
Macon Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Decatur Public School District 61 Board of Education met Sept. 10

Webp 5

Dr. Rochelle Clark, Superintendent of Decatur Public Schools | Decatur Public Schools

Dr. Rochelle Clark, Superintendent of Decatur Public Schools | Decatur Public Schools

Decatur Public School District 61 Board of Education met Sept. 10.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

PRESENT: Bill Clevenger, President

Jason Dion, Vice President

Al Scheider, Will Wetzel

ABSENT: Alana Banks, Kevin Collins-Brown, Mark Reynolds

STAFF: Superintendent Dr. Rochelle Clark, Board Secretary Melissa Bradford, Attorney Luke Feeney and others

President Clevenger called the meeting to order at 4:30 PM.

President Clevenger called the meeting to order and moved into Closed Executive Session to conduct student discipline/expulsion hearings, an employee discipline hearing and discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body, and collective negotiating matters between the Board and representatives of its employees, seconded by Vice President Dion.

President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Dion, Scheider, Wetzel, Clevenger

Nay: None

Absent: Banks, Collins-Brown, Reynolds

Roll Call Vote: 4 Aye, 0 Nay, 3 Absent

President Clevenger asked for a motion to return to Open Session. Mr. Wetzel motioned, seconded by Vice President Dion. All were in favor.

President Clevenger noted that the Board of Education had been in Closed Executive Session to conduct student discipline/expulsion hearings, an employee discipline hearing and discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body, and collective negotiating matters between the Board and representatives of its employees. No action was taken during Closed Executive Session.

President Clevenger led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Superintendent Clark recommended the Board of Education approve the September 10, 2024 Open Session Board Meeting Agenda as presented.

Mr. Scheider moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Vice President Dion. All were in favor.

President Clevenger noted that during Public Participation, the Board of Education asked for the following:

• Identify oneself and be brief.

• Comments should be limited to 3 minutes.

• Any public comments submitted to the Board Secretary will be included in the record.

For our listening audience, please note that during any Board of Education meeting and public participation, Board Members do NOT respond and/or comment to public comments; all comments are referred to administration. Furthermore, the Board refrains from referring to specific students or staff members by name, and requests that public commenters refrain from doing so as well. The request that you omit names was made to protect you from allegations of libel or slander or from violations of the Illinois School Student Records Act. It was not intended to shield an employee from criticism.

Phillip Winecke, Dennis Teacher, spoke to the Board regarding some comments from Board Members at the last Board meeting. The comments were as follows:

• Why was a group at the meeting?

• Did they form a committee?

• Should they address the Board at this time?

Mr. Winecke shared background of his educational career and noted that he followed the correct chain of communication, communicated with his supervisors and currently sat on the Dennis Leadership Team; this committee discusses School Improvement Plans and how to further the Dennis Lab School Goals. He felt as if some Board Members did not take them seriously and noted that some concerns had been addressed through the proper channels. Dennis asked for District administration to have sustain conversations with the Dennis staff and committees. He felt as if once the public and news media were aware, things would happen. He asked for support for the Dennis administration.

Mark Glause, Long-term Substitute and Parent at Dennis Lab School, spoke to the Board regarding the submission of Dennis Lab School though the last couple of years; he felt Dennis has been ignored. During the previous spotlight, the Board of Education had the chance to ask questions regarding the Dennis Lab School situation at its temporary site; no one asked and/or shared information with the public. He felt as if there was animosity towards Dennis Lab School. He invited the Board of Education and administration to visit Dennis Lab School, create sub committees and schedule open houses so that you could hear from the Dennis parents. They were the people who represented Dennis Lab School.

Regular Meeting Minutes-Board of Education

Sam Mills, President of DEA, spoke to the Board regarding the comments from the Board of Education at the last Open Session Board meeting (August 27, 2024); he wanted to correct himself on one of his comments. Mr. Mills noted that he made an error by saying that Dr. Clark had told the DEA Leadership that the Board was not interested in adding additional space for Dennis School; that comment caused some problems amongst the Board of Education. Mr. Mills apologized to the Board Members and Dr. Clark and clarified that she stated that the Board Leadership was not interested in pursuing options for additional portable classrooms, not the entire Board of Education.

