City of Sullivan City Council met June 4.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
1. The City Council of the City of Sullivan, Illinois, met in special session at 6: 00 p.m. at the Elizabeth Titus Memorial Library, 2 West Water Street, Sullivan. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Richard Glazebrook.
A roll call was taken.
Commissioner Abbey Sherwood - present
Commissioner Mike Fowler - present
Commissioner Chuck Woodworth - present
Commissioner Peggy Hargis - present
Mayor Richard Glazebrook - present
2. Mayor Glazebrook asked ifthere were any comments from the public. There were none.
3. The Council discussed the Resident Incentive for Purchases to Promote the Local Economy ( RIPPLE). This incentive program benefits residents that make purchases att. local businesses and restaurants, located within the city limits, by offering a credit on their utility bill. The program, funded by the City, will benefit citizens and local businesses that have been affected by the COVID- 19 pandemic. Information regarding the program will be mailed out with utility bills. Commissioner Fowler suggested offering the program annually to benefit local businesses and promote shopping locally.
4. Commissioner Sherwood suggested utilizing Economic Development funds to offer a grant for businesses. The council looked at some examples that could be modified for the City of Sullivan. The Council would need to establish guidelines and criteria should they decide to move forward with a grant.
5. Commissioner Sherwood shared that they are still trying to establish percentages and amounts for the revolving loan fund. The purpose of this fund is to assist businesses and is more beneficial for long term use, and may not be appealing to businesses looking short term relief from the recent pandemic.
6. A motion was made by Commissioner Hargis and seconded by Commissioner Fowler to adjourn the meeting. Upon roll call being taken, the results were as follows:
Commissioner Peggy Hargis - yea
Commissioner Mike Fowler - yea
Commissioner Abbey Sherwood - yea
Commissioner Chuck Woodworth - yea
Mayor Richard Glazebrook - yea and the motion was declared carried and the meeting was adjourned at 6: 52 p.m.,%202020.pdf