City of Sullivan City Council Met Dec. 28.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
1. The City Council of the City of Sullivan, Illinois, met in regular session at 6. 00 p.m. at The Little Theatre On The Square, 16 E. Harrison Street, Sullivan. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Richard Glazebrook. Doug Booker was sworn in to the office of Commissioner of Streets and Public Improvements. A roll call was taken.
Commissioner Abbey Sherwood -present
Commissioner Mike Fowler -present
Commissioner Chuck Woodworth -present
Commissioner Doug Booker -present
Mayor Richard Glazebrook -present
2. Mayor Glazebrook asked if there were any comments from the public in attendance. There were none.
3. A motion was made by Mayor Glazebrook and seconded by Commissioner Sherwood to pull the minutes from December 14, 2020 and approve the remaining items of the consent agenda. The consent agenda included.
Approval of the minutes of the previous regular meeting held December 14, 2020 and the special meeting held December 21, 2020
Approval of claims except those in TIF funds
Approval of Treasurer' s report for November-2020
Upon a roll call being taken, the results were as follows.
Mayor Richard Glazebrook yea
Commissioner Abbey Sherwood -yea
Commissioner Mike Fowler -yea
Commissioner Chuck Woodworth -yea
Commissioner Doug Booker -yea
and the motion was declared carried by omnibus vote.
4. A motion was made by Mayor Glazebrook and seconded by Commissioner Fowler to amend section 9 of the minutes taken December 14, 2020 to read Lynn and Ken Lowder Upon a roll call being taken, the results were as follows
Mayor Richard Glazebrook -yea
Commissioner Mike Fowler -yea
Commissioner Abbey Sherwood -yea
Commissioner Chuck Woodworth -yea
Commissioner Doug Booker -yea
and the motion was declared carried.
5. A motion was made by Commissioner Sherwood and seconded by
Commissioner Woodworth to approve the TIF claims. Upon a roll call being taken, the results were as follows
Commissioner Abbey Sherwood -yea
Commissioner Chuck Woodworth -yea
Commissioner Mike Fowler -abstain
Commissioner Doug Booker -yea
Mayor Richard Glazebrook -yea
and the motion was declared carried.
6. Commissioner Sherwood shared that during the special meeting last week the Council voted to appoint Doug Booker to the Commissioner of Streets and Public Improvements. She met with the Civic Center Directors to review annual employee evaluations and encouraged the other Commissioners to get them completed for their departments before the end of the fiscal year Treasuer Sarah Golden gave an update on state revenues for the City of Sullivan. Commissioner Sherwood reported that Blake Eggleston and Ed Moody will be meeting to finalize plans for the disc golf course in Wyman Park. They are still waiting for reports from the engineers on the old City Building.
7. Commissioner Fowler reported that the Line Crew has completed JULIE locates and work orders, installed LED lighting, pulled old poles, reconstructed secondary work in front of Triple B, completed an econet upgrade, and spliced some damaged wires on street lights and strung wires and set a pole on VanBuren. He thanked the five citizens interested in filling the vacancy for the Commissioner of Streets and Public Improvements. He congratulated Mr Booker on his appointment to Commissioner
8. Commissioner Woodworth reported that two water leaks caused by boring have been repaired. He thanked the Street Department for their assistance with the repair Commissioner Woodworth will be attending a meeting with the City Engineer to finalized plans on the new water plant and to discuss financing options. He welcomed Commissioner Booker to the Council.
9. A motion was made by Commissioner Woodworth and seconded by Mayor Glazebrook to approve change order# 1 for the Hagerman Street Sanitary Sewer Extension reflecting an increase of$ 2,439 78 Upon a roll call being taken, the results were as follows
Commissioner Chuck Woodworth -yea
Mayor Richard Glazebrook -yea
Commissioner Abbey Sherwood -yea
Commissioner Mike Fowler -yea
Commissioner Doug Booker -yea
and the motion was declared carried.
10. Mayor Glazebrook reported that the City of Sullivan received a grant from the
CN Railroad to complete landscaping around the pavilion. The Police Department has received two large donations for the K-9 unit. He thanked Doug Booker for stepping forward to fill the vacancy of Street Commissioner, adding that all candidates brought good ideas to the table. Mayor Glazebrook thanked all of the City employees for their work efforts.
11. City Administrator Dan Flannell reported that Moultrie County has now reached a total of 1, 224 positive COVID- 19 cases, with 735 of those cases being from the 61951 zip code. At least fifteen percent of City employees have tested positive for the virus at some point. He thanked the employees for stepping up during this time. He explained that he may make a request for additional funding for PPE supplies at the next meeting. Supplies are still available for restaurants and day care providers. The City has also received some fraudulent unemployment claims, he wanted other employers to be aware of this scam.
12. A motion was made by Mayor Glazebrook and seconded by Commissioner Sherwood to waive formal reading and extend the effective date of Ordinance 20- 3, which implemented the Mayor' s March 18, 2020 Declaration of Emergency, to the date of the next City Council meeting on Monday, January 11, 2021 Upon a roll call being taken the results were as follows
Mayor Richard Glazebrook -yea
Commissioner Abbey Sherwood -yea
Commissioner Mike Fowler -yea
Commissioner Chuck Woodworth -yea
Commissioner Doug Booker -yea
and the motion was declared carried.
13 A motion was made by Commissioner Sherwood and seconded by Commissioner Booker to adjourn the meeting. Upon roll call being taken, the results were as follows
Commissioner Abbey Sherwood -yea
Commissioner Doug Booker -yea
Commissioner Mike Fowler -yea
Commissioner Chuck Woodworth -yea
Mayor Richard Glazebrook -yea
and the motion was declared carried and the meeting was adjourned at 6. 29 p.m.