
Macon Reporter

Monday, March 31, 2025

Review of 2020 Presidential Election voting trends in Central W City of Decatur: Precinct Decatur 8

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U.S. President Joe Biden & Former U.S. President Donald Trump | Wikipedia

U.S. President Joe Biden & Former U.S. President Donald Trump | Wikipedia

As we approach the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election, a review of the 2020 voting patterns in Central W City of Decatur: Precinct Decatur 8 can provide valuable insights. In the contest between Donald J. Trump and Joe Biden, 760 of the 1,088 residents cast their ballots, resulting in a 69.9% turnout, according to the Illinois State Board of Elections.

The voting breakdown in Central W City of Decatur: Precinct Decatur 8 reveals 34.2% of the total supporting Republicans, and 62% of the votes for Democrats, highlighting the precinct's political preferences.

Overall, 328 registered voters in Central W City of Decatur: Precinct Decatur 8 did not vote in 2020.

Additionally, an estimated total of 2,084 residents were reported to be aged 18 or older in Central W City of Decatur: Precinct Decatur 8, according to the last US Census and the 2021 American Community Survey.

The Illinois State Board of Elections ensures the integrity and security of the electoral process in Illinois. They handle candidate certifications, vote tallying, and campaign disclosures. Following a significant cyberattack in 2016, the board also focuses on bolstering electoral cybersecurity. Governed by the Illinois Election Code (10 ILCS 5), the SBE is committed to conducting fair and transparent elections.

2020 Voter Participation in Central W City of Decatur: Precinct Decatur 8
NameAddressVoted/Didn't Vote
Aaron M. OverheulW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Aaron O. BakerW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Abby L. MartinW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Abigail Alene ComiskeyW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Abigail mc IntoshW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Ace A. AldridgeW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Adam C. MacKeW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Adam E. HamW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Adrienne O. ParishW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Aisha M. SelvyW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Alan M. LazarusW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Albert Lee BoydW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Alexander J. GrafW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Alexandra K. HammS Haworth, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Alexis J. FleckensteinS Fairview, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Alexis L. ErvinW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Alexis N. NewbonW California Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Alice A. MooreheadW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Alicia A. PerezW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Alicia A. SangsterW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Alicia Marie SmithW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Allen C. FryerW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Alvell MitchellS Oakland, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Alvin W. KirkW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Alyssa L. BallardS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Amanda L. OppedalW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Amanda L. TaylorW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Amber Lynn JohnsonW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Amira C. JohnsonS Oakland, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Amos L. FoxW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Amy M. WaksS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Andre M. TuckerS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Andrea M. ArnoldW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Andrea MonteroW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Andrea W. GomesW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Andrew J. RobertsonMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Andrew L. OverheulW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Andrew L. WaltersW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Andrew W. DombrowskiW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Angel K. LawrenceW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Angela A. MichaelW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Angela Ellen WaltersW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Angela R. GravesW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Angela St L. ClairW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Angeleia L. CurtisW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Ann F. BordersW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Anna K. GambolW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Anne H. HostetlerMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Anne M. CondonS Oakcrest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Anne M. ScottW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Annebrea C. TaylorS Dennis, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Anthony A. BobbeyW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Anthony BrownS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Anthony D. BrownRidge Ct, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Anthony H. CookW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Anthony HaythorneW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Anthony L. GauseW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Anthony R. MagagnaS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Anthony W. RouleauW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Antonio A. WrightS Taylor, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Arbie D. FryerW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Arthur GrossW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Ashley M. DurbinW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Ashley M. MajorW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Ashley M. WrightS Taylor, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Ashley Marie GarnerW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Aubrey T. JumpS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Austin Alexander IdlemanW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Austin Elgin RoweW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Austin Matthew RuleW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Autumn Renee Rouleau-RitcheyW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Barak Adam AllenW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Barbara A. JohnsonW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Barbara A. StobaughW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Barbara J. PettijohnS Dennis, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Barbara L. CarrW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Barry F. BellW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Bea M. DawsonW California Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Ben D. WatkinsW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Benjamin B. PrischingW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Benjamin I. PetersW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Benjamin Jacob BakerW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Benjamin T. RouleauW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Bernadette F. BenzW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Bernie E. SmothersW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Bessie W. TaylorS Oakland, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Betty Jean JohnsonW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Bradley R. DaughertyW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Brandie R. JonesW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Brandon G. ReiningerW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Brandon L. ClarkW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Brandon L. KorthalsW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Brandy L. KelleyW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Brandy N. MorrellW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Breah Alexandria OlaughlinW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Breanna J. BeckW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Brenda Lee MajorS Dennis, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Brennen T. WheelerW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Brent J. van DolahW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Brent T. mc HughW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Bret P. CoaleW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Brett M. StanfordW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Brian A. GloverW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Brian A. ShuresW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Brian Christopher AllenW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Brian L. HeiseW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Brian L. MurphyW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Brian Sp JonesW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Briana N. BakerW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Brianna K. ReidelS Fairview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Bridgette E. GriderW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Bridgette N. KearnsW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Britt W. VanderboeghW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Bruce E. NimsW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Bruce L. ThompsonW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Bryan J. ReadW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Burnette