Mr. Mills noted that his role as DEA President was to represent the needs of the various groups within the DEA membership; he speaks for the DEA membership at the Board meetings. This was typically done with collaboration between administration and the DEA membership. The Dennis Lab School issues have been there for sometime and the staff was searching for solutions; this is a priority for him. The DEA Leadership filter the unfiltered discussions with administration in order to problem-solve. When issues were not being resolved with administration, the DEA Leadership would inform the Board of Education; this was why Dennis staff presented information regarding the school. If the Board hears from the DEA Leadership, that is because there remains an issue; solving issues at Dennis Lab School was not giving in to the union. In five to ten years from now, the District could possibly not have the staff. He asked the Board of Education to motivate and support the administration.

Kendra Newlin, Parent of EHS Student, asked to speak about a confidential matter.

For the record, the Board Secretary asked for a 5 minutes recess as she and legal counsel spoke with Ms. Newlin.

Attorney Luke Feeney noted that Ms. Newlin wanted to address the Board of Education regarding a student matter and this would not be disclosed publicly. Ms. Newlin asked Attorney Feeney to convey that she knew what was happening and loves and supports her son, no additional information will be disclosed in Open Session.

Superintendent Clark noted that how the Board of Education received the comments from Sam Mills during the August 27, 2024 Open Session Board meeting hurt her character and her as an individual. During the Board meeting, she received an email from a Board Member that stated, “Don’t speak for me until you speak to me.” How everything unfolded could not be undone. She thanked Mark Reynolds for asking the Board Members to give Dr. Clark an opportunity to respond. It was critical that they continue to support what was happening in the buildings, but she was also a part of the Board’s team.

Superintendent Clark noted that administration met with the Principal of Dennis Lab School regarding her plans that surrounded space and storage; the storage spaces were ordered and delivered to Dennis. The partitions were not going to give Dennis what they were looking for, per the Principal’s plans.

She asked for B&Gs to re-visit for additional options that would help Dennis with their needs, in terms of privacy and space. They also discussed some temporary solutions as it related to scheduling. Central Office was communicating with the Dennis administration regarding their needs. To say that administration was not taking this seriously, was not a true statement because they have been communicating with the building principal. The original (previous) recommendation from Central Office administration was to move the 7th and 8th grades to Stephen Decatur Middle School because the space provided was for students.

Mr. Scheider noted that it sounded like Dennis was asking for more space and was there a need to purchase another pod. If so, the Board of Education should act on it quickly. Superintendent Clark replied that Mr. Scheider was correct, but some things were not being discussed. She asked Dennis administration why were they having classrooms in the hallway when all of your classrooms were not being utilized at the same time. They also asked about their scheduling and not immediately investing in another modular. She asked for the Board to allow administration to continue working with Dennis regarding their needs.

Mr. Scheider asked if there was a specific proposal. Superintendent Clark replied Dennis administration provided a layout. Mr. Scheider noted that a proposal needs to be made soon.

Superintendent Clark noted that all of the District’s schools were in-need of something and there was a lot takes place in the first couple of months of school.

Mr. Scheider noted that it was the Board’s job to determine the highest priorities in the District and he asked for a proposal at the next Board meeting.

Mr. Wetzel noted that he felt as if information was missed and he stood by his decision to keep Dennis Lab School a K-8. He was not able to tell constituents what was next and he would like to know the direction of the District. Superintendent Clark noted that the website was updated and on target as it related to the timeline regarding facilities and administration wanted to do it right; the general public could view this as well. The next steps were to vote on a facilitator, then the community input. The Strategic Plan would run simultaneously with the Facilities Plan. She would present updates during the second Board meeting of each month.

President Clevenger asked about construction regarding a new modular unit. Dr. Mike Curry, Chief Operational Officer, replied that it would depend on the availability of a new or used modular from a vendor. The District was close to the freeze-thaw window

weather. Some B&G staff would be pulled off of other projects to complete, as needed, and again it depends on the availability of the unit.

Vice President Dion asked if new plans could be developed to help with the space issues. Superintendent Clark replied yes, administration was working with the building principal.

Vice President Dion asked if this was something that could be solved without adding an additional unit. Superintendent Clark replied administration would look into that and if a recommendation was needed, it would be brought forth to the Board of Education.

Mr. Wetzel noted that spending 2 million on turf & track at MacArthur High School does not sit well with him as our job was to educate students; we have to put education first.

Superintendent Clark noted that there was still space at Stephen Decatur Middle School.

