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City of Decatur City Council met Dec. 18

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Dennis R. Cooper - Councilman | City of Decatur Website

Dennis R. Cooper - Councilman | City of Decatur Website

City of Decatur City Council met Dec. 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

On Monday, December 18, 2023, the City Council of the City of Decatur, Illinois, met in Regular Meeting at 5:30 p.m., in the Council Chamber, One Gary K. Anderson Plaza, Decatur, Illinois.

Mayor Julie Moore Wolfe presided, together with her being Council members Lisa Gregory, David Horn, Chuck Kuhle, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper and Pat McDaniel. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared a quorum present.

City Manager Scot Wrighton attended the meeting as well.

Mayor Moore Wolfe led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mayor Moore Wolfe called for Appearance of Citizens and the following citizens provided comments to the Council: James Taylor, Abeer Motan, Ayn Owens and Anthony Chapple.

Mayor Moore Wolfe called for Approval of the Minutes.

The minutes of the December 4, 2023, City Council Meeting were presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the minutes be approved as written; seconded by Councilman Kuhle and on call of the roll, Council members Lisa Gregory, David Horn, Chuck Kuhle, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe

declared the motion carried.

This being the time set aside for Unfinished Business and there being none, Mayor Moore Wolfe called for New Business.

City Manager Scot Wrighton presented the Treasurer’s Financial Report.

Mayor Moore Wolfe called for a Public Hearing at 5:40 p.m. on the matter of the 2023 property tax levy.

No individuals came forward to address Council. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the Public Hearing closed at 5:41 p.m.

2023-87 An Ordinance Levying Property Taxes for the City of Decatur, Illinois for the Purpose of Raising Revenue to Meet Certain Necessary Expenses of the City for the Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 2024, and Ending December 31, 2024, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Ordinance do pass, seconded by Councilman Kuhle.

City Manager Wrighton gave an overview of the Ordinance.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Lisa Gregory, David Horn, Chuck Kuhle, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

2023-88 Budget Reconciliation Ordinance Appropriating Additional Monies for the Purpose of Defraying the Expenses for Certain Funds of the City of Decatur, Illinois for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2023, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Ordinance do pass, seconded by Councilman Kuhle.

City Manager Wrighton gave an overview of the Ordinance.

Ms. Ruby James, Director of Finance, provided additional information regarding the Budget Reconciliation Ordinance.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Lisa Gregory, David Horn, Chuck Kuhle, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

R2023-275 Resolution Authorizing the City of Decatur to Provide an Interfund Cash Advance to Certain Funds to Affect a Positive Cash Position as of the Close of Business as of December 31, 2023, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Resolution do pass, seconded by Councilman Kuhle.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Lisa Gregory, David Horn, Chuck Kuhle, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

R2023-276 Resolution Adopting an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the City of Decatur, Illinois and the Illinois State Comptroller Concerning the Local Debt Recovery Program, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Resolution do pass, seconded by Councilman Kuhle.

Ms. Ruby James, Director of Finance, gave an overview of the Resolution and answered questions from Council members regarding the debt collection process.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Lisa Gregory, David Horn, Chuck Kuhle, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

2023-89 Ordinance Regarding the Illinois Paid Leave for All Workers Act for the City of Decatur, Illinois, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Ordinance do pass, seconded by Councilman Kuhle.

City Manager Wrighton gave an overview of the Ordinance.

Council members provided comments concerning the impact on small businesses.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Lisa Gregory, David Horn, Chuck Kuhle, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

R2023-277 Resolution Re-Allocating CDBG-CV Funds and American Rescue Plan Act Funds, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Resolution do pass, seconded by Councilman Kuhle.

City Manager Wrighton gave an overview of the Resolution.

Mr. Cordaryl Patrick, Director of Economic and Community Development, answered questions from Council members concerning the increased project costs of the daycare facility.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Lisa Gregory, David Horn, Chuck Kuhle, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

Resolution Approving Variances and Authorizing a Redevelopment Agreement with Robinson Outdoor Advertising for Off-Premise Sign, Commonly Known as Billboards, Placement, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Resolution do pass, seconded by Councilman Kuhle.

Mr. Jon Kindseth, Deputy City Manager, gave an overview of the Resolution. Council members shared their thoughts about the locations of the proposed billboards.

Mr. Delbert Reed with Robinson Outdoor spoke about the benefits of the billboards and answered questions from Council members.

Councilman Kuhle made a motion to table the Resolution until January, seconded by Councilwoman Gregory.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Lisa Gregory, David Horn, Chuck Kuhle, Ed Culp and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Council members Dennis Cooper and Pat McDaniel voted nay. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion tabled.

R2023-278 Resolution Accepting the Proposal from CivicPlus for a New Website and Communication Platform, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Resolution do pass, seconded by Councilman Kuhle.

Mr. Jon Kindseth, Deputy City Manager, gave an overview of the Resolution and answered questions from Council members regarding the project timeframe.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Lisa Gregory, David Horn, Chuck Kuhle, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

R2023-279 Resolution Authorizing a Professional Engineering Services Agreement with Clark Dietz Inc. to Provide Final Design Services for the Brush College Road Lift Station and Forcemain, City Project 2020-06, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Resolution do pass, seconded by Councilman Kuhle.

City Manager Wrighton gave an overview of the Resolution.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Lisa Gregory, David Horn, Chuck Kuhle, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

2023-90 Ordinance Amending City Code Chapter 56 Refuse and Recyclables Removal, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Ordinance do pass, seconded by Councilman Kuhle.

