
Macon Reporter

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Blue Ridge Community Unified School District 18 Board met March 17

Meeting 05

Blue Ridge Community Unified School District 18 Board met March 17.

Here is the agenda as provided by the board:

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Public Comments/Recognition of Guests

IV. Presentations

      IV.A. Exemplary Knights

      IV.B. Sapphire Sky Wind Project

      Attachments: (1)

            SapphireSky_EconomicAnalysis                3/5/2021 at 2:51 PM

      IV.C. Steve Adams-PMA, update on bond sale

      Attachments: (1)

            PMA Series 2021 Pricing Summary            3/11/2021 at 9:43 AM

      IV.D. Transportation Department, vehicle purchase proposal

V. Communication

VI. Committee Reports

VII. Administrative Reports

      VII.A. Superintendent

      Attachments: (1)

            Superintendent Report March                      3/10/2021 at 9:56 AM

      VII.B. Principals

           VII.B.1. Mr. Ryan Peyton, Schneider Elementary

            Attachments: (1)

                  Principal Report March BRSE               3/12/2021 at 9:58 AM

            VII.B.2. Mrs. Katie Nichols, Blue Ridge Intermediate & Junior High

            Attachments: (1)

                  BRIJHS Principal Report March            3/12/2021 at 11:06 AM

            VII.B.3. Mrs. Mary Diener/Mrs. Lois Dowling, Blue Ridge High School

            Attachments: (1)

                  BRHS Principal Report March               3/12/2021 at 10:19 AM

      VII.C. Curriculum

      VII.D. Technology

      VII.E. Operations and Maintenance

      VII.F. Transportation

      VII.G. Food Services

VIII. Approval of Consent Items

      VIII.A. Minutes from Regular Board of Education Meetings

      VIII.B. Financial Reports

      VIII.C. Bills and Payroll

      VIII.D. Resignation of District Personnel

      VIII.E. Ratification of Suspensions

      VIII.F. 2020-2021 High School Graduation Date

      Attachments: (1)

            graduation date request                        3/10/2021 at 11:03 AM

      VIII.G. Approval of 5 Year Contract for Athletic Trainer

      VIII.H. Approval of 3 Year Skyward Contract

      VIII.I. Approval of Joint Intergovernmental Agreement for Cooperative Bass Fishing Team between BRHS and Deland-Weldon High School

      VIII.J. Board Reorganization Meeting Date

IX. Old Business

      IX.A. MOU with BRFT-Retiree Insurance Incentive Language

X. New Business

      X.A. 2021-2022 Handbook Changes

            X.A.1. Coaches Handbook

            X.A.2. Substitute Teacher Handbook

            X.A.3. Volunteer Handbook

            X.A.4. Transportation Handbook

            X.A.5. 2021-2022 BRHS Student Handbook

            X.A.6. 2021-2022 BRIJHS Student Handbook

            X.A.7. 2021-2022 Schneider Elementary Student Handbook

      X.B. 2021-2022 Fees

      X.C. Approval of Contract with Reifsteck-Reid for Architectural Services for Transportation Department Office Building

      X.D. Approval of Surety Bond for Working Cash Bond

      X.E. Approval of King-Lar Contract for Installation of Fresh Air Units at BRIJHS

      X.F. Approval of Vehicle Purchase Proposal

      X.G. Approve the Sequence of Honorable Dismissal List for 2020-2021

XI. Closed Session

      XI.A. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the district; ongoing, pending, or probable litigation.  5ILCS 120./2(c) (1).

            XI.A.1. Employ Probationary Licensed Staff for 2021-2022

            XI.A.2. Employment, Elementary Teacher, Schneider Elementary

            XI.A.3. Employment, Pre-Kindergarten Teacher, Schneider Elementary

            XI.A.4. Employment, Head Girls Basketball Coach, BRIJHS

            XI.A.5. Employment, Assistant Girls Basketball Coach, BRIJHS

            XI.A.6. Position, Summer Help for Technology and O & M, District

            XI.A.7. Employment, Principal, BRHS

            XI.A.8. Compensation

            XI.A.9. Appointment

            XI.A.10. Performance

            XI.A.11. Request permission for Superintendent to hire for any open positions prior to the April Board meeting.

            XI.A.12. Pending or probable litigation

XII. Open Session

XIII. Good of the Cause Discussion

      XIII.A. New Cash Flow/Quarterly Financial Report Format

XIV. Adjournment