President Clevenger asked if the long-range planning timeline could be moved up and the overall picture for a long-term future has to be considered; we cannot make decisions on the urgency of the moment versus the long-term future for the District. The Strategic Plan needs to be in place simultaneously with the operation and maintenance of the District. If we do not plan, we will plan to fail.

Mr. Scheider noted that there could be short-term urgencies in a District and he asked for a proposal for Dennis Lab School at the next Board meeting.

Eldon Conn, Director of Student Services, presented and shared an update to the 10- day Annual Enrollment in DPS (attached).

• Online registration for the 2024-2025 school year began July 1, 2024.

• As of 8/8/24 the district was at 88% registered, down from 89% last year.

• Returning students who were not registered by the first day of school were made inactive.

o A list of non-registered students was sent to every school administrator.

o Parents were required to check in at the school to register if their student was inactive.

Monica Wilks, Director of Human Resources, noted that currently the District had 74 vacant positions and 63 were filled with long-term subs, therefore, there were 11 true vacancies at this time.

There was an influx of kindergarten students this year that was not anticipated and/or projected for this school year.

Principal Sarah Knuppel noted during her presentation at a previous Board meeting that that Pershing Early Learning Center had a waitlist. As of this date, there were approximately 70 families on the current Pershing Early Learning Center waitlist.

Kim Kurtenbach, BLDD Representative, presented and shared information regarding the 2024 Health, Life, Safety Survey and Reporting Services (attached).

Mrs. Kurtenbach noted that this was the same presentation that was presented at the Finance Committee meeting on September 03, 2024.

The next steps were as follows:

• BLDD will enter the Safety Survey in IWAS and prepare the Application for Approval of a Ten-Year Survey Report with related amendment paperwork.

• District will sign the application stating approval and submit the report through IWAS to the Regional office of Education (ROE) for approval.

• Following ROE approval, ISBE will review the same. A Certificate of Approval for the Ten-Year Survey Report will be issued for all or part.

Dr. Larry Gray, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning, presented and shared information regarding the End of the 2023-2024 School Year Assessment Report (attached). There was a slight growth in Math and some of the interventions that were in place for this year, shows that the District was on the right track.

Dr. Mike Curry, Chief Operational Officer, presented and shared information regarding the Tentative Budget Update for Decatur Public School District 61 2024- 2025 School Year (attached). The EAV was still climbing, but the CPPRT was decreasing.

The final DPS 61 FY25 Budget will be recommended for approval during the September 24, 2024 Board of Education meeting; there will be another presentation during this meeting as well.

Superintendent Clark recommended the Board of Education approve the Consent Items as presented, which included:

A. Minutes: Open/Closed Meetings August 27, 2024 and Special Open/Closed Meetings August 29, 2024

B. Freedom of Information Report

C. Bills

Mr. Scheider moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Vice President Dion. Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Scheider, Wetzel, Dion, Clevenger

Nay: None

Absent: Banks, Collins-Brown, Reynolds

Roll Call Vote: 4 Aye, 0 Nay, 3 Absent

Superintendent Clark recommended the Board of Education “authorize the issuance of a decision in the expulsion case for Student #2425-0008 consistent with the findings from the Hearing Officer’s Report, and that Student #2425-0008 be expelled from the Decatur Public School District, all events, property and activities of the District for the REMAINDER of the 2024-2025 school year and ALL of the 2025-2026 school year, with NO stay for alternative education.

Please note: Student #2425-0008 can return to their home school on the first day of school of the 2026-2027 school year. Parents will be notified of the date for the first day of school once the calendar for the 2026-2027 school year is approved. Parents will also be notified of other educational options available for Student #2425-0008 during their expulsion period.

Mr. Scheider moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Vice President Dion. Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Clevenger, Dion, Wetzel, Scheider

Nay: None

Absent: Banks, Collins-Brown, Reynolds

Roll Call Vote: 4 Aye, 0 Nay, 3 Absent

Superintendent Clark recommended the Board of Education “authorize the issuance of a decision in the expulsion case for Student #2425-0010 consistent with the findings from the Hearing Officer’s Report, and that Student #2425-0010 be expelled from the Decatur Public School District, all events, property and activities of the District for the REMAINDER of the 2024-2025 school year and ALL of the 2025-2026 school year, with A stay for alternative education. Please note: Student #2425-0010 can return to their home school on the first day of school of the 2026- 2027 school year. Parents will be notified of the date for the first day of school once the calendar for the 2026-2027 school year is approved. Parents will also be notified of the alternative educational option from District 61 for Student #2425-0010 during their expulsion period.

