road hazard & balancing. It was suggested to check with Blain’s Farm & Fleet, Walker Tire, & Best One. He explained what the mini sump pump would be used for. The question of water main clamps was asked. He will bring quotes to the next meeting.
VILLAGE ATTORNEY: Atty Jankowicz presented Ordinance #777 to amend the Liquor Code to change the residency requirements to within 30 miles of the Village. A motion was made by Trustee Oakley, seconded by Trustee Netherton to adopt this ordinance. Roll call vote: Yes – Trustees Oakley, Netherton & Fisher. Trustee Freeman abstained as he had to step out of the room. No – none. The ordinance was adopted.
Atty Jankowicz presented Ordinance #778 to suspend the NPDES fees. A motion was made by Trustee Oakley, seconded by Trustee Netherton to adopt this ordinance. Atty Jankowicz explained the rationale behind this ordinance. Trustee Freeman asked how long this fee would be suspended and Atty Jankowicz explained the finance committee would need to look at the reserve and the fee could be implemented whenever required. Roll call vote: Yes – Trustees Freeman, Netherton, Fisher & Oakley. No – none. The ordinance was adopted.
Trustee Oakley moved and Trustee Freeman seconded to adjourn. Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 6:05 p.m.
The next meeting will be on Monday, October 17, 2022.