City of Sullivan City Council met Nov. 25.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
1. The City Council of the City of Sullivan, Illinois, met in regular session on Monday, November 25, 2019, at 7: 00 p.m. at the Elizabeth Titus Memorial Library, 2 West Water Street, Sullivan. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Richard
Glazebrook. A roll call was taken.
Commissioner Abbey Sherwood absent
Commissioner Mike Fowler present '
Commissioner Chuck Woodworth present
Commissioner Peggy Hargis present
Mayor Richard Glazebrook present
2. West and Company Auditor, Jim Russell provided information on the City's 2019 audit. He explained that audit testing was completed and confirmed that no exceptions were found, resulting in the City receiving an unqualified opinion. He asked if there were any questions regarding the audited financial statements packet that was previously distributed to the Council. Mayor Glazebrook asked what they should be looking at in the future. Mr. Russell' s main concern is that a large amount of the City's revenue budget is based on taxes and that state funding is not guaranteed. He explained that most municipalities carry a lot of debt, while the City of Sullivan is in good financial shape with cash reserves and very little debt.
3. Mayor Glazebrook asked if there were any comments from the public. Nancy Drury thanked the Council for drying the gym floor at the Civic Center. She addressed the mayor regarding transparency, why the decision was made not to buy any of the Titus farm ground, and the thought process behind the decision. Mayor Glazebrook replied that the will stated that the land was to be sold and the proceeds used for civic improvements. Ms. Drury then asked ifthe purchase of the home went against the will. Mayor Glazebrook explained that the home was bought due to its location being adjacent to the parks. Nancy Barker asked how the decisions will be made for spending the proceeds and why the home wasn't sold at auction. Mayor Glazebrook stated that everyone has a say, but the council will make the decisions.
4. Mayor Glazebrook read the items on the consent agenda:
Approval of Minutes of the special meeting held November 5, 2019 and the previous regular meeting held November 12, 2019 Approval of claims except those in the TIF IV funds Approval of Treasurer' s Report for October 2019
A motion was made by Commissioner Hargis and seconded by Commissioner Fowler that the consent agenda be approved. Upon a roll call being taken, the results were as follows:
Commissioner Peggy Hargis yea Commissioner Mike Fowler yea
Commissioner Abbey Sherwood absent Commissioner Chuck Woodworth yea
Mayor Richard Glazebrook yea
and the motion was declared carried by omnibus vote.
5. Mayor Glazebrook recognized the loss ofMegan Buxton Thompson and Jackie and Bill Protz and asked that the families be remembered.
6. A motion was made by Commissioner Woodworth and seconded by Commissioner Hargis to approve the claims for TIF IV. Upon a roll call being taken, the results were as follows:
Commissioner Chuck Woodworth yea Commissioner Peggy Hargis yea Commissioner Abbey Sherwood absent Commissioner Mike Fowler abstain Mayor Richard Glazebrook yea
and the motion was declared carried.
7. Commissioner Fowler contacted Lincoln Duncan, an engineer from BHMG, regarding the delay in the fuel tank project at the Electric Plant. He explained that they are in the process of engineering a dual wall tank for the diesel generators. Commissioner Fowler met with John Stephens and the lighting expert for the Little Theatre on The Square regarding the theatre lighting and the availability of the LED rebate program available through the IMEA. He shared that he attended the Titus farm auction and was pleased with the results, commending the Mayor and fellow Commissioners on following Mrs. Titus's will. He promised to use the proceeds of the auction for the betterment of the City. Commissioner Fowler met with Shannon Risley to assess the Mowequa line and substation. They are concerned about the maintenance of the poles and plan to present their concerns with the IMEA.
8 A motion was made by Commissioner Woodworth and seconded by Commissioner Hargis to accept Birkey' s ofMattoon, Illinois, on the 2019 Case 321 F at the bid price of$75, 000. Six bids were previously received and reviewed with Justin Farris. Upon a roll call being taken, the results were as follows.
Commissioner Chuck Woodworth yea Commissioner Peggy Hargis yea Commissioner Abbey Sherwood absent Commissioner Mike Fowler yea Mayor Richard Glazebrook yea
and the motion was declared carried.
9. Commissioner Hargis explained that the Street Department continues to work on completing the Corey Street project, collecting brush and sweeping streets. She spoke of her belief in carrying out the fundamentals of transparency, integrity, honesty, high ethical standards, and professionalism in her role as a Commissioner. Pointing out that decisions should be made after researching options and looking at facts, not on
personal feelings. As elected officials, they have a duty and obligation to make the best decisions for the community as a whole and to explain these decisions to the public.
10. Mayor Glazebrook shared that the City Council held a breakfast for employees last week. He attended a meeting with the IMEA and will be talking with local businesses about what they are working on.
11. A motion was made by Commissioner Hargis and seconded by Commissioner Woodworth to adopt the recommendation of City staff and enter into an agreement through CF& H insurance for the renewal of employee and retiree health insurance coverage with Health Alliance for the calendar year 2020. I further move that all employee/ retiree contributions for the cost of dependent health coverage be fixed at fifty percent. Clerk's Note Commissioner Hargis misspoke in her motion naming Health Alliance as the insurance carrier Treasurer Sarah Golden clarified that the insurance renewal for employees and retirees under 65 is BlueCross Blue Shield and AmWINS for those above 65 Upon a roll call being taken, the results were as follows.
Commissioner Peggy Hargis yea
Commissioner Chuck Woodworth yea
Commissioner Abbey Sherwood absent
Commissioner Mike Fowler yea
Mayor Richard Glazebrook yea
and the motion was declared carried.
12. A motion was made by Commissioner Hargis and seconded by Commissioner Fowler to make a donation to the Sullivan Blue Dolphins Swimming Team in the amount of$ 5, 000 to be used for swimming meet promotion and team development. Upon a roll call being taken, the results were as follows:
Commissioner Peggy Hargis yea
Commissioner Mike Fowler yea
Commissioner Abbey Sherwood absent
Commissioner Chuck Woodworth yea
Mayor Richard Glazebrook yea
and the motion was declared carried.
13. Mike Piper explained that the Sullivan Fire Department recently completed an ISO review. The Water and Sewer Distributions helped them in acquiring the information they needed for the review. In 2016, the guidelines for grading cities and rural areas were combined, which was hurtful to many municipalities. He explained that grading guidelines have recently changed and believes they should see an improvement.
14 Mike Piper and Larry Edwards requested an Intergovernmental Agreement through TIF for the Sullivan Fire Department. Their request was for 422, 396 for the purchase of a new ambulance and four new stretchers with load systems and installation. The Department currently makes approximately 1, 200 transports a year with an average round trip of 54 miles. With the increase of medical care facilities in our community, they are experiencing more calls. However, the insurance reimbursements for these services have decreased. They explained that the new load systems for the stretchers are more secure and safer for the patients and the medics and will eventually be a requirement of the Department of Public Health. They would like this system installed in all oftheir ambulances. The trade-in for the 2008 ambulance will provide a savings of 40,000 to $50,000 towards the new ambulance. Preferences on the rig include a diesel engine and a truck chassis. Mr Edwards presented a quote on a 2020 Ford F450 ambulance for$ 199, 000.
15. A motion was made by Commissioner Woodworth and seconded by Commissioner Fowler to adjourn the meeting. Upon roll call being taken, the results were as follows:
Commissioner Chuck Woodworth yea Commissioner Mike Fowler yea
Commissioner Abbey Sherwood absent Commissioner Peggy Hargis yea Mayor Richard Glazebrook yea
and the motion was declared carried and the meeting was adjourned at 7: 54 p.m.,%202019.pdf