Mr. Scheider moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Vice President Dion. Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Scheider, Wetzel, Clevenger, Dion

Nay: None

Absent: Banks, Collins-Brown, Reynolds

Roll Call Vote: 4 Aye, 0 Nay, 3 Absent

Superintendent Clark recommended the Board of Education approve the One-Day (1) Suspension without Pay for Natasha Cobb, Secretarial Employee, effective Wednesday, September 11, 2024 as presented.

Vice President Dion moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Mr. Wetzel. Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Dion, Clevenger, Scheider, Wetzel

Nay: None

Absent: Banks, Collins-Brown, Reynolds

Roll Call Vote: 4 Aye, 0 Nay, 3 Absent

Superintendent Clark recommended the Board of Education approve the Personnel Action Items listed in the Memo from Monica Wilks, Director of Human Resources, and the Human Resources Department, as presented. remainder of the 24-25 SY and all of the 25-26 SY as presented.

Mr. Scheider moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Vice President Dion. Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Wetzel, Clevenger, Dion, Scheider

Nay: None

Absent: Banks, Collins-Brown, Reynolds

Roll Call Vote: 4 Aye, 0 Nay, 3 Absent

Superintendent Clark recommended the Board of Education approve the Master Facilities Planning Process Facilitator as presented.

Vice President Dion moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Mr. Wetzel. Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Wetzel, Clevenger, Dion

Nay: Scheider

Absent: Banks, Collins-Brown, Reynolds

Roll Call Vote: 3 Aye, 1 Nay, 3 Absent

Superintendent Clark recommended the Board of Education approve the District 61 School Improvement Plans as presented.

Mr. Scheider moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Mr. Wetzel. Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Clevenger, Dion, Scheider, Wetzel

Nay: None

Absent: Banks, Collins-Brown, Reynolds

Roll Call Vote: 4 Aye, 0 Nay, 3 Absent

Superintendent Clark recommended the Board of Education approve and accept the 2024 Health, Life, Safety Survey and Report for recording with the Illinois State were approved as presented.

Vice President Dion moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Mr. Wetzel. Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Clevenger, Dion, Wetzel, Scheider

Nay: None

Absent: Banks, Collins-Brown, Reynolds

Roll Call Vote: 4 Aye, 0 Nay, 3 Absent

Superintendent Clark recommended the Board of Education approve the Muffley Elementary School Kitchen Equipment Bid Award as presented.

Mr. Scheider moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Mr. Wetzel. Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Scheider, Wetzel, Clevenger, Dion

Nay: None

Absent: Banks, Collins-Brown, Reynolds

Roll Call Vote: 4 Aye, 0 Nay, 3 Absent

Superintendent Clark recommended the Board of Education approve the Frontline Health Management Software Three (3) Years of Service as presented.

Mr. Scheider moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Mr. Wetzel. Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote: Aye: Wetzel, Scheider, Clevenger, Dion

Nay: None

Absent: Banks, Collins-Brown, Reynolds

Roll Call Vote: 4 Aye, 0 Nay, 3 Absent

Superintendent Clark recommended the Board of Education approve the John’s Hill Magnet School Classroom Intercom Speaker as presented.

Mr. Scheider moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Mr. Wetzel. Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Dion, Clevenger, Scheider, Wetzel

Nay: None

Absent: Banks, Collins-Brown, Reynolds

Roll Call Vote: 4 Aye, 0 Nay, 3 Absent

September 11 District-Wide Half Day

– Please check with your home school regarding the release time

Motion carried. Frontline Health Management Software Three (3) Years of

20 Induction of Athletes and Coaches to Decatur Public Schools Athletic Hall of Fame

– During half time of the Eisenhower versus MacArthur High School Football Game

– Kickoff at 5:00 PM at MacArthur High School

Please Note: The banquet (09/20/24) before kickoff for the inductees is by invitation only.

Additional Reminders & Upcoming Dates

Please Note: October 15th is the Deadline for the Required Immunizations and Physicals for the 2024-2025 School Year


The public portion of the next regular meeting of the Board of Education will be at 6:30 PM, Tuesday, September 24, 2024 at the Keil Administration Building.


President Clevenger asked for a motion to adjourn. Mr. Scheider moved, seconded by Vice President Dion. All were in favor.

Board adjourned at 8:17 PM.




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