M. LewisW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Byron P. HansbroW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Caitlin Hb WhaleyW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Caleb A. BoergerW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Cameron M. WarnsleyW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Candace Marlette CookW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Cara A. FrancisW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Carin E. HouserMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Carina Venea GivensW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Carissa Rachelle HarrisW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Carl A. HewittS Taylor, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Carl B. WilliamsW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Carl W. GauseW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Carlaih A. WestW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Carleen GarnerS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Carlo Latron Givens MabinsW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Carlos G. WilliamsW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Carmen Lou DunnMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Carmen M. CarterW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Carol A. MorseS Taylor, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Carol A. SincebaughW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Carol D. BakerW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Carol Harter HoustonS Summit, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Carol J. ColemanW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Carol L. FullerW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Carol L. MerrittMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Caroline JonesS Oakland, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Carolyn J. YoungW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Carolyn L. SchnieppW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Carolyn M. ThorpeRidge Ct, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Carolyn R. GreenS Oakland, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Carolynn J. KeizerW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Carrie Ellen Miller BarrickW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Carrie M. ReiningerW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Catherine Ann CroyW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Catherine C. GrossW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Catherine L. OlendorfW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Cathy G. StricklenS Westlawn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Cecil C. ReedS Westlawn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Cedric JohnsonW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Celina R. WilsonW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Cerella Di M. MondoW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Chad A. HartW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Channing C. BellW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Charissa E. mc CainW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Charlene Tiomea DavisW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Charles LaneW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Charles Merlin CentersW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Charles R. BeckW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Charles W. StobaughW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Charles William HuberW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Charlotte A. FosterW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Charlotte A. RyanW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Charolette LoweW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Chelsea Marie ScharfenbergW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Cheryl A. CoxW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Cheryl Ann HiggsW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Cheryl G. BradleyMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Cheryl L. PummillS Westlawn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Cheyanne L. WarrenW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Cheyenne Summer LutzW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Chloe Valentine ScharfenbergW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Christain J. ZenonW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Christian D. CoadyW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Christine PhillipsW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Christopher D. BellS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Christopher L. MabinsW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Christopher Lee FrackerW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Christopher M. WallW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Christopher M. YeagleW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Christy L. HammonW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Chynna J. ShieldsW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Ciara Elaine WilderS Fairview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Cindy L. BakerW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Cindy L. ShullW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Cindy Lh JosephW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Claude A. HolmesW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Claudia E. ClarkW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Cody M. CearlockW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Cody Mykal SimsW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Cody Robert HornS Westlawn, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Coleton Douglas ZilzW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Colin Padraig mc GonagleW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Connie L. SmallwoodW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Connie S. BordnerW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Connie S. SlawW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Corey NewshamW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Corriel GivensW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Cortney J. HarknessW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Courtney Nicole BroaddusS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Craig B. KramerS Dennis, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Crystal TatroS Dennis, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Cyle W. AndersonW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Cynthia D. Pressley-ReadW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Cynthia E. HaleW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Cynthia L. DuncanMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Daisy M. GlassS Fairview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Dallas Lynn YorkW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Danae Alyse BunchW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Danette E. ChapmanW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Daniel E. HinesW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Daniel E. JonesS Oakland, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Daniel G. PotempaW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Daniel W. mc CallW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Danielle D. CookW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Danielle E. BarbeeW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Danny R. ByardW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Dara I. HalliburtonW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Darin L. WilsonW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Darla K. GollingsW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Darlene YoungS Taylor, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Darljean EllisonRidge Ct, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Darrell W. GilmoreW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Daryl D. AllenW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
David A. FronkW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
David E. MabonW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
David L. PundtW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
David M. PetersS Linden, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
David R. KelleyW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
David R. LewisW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