City Manager Wrighton gave an overview of the Ordinance.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Lisa Gregory, David Horn, Chuck Kuhle, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

2023-91 Ordinance Amending City Code Chapter 26 Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Contractors, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Ordinance do pass, seconded by Councilman Kuhle.

City Manager Wrighton gave an overview of the Ordinance.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Lisa Gregory, David Horn, Chuck Kuhle, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

2023-92 Ordinance Amending City Code Chapter 44 Fire Prevention and Hazardous Material Control, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Ordinance do pass, seconded by Councilman Kuhle.

City Manager Wrighton gave an overview of the Ordinance.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Lisa Gregory, David Horn, Chuck Kuhle, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

2023-93 Ordinance Amending City Code Chapter 67 Building Code, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Ordinance do pass, seconded by Councilman Kuhle.

City Manager Wrighton gave an overview of the Ordinance.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Lisa Gregory, David Horn, Chuck Kuhle, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

2023-94 Ordinance Amending City Code Chapter 67.2 Residential Building Code, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Ordinance do pass, seconded by Councilman Kuhle.

City Manager Wrighton gave an overview of the Ordinance.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Lisa Gregory, David Horn, Chuck Kuhle, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

2023-95 Ordinance Amending City Code Chapter 68 Mechanical Code, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Ordinance do pass, seconded by Councilman Kuhle.

City Manager Wrighton gave an overview of the Ordinance.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Lisa Gregory, David Horn, Chuck Kuhle, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

2023-96 Ordinance Amending City Code Chapter 70 Property Maintenance Code, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Ordinance do pass, seconded by Councilman Kuhle.

City Manager Wrighton gave an overview of the Ordinance.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Lisa Gregory, David Horn, Chuck Kuhle, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

Mayor Moore Wolfe called for Consent Agenda Calendar Items A. through Q. and asked if any Council member wished to remove an item from the Consent Agenda. No Council member wished to remove an item from the Consent Agenda Calendar. The Clerk read Items A. through Q.:

Item A. 2023-97 Ordinance Annexing Territory 3043 Tempe Drive

Item B. R2023-280 Resolution Rescinding Resolution No. R2023-103 Accepting the Sourcewell Bid to Key Equipment & Supply Co. for the Purchase of One (1) 2023 Elgin Pelican Street Sweeper

Item C. R2023-281 Resolution Awarding a Contract in the Amount of $252,820 Brown Equipment Company for One (1) 2023 Global Model M3 Street Sweeper

Item D. 2023-98 An Ordinance Abating the Property Tax Levy for the City of Decatur, Illinois for General Obligation 2010 Series C Bonds

Item E. 2023-99 An Ordinance Abating the Property Tax Levy for the City of Decatur, Illinois for General Obligation 2012 Series Bonds

Item F. 2023-100 An Ordinance Abating the Property Tax Levy for the City of Decatur, Illinois for General Obligation 2013 Series Bonds

Item G. 2023-101 An Ordinance Abating the Property Tax Levy for the City of Decatur, Illinois for General Obligation 2014 Series Bonds

Item H. 2023-102 An Ordinance Abating the Property Tax Levy for the City of Decatur, Illinois for General Obligation 2015 Series Bonds

Item I. 2023-103 An Ordinance Abating the Property Tax Levy for the City of Decatur, Illinois for General Obligation 2016 Series Bonds

Item J. 2023-104 An Ordinance Abating the Property Tax Levy for the City of Decatur, Illinois for General Obligation 2017 Series Bonds

Item K. 2023-105 An Ordinance Abating the Property Tax Levy for the City of Decatur, Illinois for General Obligation 2018 Series Bonds

Item L. 2023-106 An Ordinance Abating the Property Tax Levy for the City of Decatur, Illinois for General Obligation 2019 Series Bonds

Item M. 2023-107 An Ordinance Abating the Property Tax Levy for the City of Decatur, Illinois for General Obligation 2019 Series B Bonds

Item N. 2023-108 An Ordinance Abating the Property Tax Levy for the City of Decatur, Illinois for General Obligation 2020 Series Bonds

Item O. 2023-109 An Ordinance Abating the Property Tax Levy for the City of Decatur, Illinois for General Obligation 2022 Series Bonds

Item P. R2023-282 Resolution Authorizing a Memorandum of Understanding Agreement and Associated Sales Order with Thinkwell Makerspace Innovations, NFP to obtain Internet Access through the City of Decatur Fiber Network

Item Q. R2023-283 Resolution Authorizing Consulting Services Agreement - Ann L. Schneider and Associates LLC

Councilwoman Gregory moved Items A. through Q. be approved by Omnibus Vote; seconded by Councilman Kuhle, and on call of the roll, Council members Lisa Gregory, David Horn, Chuck Kuhle, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel and Mayor Moore Wolfe. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

With no other New Business, Mayor Moore Wolfe called for Other Business.

City Manager Wrighton announced that a copy of the adopted 2024 budget was provided to Council members.

With no Other Business, Mayor Moore Wolfe called for Recess to Closed Executive Session at 6:52 p.m. under Open Meetings Act Section 2(c)(1) the Appointment, Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance, or Dismissal of Specific Employees of the Public Body.

Councilwoman Gregory moved to Recess to Closed Executive Session, seconded by Councilman Kuhle and on call of the roll, Council members Lisa Gregory, David Horn, Chuck Kuhle, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

Council returned to the regular City Council meeting following Closed Executive Session at 8:00 p.m. Councilwoman Gregory moved the regular meeting be adjourned; seconded by Councilman Kuhle. All were in favor by voicing no objections.

Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the regular Council meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.




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