
Macon Reporter

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

House District 96 candidate Smith on DNC pro-Hamas protests: ‘The Democrat political class has a responsibility to condemn these actions unequivocally’

Webp lisasmith

House District 96 candidate Lisa Smith | Facebook / Dr. Lisa Smith for State Representative

House District 96 candidate Lisa Smith | Facebook / Dr. Lisa Smith for State Representative

House District 96 candidate Lisa Smith has strongly criticized the recent pro-Palestinian protests at the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters in Chicago. 

Smith told Macon Reporter that she is extremely concerned over the behaviors and rhetoric displayed during the demonstrations, which included support for Hamas and anti-Christian sentiment, as well as violent confrontations with police officers. 

“The open support of Hamas, a recognized terrorist organization, and the expression of anti-Christian sentiment by protestors is deeply concerning,” said Smith.

“It reflects a dangerous alignment with extremist ideologies that are fundamentally opposed to American values and the principles of freedom and democracy. The verbal abuse and physical confrontations of police officers further highlight a breakdown of respect for law and order, which is essential for maintaining a civilized society. Such behavior should be unequivocally condemned by all, regardless of political affiliation.”

Smith's remarks come amid reports that activists were intensifying efforts to storm the DNC. 

“The reports of activists breaching security barriers, carrying weapons, and engaging in violence and intimidation tactics are alarming and unacceptable,” she said. “The use of such tactics as a political tool is not only counterproductive but also dangerous. It threatens the safety of individuals and the integrity of our democratic institutions.”

The candidate also criticized what she sees as a lack of clear condemnation from the Democratic political class. 

“The Democrat political class has a responsibility to condemn these actions unequivocally,” Smith said. “Silence or equivocation in the face of such behavior can be interpreted as tacit approval, which only emboldens those who seek to undermine the rule of law. It is crucial that political leaders across the spectrum denounce violence and intimidation, regardless of the cause or ideology behind it.” 

In fact, President Joe Biden acknowledged the pro-Palestinian protesters during his speech at the convention. 

“Those protesters out in the street, they have a point,” Biden said. 

Smith further addressed the broader implications for political credibility and public trust. 

“The left's failure to consistently condemn violent and disruptive tactics harms its credibility and alienates moderate voters,” she said. “It creates a perception that the left is willing to tolerate or even endorse lawlessness when it aligns with their political goals. This double standard damages public trust and fuels division within the country.”

Smith also drew a parallel between the treatment of recent protests and the January 6, 2021 Capitol riot. 

“The disparity in the treatment of DNC protesters who engage in violent tactics and the activists from January 6 raises serious concerns about consistency in law enforcement and media coverage,” she remarked. “Both instances involved unlawful behavior, yet they have been met with vastly different responses. To ensure fair and equal treatment under the law, the criteria for enforcement should be based solely on the actions of the individuals involved, not their political affiliations.”

Smith urged a collective commitment to democratic values and respect for law and order. 

“It is essential for Americans to remain vigilant against any form of extremism and to hold all political leaders accountable for their words and actions,” she said. 

“The preservation of our democratic values depends on our collective commitment to upholding the principles of law, order, and mutual respect. We must reject violence, intimidation, and the erosion of civil discourse, and instead, work towards solutions that unite rather than divide our nation.”

Smith is facing incumbent State Rep. Sue Scherer (D-Decatur) in the Nov. 5 election. 

House District 96 includes parts of Macon, Sangamon and Christian counties including most of Dectur and a large portion of Springfield.

The unrest at the DNC has resulted in violent clashes as protesters breached security barriers and engaged in confrontations with police. 

Independent journalist Andy Ngo highlighted the verbal abuse directed at Chicago police officers and noted that the immediate action taken by law enforcement at the DNC was in stark contrast to the perceived inaction during the Black Lives Matter and Antifa protests of 2020.

Ngo also reported that some participants in the protests displayed flags supporting Hamas and jihad, while others were filmed making anti-Christian remarks. 

Critics have drawn comparisons to the January 6, 2021 Capitol riot, where a small police force was overwhelmed by activists, a situation described by former U.S. Capitol Police Lieutenant Tarik Johnson as a "set-up and…an enormous size cover-up."