David W. EynonW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Dean M. GregurichS Westlawn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Deanna K. HammondW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Debbie L. BoergerW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Deborah Angel Rapson SonderW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Deborah Cox A. SchwalbeW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Deborah E. EnglandS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Deborah L. Clark-OutlawW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Debra R. BaltimoreW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Debra S. DurbinW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Delaney Jane WhitlockS Westlawn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Della A. OverheulW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Demetria T. MeyersW Cottage Hill Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Dena S. NorrisW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Denise A. ReeterW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Denise C. WaltersW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Denise V. ConlinW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Deonta M. MerriweatherW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Derek J. BallardS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Devin E. ServeyW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Devin L. MabonW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Dian C. CentersW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Diane M. WellsW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Dickey W. HowardW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Dominique N. WheelerW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Donald E. FosterW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Donald F. WrigleyS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Donald T. SannerW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Donna E. CollinsW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Donna J. HahnW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Donna K. BellessaW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Donna L. AdcockW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Donna Lorene GoffW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Donna M. van NattaW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Donna R. ReadW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Donna R. VerryW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Doris H. ServeyW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Dorothy Ann HilliardW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Dorothy Ann WhitelowW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Dorothy L. ChalmersW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Dottie Rae EndresW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Douglas G. SmithS Westlawn, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Douglas V. BriggsW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Duane R. BoydW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Duane RogersS Oakland, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Dwayne J. JacobsW Cottage Hill Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Ebony S. GreenS Fairview, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Ecila M. Deransburg-CookW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Eddie G. mc KnightW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Edward B. StricklenS Westlawn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Edward D. AuvilW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Edward J. LawrenceW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Edward L. CunninghamW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Edward Vincent PacquerW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Edwin H. KaufmanMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Eldridge TaylorS Oakland, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Elijah Lemar GriffinW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Elissa M. mc GlaughlinS Oakcrest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Elizabeth A. CreightonW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Elizabeth Anne ClemW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Elizabeth H. KingW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Elizabeth Helen SchagerW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Elizabeth M. ReedS Westlawn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Elizabeth MaguetW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Elizabeth N. CoziahrW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Elizabeth O. MoranteW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Elizabeth R. HorcharikS Dennis, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Ella M. CurrieW Cottage Hill Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Ellen K. Lawler-ZuberS Westlawn, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Ellen S. BurtschiW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Elora A. AgstenW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Emily M. KrohnW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Emily Marie RaymondW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Emma Kate HarleyW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Emma Ruth WilsonW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Eric David MercerW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Eric J. AltenberndS Westlawn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Eric L. NewbonW California Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Erica A. GigerS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Erica Shontel JohnsonW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Erik C. HagbergW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Ernestine TaylorW Cottage Hill Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Errol Lamonte BradyS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Erwin O. ArendsW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Esther Jean Schmidt BrownW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Ethan X. HarrisS Dennis, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Evon N. Rowe-WheelerW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Farley J. BartleyW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Felicia V. WebbW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Frances Y. FaberMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Frank H. HubbardMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
French L. mac LeanMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Furious Malcolm MabonW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Gabriel A. CorellaW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Gage A. ScharfenbergW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Garth A. WilsonW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Gary F. GeislerMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Gayla L. CarothersW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Genard L. HallS Oakland, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
George A. LigonsW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
George D. WilderW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Georgina A. WombacherW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Gerald L. SmithW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Gillian Claire BroaddusS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Gina M. CoadyW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Gladys T. WilliamsW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Gloria A. ChalmersW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Gloria D. WhiteW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Gloria J. SampsonS Fairview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Gloria L. HammockW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Grace E. GanleyW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Grant W. StorckmanW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Gregory C. CrouchS Westlawn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Gregory J. GreenS Dennis, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Gregory L. LuckettW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Gregory R. PummillS Westlawn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Gretchen Denise Tipsword-o DafferW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Gretchen G. MobleyW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Gretchen S. KarcherMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Griffin Tipsword-o E. DafferS Haworth, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Gustavo PerezW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Halle Grace BellessaW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Hannah J. HouseW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Hannah S. GrayW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Harold Junior MurphyW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Heather L. SpenglerW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Heather Leann HinesW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Heather R. HerronW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Heather Scott M. FlemingW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Helen K. MorrisonW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Helen P. DamarinW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Herbert M. DreierS Westlawn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Hollie R. LugtenW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Holly I. NewbonW California Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Hubert M. WelchW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Ian Edward GreenlawW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Ian M. HoerrW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Isaac G. GalewskyW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Isabella Grace CarverW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Jack E. BolenW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Jackson L. AllisonW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Jacob B. PfeifferW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Jacob M. MundellS Taylor, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jacob R. SegrestW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Jacqueline H. ScruggsW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Jacqueline J. MangusW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jacqueline L. ReedS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jacqueline L. RisbyW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jacqueline Sharon Ann MuellerS Taylor, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jada Marie CarterW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jakiyah BurnsW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
James A. PorterW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
James A. RobinsonW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
James B. AllenW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
James D. SliffyW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
James Daniel BartleyW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
