Blue Ridge Community Unified School District 18 Board met Oct. 20.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Public Comments/Recognition of Guests
IV. Presentations
IV.A. Exemplary Knights
IV.B. Title I
V. Communication
V.A. FOIA request-Smart Procure
VI. Committee Reports
VII. Administrative Reports
VII.A. Superintendent
VII.A.1. Superintendent Evaluation Instrument
VII.A.2. Quarterly Financial Report
VII.B. Principals
VII.B.1. Mr. Ryan Peyton, Schneider Elementary
VII.B.2. Mrs. Katie Nichols, Blue Ridge Intermediate & Junior High School
VII.B.3. Mr. Brian Easter, Blue Ridge High School
VII.C. Curriculum
VII.D. Technology
VII.E. Operations and Maintenance
VII.F. Transportation
VII.G. Food Services
VIII. Approval of Consent Items
VIII.A. Minutes from Regular and Special Board of Education Meetings
VIII.B. Financial Reports
VIII.C. Bills and Payroll
VIII.D. Resignation of District Personnel
VIII.E. Approval of FFA Advisory Council
VIII.F. EIS Salary and Benefit Report for Teachers and Administration
VIII.G. District Risk Management Plan
VIII.H. Ratification of Suspensions
VIII.I. Approve Leave of Absence Request
VIII.J. Approval of Band Trip-Bands of America
IX. Old Business
IX.A. Technology Staffing Report
X. New Business
X.A. Approve IASB Conference Delegate for the Joint Annual Conference
X.B. Approve Health Insurance Bid
X.C. Consideration and Action upon a Resolution Authorizing the Abatement of the Working Cash Fund to the Capital Projects Fund in the amount of $315,000
XI. Closed Session
XI.A. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the district; ongoing, pending, or probable litigation. 5ILCS 120./2(c) (1).
XI.A.1. Employment, Paraprofessional, BRHS
XI.A.2. Employment, Bus Driver, Transportation
XI.A.3. Employment Update
XI.A.4. Potential Sub Teacher Update
XI.B. Litigation Update
XI.C. Permission to Hire Before November 2021 Board of Education Meeting
XII. Open Session
XIII. Good of the Cause Discussion
XIII.A. IASB Resolution Update
XIII.B. Abby Lyons Coaching at BRIJHS
XIV. Adjournment