
Macon Reporter

Friday, September 20, 2024

DeWitt County Board Zoning Board of Appeals will meet Feb. 5

Webp 25

DeWitt County Courthouse in Clinton | WikipediA

DeWitt County Courthouse in Clinton | WikipediA

DeWitt County Board Zoning Board of Appeals will meet Feb. 5.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

Call To Order

Roll Call

Approval Of Minutes – November 6, 2023 and November 29, 2023

Public Comment

Items For Discussion And Possible Action

CASE V342-2023 – Travis & Amy Boley. Reduction in road frontage

CASE V343-2023 – Zack McKitrick – Closer to residence (and public right of way)

CASE S261-2023 – Zach McKitrick – Operate a junkyard

CASE S262-2023 – Brent & Brittany Houser – Operate a vacation rental

CASE A37-2023 – RPC – Revision to §157.08 of the Solar Ordinance

Items For Discussion Only

Old And New Business - Discussion And Possible Action

Motion To Adjourn