James E. ColemanW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
James E. ColemanW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
James E. WalkerW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
James Edward HilliardW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
James F. ArmbrusterW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
James Isaac BakerW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
James L. DunnW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
James L. HuntW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
James L. PetersonS Taylor, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
James M. BaityS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
James M. DawsonW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
James P. GanleyW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
James W. LesterW California Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
James W. PetersonS Dennis, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jamey L. WitmerMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jamie E. BardingS Dennis, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jamie J. SchniederjanW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jamie M. DavisS Westlawn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Janet Marie BaerwaldtW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Janet S. CushingW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Janice E. VillarrealW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Janice L. AllenW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Janiera L. AdamsW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Janissa A. GjertsenW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jarius A. SpenceW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Jarvis GordonW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jasmine M. RyanW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Jason A. SmithW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Jason D. CroyW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jason EfthimW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jason M. SmithW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Jason N. GunstoneW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Jeanianne E. DavisW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jeffery DaseW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jeffery L. ScharfenbergW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jeffrey D. OliveiraMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Jeffrey Dekaiser WrightW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jeffrey J. BroderickW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jennifer D. JonesW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Jennifer E. HoltW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jennifer L. MabonW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jennifer L. ThorpeRidge Ct, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Jennifer L. VatterW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Jennifer Lynn PetersonS Taylor, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Jennifer S. OverfieldW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jerdarious J. MacLinS Oakland, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Jeremy HoodW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Jeremy W. PriceW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jerrie J. BransonW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Jerry L. MangusW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jerry R. RawlsW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Jerry W. MacLinS Oakland, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Jesse Bryant MayesW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jesse D. TaylorW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jesselyn J. BennettW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jessica A. mc GaughyW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jessica K. HamorW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jessica L. MendenallW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Jessica L. OftedalW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jessica M. LazarusW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jessie J. TaylorW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jett Christopher AldridgeW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Jill N. TadlockW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jill R. ShenlundW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jill S. BranyanW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jillian E. DevereuxS Linden, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jimelia T. L. AdamsW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Jimmie L. CarterW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Jo Anne SmithW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jo mc LainW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jocelyn O. C. RobinsonS Taylor, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jody L. SearsW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Joe A. mc GlaughlinW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Joe F. mc CainW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Joel R. ParksW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Joell A. HarrisS Dennis, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
John A. ReeterW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
John B. BrandtW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
John BeckW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
John C. ArnoldW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
John D. OverfieldW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
John David PinkstonMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
John E. BranyanW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
John E. KellyW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
John G. BradleyMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
John J. LowmanS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
John L. LockhartW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
John N. HumphreyS Dennis, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
John P. DimondoW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
John R. DunnMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
John R. FullerW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
John R. W. ReeterW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
John S. WellsW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
John W. HughesS Dennis, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
John W. NewlinW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Johnnie L. CarterW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Johnny D. PowerW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Johnny H. GarnerS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Johnny M. JohnsonS Oakland, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jonas M. GrandonW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jonathan A. ClevengerS Woodlawn, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Jonathan Andrew TorresonW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Jonathan B. TurnerW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jonathan E. DewaltW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Jonathon Scott ReedW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Joni M. ZimmermanW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jonie C. BondS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jordan Kaye KingW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Jordan W. FrederickW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Jose E. RubiW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Joseph A. PiaseckiW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Joseph Herbert HoustonS Summit, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Joseph J. KimMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Joseph James SlawW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Joseph M. ChalmersW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Joseph M. KinneyW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Joseph P. RyanW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Joseph TurekW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Joseph W. PajerW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Joshua D. WaltersW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Joshua J. AuvilW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Joyce E. PerryW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Juanita K. FaganW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Juanita ReadW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Judith A. D. ParrishW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Judith A. FitzgeraldW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Judith C. LourashW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Judy M. FrazierW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Julia Anne KolstiW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Julia K. JohnsonW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Julian A. SauteletW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Julian M. JonesS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Julie A. RawlingsW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Julie A. StanderwickW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Julie Allen CarterW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Juliet A. ThompsonW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Justin C. BarkleyW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Justin D. ArmstrongW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Justin K. BroderickW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Justin M. SudkampW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Justin