Dr. Travis Roundcount, Superintendent | Mt Zion Community Unit School District 3
Dr. Travis Roundcount, Superintendent | Mt Zion Community Unit School District 3
Mt Zion Community Unit School District 3 Board met Dec. 17.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
President Jeffrey Sams called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m
Board members present were: Jeffrey Sams, Nathan Brock, Michelle Shumaker, Kyle Janvrin, Kent Newton, and Kristi Niles. Regan Deering was absent
Administration present consisted of: Dr. Travis R. Roundcount, Superintendent of Schools; Brian Rhoades, Associate Superintendent; Justin Johnson, Mt Zion High School Principal; Randy Thacker, Mt. Zion Intermediate School Principal; Gary Gruen, Mt Zion Grade School Principal; Heather Ethell, Mt Zion McGaughey Principal; and Billy Rockey, Curriculum and Technology Director.
The Pledge of Allegiance was cited by those present and led by Brody Stewart, Lillian Rolfs, Jake Foster, and Evangeline Durham. All 3rd grade students at Mt. Zion Grade.
Kristi Niles introduced a motion to approve the Regular Meeting minutes of November 19, 2024. Seconded: Michelle Shumaker. Roll Call: Michelle Shumaker, Kyle Janvrin, Kent Newton, Kristi Niles, and Jeffrey Sams yea. Nathan Brock abstained. Motion carried: 5-0-1. (See Book of Attachments.)
There were no visitor communications.
Justin Johnson:
● Mr. Johnson spoke about the high school’s performance over the past years. Mt. Zion High School averages 74.44% of the students on the honor roll/high honor roll.
● The class of 2025 is the first class to take the smart test.
● ACT is the test that will now be taken versus SAT which is the standardized test taken in the past.
● Mt. Zion has a 93.9% graduation rate.
● The average Advanced Placement testing at Mt. Zion is 84%.
FFA Students:
● Spoke regarding the FFA team at Mt. Zion and the accomplishments and awards the students have received.
● Speakers included: Nick Scherer; President; Drew Newton, Vice President; and Karlie Hoffman, Secretary
Dr. Roundcount:
● Dr. Roundcount mentioned the need to pick a date that works for the March board meeting due to scheduling conflicts and spring break. A date will need to be decided which would accommodate having the most board members able to attend.
Nathan Brock presented a motion to approve the First Reading of the recommended changes to the 2025-2026 High School Student Course Planning Handbook as presented. Seconded: Kristi Niles. Roll Call: Michelle Shumaker, Kyle Janvrin, Kent Newton, Kristi Niles, Jeffrey Sams, and Nathan Brock, yea. Motion carried: 6-0.
Michelle Shumaker presented a motion to approve the adoption of Policy 4:150 and 5:220 as presented. Seconded: Nathan Brock. Roll Call: Kyle Janvrin, Kent Newton, Kristi Niles, Jeffrey Sams, Nathan Brock, and Michelle Shumaker, yea. Motion carried: 6-0.
Kristi Niles presented a motion to approve payment of the enclosed list of Fund Warrants and Quick Pays. Seconded: Nathan Brock. Roll Call: Kyle Janvrin, Kent Newton, Kristi Niles, Jeffrey Sams, Nathan Brock, and Michelle Shumaker, yea. Motion carried 6-0.
Michelle Shumaker presented a motion that the attached Financial Treasurer's Report be accepted and filed for audit. Seconded: Kristi Niles. Roll Call: Kent Newton, Kristi Niles, Jeffrey Sams, Nathan Brock, Michelle Shumaker, and Kyle Janvrin, yea. Motion carried 6-0.
Nathan Brock presented a motion to approve the attached resolution authorizing the abatement of all of our alternate revenue bond series 2020. Seconded: Kyle Janvrin. Roll Call: Kristi Niles, Jeffrey Sams, Nathan Brock, Michelle Shumaker, Kyle Janvrin, and Kent Newton, yea. Motion carried 6-0.
Kristi Niles presented a motion to approve the attached resolution authorizing the abatement of our 2021 bonds with funds on hand in the bond and interest fund. Seconded: Nathan Brock. Roll Call: Jeffrey Sams, Nathan Brock, Michelle Shumaker, Kyle Janvrin, Kent Newton, and Kristi Niles, yea. Motion carried 6-0.
Nathan Brock presented a motion to open discussion to adopt the Certificate of Tax Levy as attached indicating aggregate amounts of property tax necessary to be levied on the District’s EAV. Seconded: Michelle Shumaker. Roll Call: Nathan Brock, Michelle Shumaker, Kyle Janvrin, Kent Newton, Kristi Niles, and Jeffrey Sams, yea. Motion carried 6-0.
Nathan Brock presented a motion to close discussion to adopt the Certificate of Tax Levy as attached indicating aggregate amounts of property tax necessary to be levied on the District’s EAV. Seconded: Kristi Niles. Roll Call: Michelle Shumaker, Kyle Janvrin, Kent Newton, Kristi Niles, Jeffrey Sams, and Nathan Brock, yea. Motion carried 6-0.
Kristi Niles presented a motion to adopt the Certificate of Tax Levy as attached indicating aggregate amounts of property tax necessary to be levied on the District’s EAV. Seconded: Michelle Shumaker. Roll Call: Kyle Janvrin, Kent Newton, Kristi Niles, Jeffrey Sams, Nathan Brock and Michelle Shumaker, yea. Motion carried 6-0.
There was no executive session.
Kristi Niles presented a motion to approve the following personnel-related items as outlined below, pending a drug test and background check for new employees. Seconded: Nathan Brock. Roll Call: Kent Newton, Kristi Niles, Jeffrey Sams, Nathan Brock, Michelle Shumaker, and Kyle Janvrin, yea. Motion carried 6-0
● Kent Newton spoke about attending the Probability Fair as well as attending the IASB Joint Annual Conference
● Jeffrey Sams brought up students being allowed to enter their schools’ athletic competitions for free.
● Dr. Roundcount brought up the idea of possibly getting sponsors to sponsor the student section in order to offset costs of students not having to pay to attend sporting events.
Jeffrey Sams announced Tuesday, January 21, 2025, at 6:30 p. m. as the next regular meeting of the Board of Education, to be held at the Mt. Zion, C.U.S.D. #3 District Office, 1595 W. Main St., Mt. Zion, IL 62549
Kristi Niles introduced a motion to adjourn the Board of Education Meeting at 7:33 p.m. Seconded: Michelle Shumaker. Roll Call: Kristi Niles, Jeffrey Sams, Nathan Brock, Michelle Shumaker, Kyle Janvrin, and Kent Newton, yea. Motion carried 6-0.