Village of Forsyth Planning & Zoning Commission met July 27.
Here are the minutes provided by the commission:
Planning and Zoning Chairman R. C. Campbell called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M.
Upon call of the roll, the following Commissioners were physically present:
Regular Commissioners: Chairman R. C. Campbell, Matt May, Vice Chairman Dennis Downey, Cathy Mitteer, Dan Doerfler
Regular Commissioners Absent: Larry Perkins, Steve Ragan
Alternate Commissioner Absent: Colleen Brinkoetter
Other Staff Present: Village Administrator Jill Applebee, Village Clerk Cheryl Marty, Building Inspector Dustin Pruitt, Village Attorney Andrew Jarmer, Stephanie Brown (Chastain & Associates Engineer representative)
Others Present: Residents Mary Shobe, Alicia Force
MOTION: Vice Chairman Downey made a Motion to approve the minutes of May 25, 2023 as presented and Commissioner Mitteer seconded the motion.
Upon a call of the roll, the vote was as follows:
Yeas: 5- Campbell, May, Mitteer, Downey, Doerfler
Nays: 0 - None
Absent: 3 - Perkins, Ragan, Brinkoetter
Motion declared carried.
Request by Alicia Force for text amendment to Development Ordinance Section 4.8 to amend the Permitted and Special Use Chart to Create a Special Use for Pet Store/Grooming in Areas Zoned R1/OT in Accordance with Development Ordinance Section 9.11.
Administrator Applebee explained the details of the text amendment request. A brief discussion was held.
MOTION: Vice Chairman Downey made a Motion to recommend approval of the text amendment as presented and Commissioner Mitteer seconded the motion.
Upon a call of the roll, the vote was as follows:
Yeas: 5- Campbell, May, Mitteer, Downey, Doerfler
Nays: 0 - None
Absent: 3 - Perkins, Ragan, Brinkoetter
Motion declared carried.
Request by Alicia Force for special use to use the real property commonly known as 424 S. Elwood, Forsyth, Illinois and legally described as MORISSEY & ETNIERS FIRST ADDITION TO VILLAGE LOTS 7 AND 8 (PIN: 07-07-14-176-003), as a Pet Store/Groomer. The request is made in accordance with Development Ordinance Section 9.12. The property is currently zoned OT and no request to vary the zoning has been made.
Administrator Applebee explained the special use permit request for 424 S. Elwood and that the business will be used for grooming only and no boarding of animals will occur. A general discussion was held and questions were asked about the business including signage, types of services provided, and appointment hours.
MOTION: Vice Chairman Downey made a Motion to recommend approval of the special use permit request as presented and Commissioner May seconded the motion.
Upon a call of the roll, the vote was as follows:
Yeas: 5- Campbell, May, Mitteer, Downey, Doerfler
Nays: 0 - None
Absent: 3 - Perkins, Ragan, Brinkoetter
Motion declared carried.
Request for variance submitted by Chad Krekel to vary the requirements of Development Ordinance Section 4.6 C (11)(b) to permit a shed without fencing at the real property commonly known as 910 N. Route 51, Forsyth, Illinois and legally described as PT SW1/4 SEC 14 DESC AS: COM SW COR SD SEC 14 TH ERLY ALG S LN SD SEC 14 52.26 TO / PIZA HUT PT ON E ROW LN (PIN: 07-07-14- 351-009).
Administrator Applebee explained the shed details that Krekel's has installed on their property. It is in violation of Village ordinance which states a fence is required for screening purposes. Chad Krekel is concerned a fence would be less attractive than the shed. The Commissioners discussed the pros and cons of having a fence installed and decided a fence installation would provide more negatives than positives and agreed to recommend not requiring a fence to be installed and recommend approval of the variance request.
MOTION: Vice Chairman Downey made a Motion to recommend approval of the ordinance variance as presented and Commissioner Doerfler seconded the motion.
Upon a call of the roll, the vote was as follows:
Yeas: 5- Campbell, May, Mitteer, Downey, Doerfler
Nays: 0 - None
Absent: 3 - Perkins, Ragan, Brinkoetter
Motion declared carried.
Request for variance submitted by Lamar OCT North d/b/a/ Lamar Advertising of Decatur to vary the requirements of the Development Ordinance Sections 7.3A, 7.3D, and 7.4C to convert an existing static billboard to a digital billboard on the north facing side on the real property legally described as: Part of the SW1/4 of the NW1/4 of Section 23, Township 17 North, Range 2 East of the 3rd Principal Meridian in Macon County Illinois (part of "Forsyth Plaza South”) (PIN: 07-07-23-151-004).
Administrator Applebee explained the request details for a digital billboard which would be of no cost to the Village. The Lamar representative added a few comments regarding further operational details and also confirmed there is a paper trail ensuring the free time slots given to the Village. A brief discussion ensued.
MOTION: Commissioner Doerfler made a Motion to recommend approval of the ordinance variance as presented and Commissioner Mitteer seconded the motion.
Upon a call of the roll, the vote was as follows:
Yeas: 5- Campbell, May, Mitteer, Downey, Doerfler
Nays: 0 - None
Absent: 3 - Perkins, Ragan, Brinkoetter
Petition for approval of an amendment to the preliminary plan for a planned unit development requesting the removal of the two-tenant commercial building on Lot 2 with the new use of a 54-space parking lot to be shared by Lot 1 and Lot 3 as submitted by SC Forsyth, LLC for the property located at 994 US Route 51 Forsyth, Illinois and legally described as PT SW SW-BEG 52.26 E SW COR N412.64 NE192.49 SE41.33 SE42.79 S355.31 SW250.02POB & (EX HWY ROW) & (EX RD ROW) (PIN: 07-07- 14-351-006).
Administrator Applebee explained that the new tenant for the former Home Town Buffet building will now require more parking spaces so this requires elimination of the two- tenant commercial building originally planned. A general discussion was held with all Commissioners agreeing to recommend approval of this request.
MOTION: Commissioner May made a Motion to recommend approval of the PUD amendment as presented and Commissioner Downey seconded the motion.
Upon a call of the roll, the vote was as follows:
Yeas: 5- Campbell, May, Mitteer, Downey, Doerfler
Nays: 0 - None
Absent: 3 - Perkins, Ragan, Brinkoetter
Motion declared carried.
Review and Discussion of Forsyth Code of Ordinances - This will be an ongoing discussion.
Discussion was postponed until the next meeting
Review and Discussion of Board Seats
Administrator Applebee explained that an oversight occurred and 2022 and 2023 Board seats were not re-elected. She was not sure what the best legal approach would be.
Vice Chairman Downey said in the past the Commission always makes recommendations to the Board. After Village Attorney Andrew Jarmer read the ordinance to the Commission a discussion was held. It was understood that the Mayor has the final approval but normally acts in accordance with the Commission's recommendations. During the discussion it was agreed to start with the current seat status and present that to the Village Board for consideration and approval at the August 1 Board meeting. Also discussed was the need to fill the remaining open alternate seat, and to annually (in October) start thinking of the next year's open seats.
MOTION: Vice Chairman Downey made a Motion to recommend approval of the current Commissioner's seats to the Village Board and Commissioner Mitteer seconded the motion.
Upon a call of the roll, the vote was as follows:
Yeas: 5- Campbell, May, Mitteer, Downey, Doerfler
Nays: 0 - None
Absent: 3 - Perkins, Ragan, Brinkoetter
Motion declared carried.
Vice Chairman Downey made a Motion to adjourn and Commissioner Mitteer seconded the Motion. Motion was approved by voice vote, and the meeting was adjourned at 6:30 P.M.