S. FullerW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Kaitlyn G. GrimesW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Kamila Rashawn TaylorW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Karen E. NiederbrachW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Karen J. HumphreyS Dennis, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Karen Jane BrownW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Karen K. BartleyW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Karen L. KearnsW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Karen L. NimsW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Karen Lea MercerW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Karen M. PetersonS Taylor, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Karen S. BeardW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Karla Yolanda GivensW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Katharine E. HammonW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Katherine A. PriceW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Katherine Balamos GanleyW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Katherine D. PundtW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Katherine E. OzierMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Katherine Jane BuschW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Katherine Nicole ClemensW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Katherine S. GroeschMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Kathleen L. CrouchS Westlawn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Kathleen M. GarmonW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Kathy Johnstone LueckeW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Kathy R. RobertsW Cottage Hill Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Kati E. SmithW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Katie A. KovaleskiW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Katie M. IronsW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Kayla Brycen DunnS Westlawn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Kayla Meck D. WoodsW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Kayleigh N. BarrettS Taylor, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Kaylen L. ArnoldW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Keith A. CreightonW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Keith H. HurmW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Keith J. JohnstonW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Keith L. HarrisS Dennis, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Kelly M. GagnonW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Kelsey R. RobertsonMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Kelvin D. GreenS Oakland, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Kendall E. BrooksW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Kendra M. WarnsleyW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Kenneth BrownW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Kenneth E. EllerW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Kenneth M. ShenlundW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Kent O. AufrechtW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Kevin D. BeckW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Kevin D. SprouseW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Kevin Eugene MartinS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Kevin J. MartinW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Kevin L. AndersonW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Kevin L. ArnoldW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Kevin W. JonesW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Keyshwna Demara JonesS Dennis, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Kieran Austin CookW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Kimberly D. KramerS Dennis, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Kimberly D. MitchellW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Kimberly L. SingletonW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Kimberly M. ErnstW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Kimberly M. JacksonS Oakland, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Kimberly R. DavisS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Kimberly Rowe PeppersW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Kirstin Ann JurgensenW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Kista M. CorringtonW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Kory M. BeitelS Linden, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Kristen N. RagusaS Oakcrest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Kristopher M. ColemanW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Kristy L. GoodwinS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Kristy Lynn RubiW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Kyle D. TravisW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Kyle J. BeardW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Kymberly G. CopelandW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
L. C. mc ClintonW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
L. V. TuckerS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Lakia S. WrightS Dennis, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Lance Neil SpinlerW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Lander RichardsonW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Larry BakerW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Larry K. YoungS Taylor, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Larry R. JohnsonW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Larry T. CothernW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Lashonda M. AndersonW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Lastachia E. GarnerS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Latonian D. JohnsonW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Laura A. DeanW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Laura A. LawsW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Laura A. OlendorfW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Lauren A. FerrisW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Lauren E. MichaelW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Lauren J. YorkW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Lawrence Allen DorseyW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Lawrence P. KarcherW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Leah B. MuthW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Leanna M. ScheiterS Taylor, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Lemar BrownW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Leonard L. PerlmutterW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Levi Paul YoungsW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Linda Ann ArendsW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Linda D. HewittS Taylor, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Linda GeorgeMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Linda J. FleckensteinS Fairview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Linda K. BaxterW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Linda K. DavisW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Linda K. RandallW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Linda P. BrownW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Linda S. LittleW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Lindsay A. NolanW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Lindsay M. BrownS Dennis, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Lindsey O. NealS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Linna D. CunninghamW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Lisa Colette HelmW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Lisa F. WhitacreW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Lisa M. WilsonW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Logan L. KaylorW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Lois C. SannerW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Lois J. ArmbrusterW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Lolita A. JonesW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Loretta O. NealS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Lori BarterS Dennis, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Lori M. BarrettS Taylor, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Louis E. KapplerS Westlawn, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Lucas A. BardingS Dennis, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Lucille None PooreW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Lucy C. SmithMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Lydia Gabrielle WigginsS Dennis, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Lynae A. PiersonRidge Ct, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Lyndell L. ErnstW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Lynell H. WilliamsW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Lynell WilliamsW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Lynn A. WalshS Dennis, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Lynn S. GardnerS Westlawn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Madison G. LongbonsS Dennis, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Malachi DavisW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Malcolm W. MooreW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Maleeyn Tiajuana AdamsW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Marbella G. MarshW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Marcia J. mc RobertsW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Marco TonelliW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Margaret A. BuschW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Margaret C. PotempaW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Margie A. mc KenzieW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Maria Lee Ann SmithW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Marianne W. RobertsonMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Marie J. VercellinoS Westlawn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Marilyn L. PiaseckiW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Marjorie C. MillerW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Marjorie S. FrazierMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Mark A. EdgarW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Mark A. PotterW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Mark A. ReedW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Mark Allen ClemW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Mark E. JoynerW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Mark Justin ClemW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Mark O. ParrishW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Mark T. BurgenerS Dennis, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Marquis P. CrawfordW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Marquita S. StanleyW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Marsha K. WaltersW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Martha M. DeberryW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Martin M. MooneyW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Martin M. WheelerW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Marvin L. BellW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Mary B. BlackS Dennis, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Mary J. WebbW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Mary L. ArnoldS Dennis, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Mary M. DreierS Westlawn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Mary R. ReedS Westlawn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Mary V. TurekW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Matthew D. SonderW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Matthew D. WeatherfordS Linden, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Matthew D. WestW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Matthew K. AufrechtW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Matthew P. mc NeelyW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Matthew R. LawsW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Matthew Ryan Mitchell-CuppW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Matthew Ryan RoweW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Matthew Ryan ThorpeRidge Ct, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Matthew S. HartwigW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Matthew SeveringW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Matthew V. FlatenW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Megan Brianna DeremiahW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Megan Elizabeth SnyderW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Megan R. MeyrickW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Meghan K. GregurichS Westlawn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Melanie D. ThurmondW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Melinda K. ScharfenbergW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Melinda S. LoganW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Melinda S. PotterW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Melissa B. MeisterW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Melody S. CookS Dennis, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Meredith M. BeardW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Merlyn G. HunterW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Micah Peter MuthW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Micah S. ThompsonW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Michael A. HartwigS Taylor, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Michael Allen CoslowS Linden, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Michael B. DeremiahW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Michael B. DuffeyW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Michael C. CoppenbargerW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Michael Cordell LigonW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Michael E. SheehyS Dennis, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Michael Howard MaguetW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Michael J. DurnavichW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Michael J. GarnerW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Michael L. HammonW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Michael R. BurriesW Cottage Hill Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Michael R. FarmerW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Michael Ryan LongbonsS Dennis, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Michael S. SextonW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Michael W. BuffordW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Michelle J. MuthS Westlawn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Michelle K. WallW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Michelle M. BakerW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Michelle M. BarkleyW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Michelle R. CarrW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Mida L. HardyW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Migayla K. RileyS Fairview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Mikala L. PowellW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Mike CoziahrW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Mindy A. RoseW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Miranda M. GarrenW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Misty L. FronkW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Mitzi Elovitz JohnsonW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Moira Mc Carthy T. A. KingW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Mollie L. BoliekW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Mona A. MarshallW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Mona M. BuschW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Montell B. VatterW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Myung C. KimMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Nakeshia R. O. NealS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Nancy A. BrandtW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Nancy D. FritzMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Nancy L. TruebloodW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Nash M. OldenettelW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Natasha B. SheaW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Nathan A. PrakelW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Nathan P. GlosserW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Nathan T. GroeschMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Nathanial Dean KralmanW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Nathaniel B. SchnieppW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Nathaniel HinesW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Nathaniel HinesW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Nathaniel J. GreenS Dennis, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Neal A. CobrenW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Neal A. OzierMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Neal J. CoelhoW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Nicholas Edward CanadayW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Nicholas Kyle ToneyW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Nicholas M. HarnerW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Nicholas OlendorfW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Nichole Y. JonesS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Nicole D. OglesbyS Dennis, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Nicole E. JonesW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Nicole K. LaugheryS Westlawn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Nicole Y. TurnerW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Nobie HinesW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Norman J. GromenW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Oana D. EynonW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Octavia Raechel GauseW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Paige Renee MatarW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Pamela J. Martin-HullW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Pamela J. SummersW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Pamela Jo MedleyW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Pamela K. RouleauW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Pamela M. JohnstonW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Patricia A. CamrenW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Patricia A. JacobsW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Patricia A. StewartW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Patricia A. WilsonW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Patricia Ann mc GlaughlinW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Patricia Cramer-WilsonW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Patricia K. RobinsonW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Patrick A. SmallwoodW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Patty A. PitmanW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Patty M. BardingW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Paul A. MercerW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Paul D. LourashW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Paul E. KingW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Paul Timothy MedleyW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Paul V. JohnsonW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Paula G. CrossW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Paula Gene RaddatzW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Pedro MartinezW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Peggy Sue BaityS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Perry J. RaskW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Pixie P. FennesseyW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Poetress D. BrawleyW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Quentin Isiah Ross CorringtonW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Quentin Michael LewisMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
R. L. BondW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Rachel A. ScharnettW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Rachel Amy DaughertyW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Rachel Dawn ParksW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Rachel Gay StuckeyW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Rachel Lynn SchmidtW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Rafael GutierrezW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Randall E. FletcherW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Rashon L. OwensW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Ratonda F. WheelerS Oakland, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Raymond B. StanderwickW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Raymond E. BardingW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Raymond J. HayesW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Raymond J. KeizerW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Rebecca A. ChadwellRidge Ct, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Rebecca Ann Harley MeyerW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Rebecca Lea EnglerW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Rebecca Lynne EdwardsMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Rebecca R. BrooksW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Rebecca S. FritzMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Regenia Woods WimbishW Cottage Hill Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Reid R. SchilawskiW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Renee M. WhitacreW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Rennoria D. HammockW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Reta M. ShawW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Rhiannon G. SkinnerS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Richard A. CurrentS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Richard A. LacquementW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Richard C. ArnoldS Dennis, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Richard C. GilmanW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Richard G. OverheulW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Richard J. OglesbyS Dennis, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Richard L. WebbW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Richard Todd HookerW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Rick D. ServeyW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Rickie Eugene PerryW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Ricky Carter MeyerW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Ricky J. JosephW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Rik L. HolmesW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Rikki Lyn ArnoldS Dennis, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Robby C. SmithS Dennis, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Robert A. PulcherS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Robert Doug KinnairdW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Robert Dwayne JonesW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Robert E. GroeschMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Robert E. JohnsonS Oakland, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Robert H. FrancisW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Robert J. ArcherS Oakland, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Robert J. MarshW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Robert J. ReedS Westlawn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Robert K. GrindyW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Robert L. HullW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Robert L. WaltersW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Robert Lee MitchellW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Robert Lee YoungW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Robert M. MuschalW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Robert O. TaylorW Cottage Hill Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Robert S. KennicuttS Taylor, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Robert St E. ClairW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Robert W. FullerW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Robert W. LambingW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Robert W. SmithMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Robin Denise KearnsW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Robin R. LewisW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Rodney A. BeardW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Rodney D. GravesW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Rodney G. BoergerW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Ronald F. ZuberS Westlawn, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Ronald Lee JamesW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Ronald V. ChesterW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Rosa Lee AndersonW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Rose Elaine GanleyW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Rosemarie K. GrindyW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Rosemary J. BolyardW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Roxie A. SimonW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Roy A. LueckeW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Roy C. BlackS Dennis, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Rudyard R. ReedS Westlawn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Russell D. ConwayS Westlawn, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Russell L. CushingW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Ruth A. ArmbrusterW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Ruth A. AufrechtW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Ruth Ann SilevenW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Ryan D. PriceW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Ryan L. ClemensW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Sage DavisW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Samantha Cheyenne CunninghamW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Samantha J. KinneyW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Samantha Lorraine MillerW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Samuel D. MeisterW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Samuel GalewskyW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Sandra LindbergW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Sandra RobinsonW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Santasia L. JacksonW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Sara Beth CarrW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Sara K. CothernW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Sara K. PinkstonMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Sara M. TrickeyW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Sarah E. BeckW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Sarah E. DehorityW California Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Sarah Jayne CreekS Dennis, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Sarah Schrader E. SmithS Westlawn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Sarah T. mc HughW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Saundra D. RobertsW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Scott A. SmithW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Scott D. LambertMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Scott Douglas GardnerW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Scott F. WhitacreW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Scott HerronW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Scott T. CarrW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Sean R. BrownW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Shad L. EdwardsMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Shamara Shonte CallawayW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Shanice V. GauseW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Shannon Guitierrez E. SealW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Shannon L. AndersonW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Shannon M. HamW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Shareika Jackson S. MobleyW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Sharon G. JohnsonW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Sharon L. SchroatW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Sharon M. SchilawskiW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Shaunna Fb TonelliW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Shawnacy L. OutlawW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Shea M. WaltersW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Shelby A. DudleyW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Shelby J. KingW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Shelley D. SmithW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Shelley J. KarlW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Shelley M. DotsonW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Shelley M. KennicuttS Taylor, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Shelly L. StevensMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Shemeka Shatell ManleyW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Shenell L. GrandberryW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Sherri L. HinesW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Sherry L. DuffeyW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Sheryl A. HoslerW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Sheryl L. BrennemanW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Shirley A. HaleW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Shirley E. TaylorW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Shirley L. AdcockW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Shirley M. BondS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Shirley M. CookW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Shirley M. WilliamsW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Steed E. WelfordS Taylor, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Stephanie L. WelfordS Taylor, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Stephanie M. HeiseW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Stephanie R. WorksS Fairview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Stephen E. HartwigW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Stephen E. JonesW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Stephen L. LoganW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Stephen W. ThorpeRidge Ct, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Steven D. HahnW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Steven D. HiggsW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Steven E. AllisonW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Steven E. GrandberryW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Steven Kent LukerW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Steven L. FrazierMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Steven L. KurtzS Dennis, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Steven M. BivensW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Steven R. MooreheadW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Stoney A. M. WhaleyW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Stuart L. BoliekW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Suanne KinnisonW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Suellen BrauerW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Susan DancoS Dennis, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Susan F. MooreheadW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Susan G. CearlockW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Susan I. ShadwellS Fairview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Susan J. HempW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Susan K. MartinW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Susan K. RasarW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Susan Lynn SmothersW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Susan P. MooreW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Susan R. MooreW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Suzann Gail GonzalezW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Suzanne K. MillerW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Suzanne P. HartwigW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Sylvia B. GriffinW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Symphoni L. Young-ThomasS Haworth, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Tamara L. P. mc ClintonW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Tamara Vaughn BroderickW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Tammy M. FlemingW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Taneica L. OliveiraMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Tanelle A. GordonW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Tangela R. LigonW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Tanya K. KellyW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Tasia N. BakerW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Tavonia L. RiceW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Taylor M. HullW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Taylor Mariah TorresonW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Taylor Midori HurshS Taylor, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Teresa A. TaussigW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Teresa L. CurrentS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Terisa L. GarrenW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Terry Denise HernandezW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Terry F. CookW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Tessa L. MooreS Taylor, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Thelma PerlmutterW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Therese M. BellW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Thomas E. ChapmanW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Thomas G. ToneyW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Thomas K. GriderW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Thomas L. LisiW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Thomas P. LittleW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Thomas Patrick MichaelW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Thomas R. BowmanW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Thomas S. CarrW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Thomas T. EllisonRidge Ct, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Thomas W. BransonW Main, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Thomas W. BuschW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Thomas W. FrazierW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Tia M. Lathan-WashingtonW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Tierra S. CookW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Tierra S. TransouW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Tiffany L. WelfordS Taylor, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Tim L. BakerW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Timothy C. FullerW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Timothy G. GilmoreW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Timothy Joseph KingW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Timothy M. WallerS Oakcrest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Todd A. PetersW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Todd A. RobertsW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Todd E. WilsonW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Todd M. DareW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Toni R. CaldwellW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Tracee A. BaumW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Tracy L. BauerW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Travion S. PickensW Cottage Hill Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Travis L. AldridgeW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Trevor A. GigerS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Trevor D. CoadyW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Tristan L. DavisS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Tristan Michael DorrellW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Troy D. PeckertW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Tyler E. OwensW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Tyler J. HendricksW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Tyler N. TrumpS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Tyrek David JonesMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Tyrone L. TyusW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Tyrone T. PowellW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Vera L. JohnsonS Oakland, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Veronica A. BeckW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Victoria L. ClarkS Westlawn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Viki M. HubbardMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Vincent J. BarnettW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Vinson TaylorW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Virginia RodgersW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Wanda C. DotsonW Riverview, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Wanda L. CrumW Decatur St, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Wesley L. GrayW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Whitney Renee RisbyW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Willa M. SpoonamoreS Westlawn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
William C. FaberMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
William D. BordnerW Forest, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
William H. CunninghamW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
William J. EnglandS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
William L. ClevengerS Woodlawn, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
William M. BarrettS Taylor, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
William W. FletcherW Wood, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Yantarius Q. RogersW Forest Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Yolanda O. MoranteW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Yulonda L. RogersW Cottage Hill Ave, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Zachary A. GodsilMontgomery PL, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Zachary Burton KennedyS MC Clellan, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Zachary H. FrancisW Decatur, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Zachary T. TindellW Sunset, Decatur, IL 62522Voted
Zackary A. GreerS Westlawn, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote
Zamarrion Dashawn JacksonW MacOn, Decatur, IL 62522Didn't Vote



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