City of Sullivan City Council met Nov. 8.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
1. The City Council of the City of Sullivan, Illinois, met in regular session at 6:00 p.m. at the Elizabeth Titus Memorial Library, 16 E. Harrison Street, Sullivan. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Richard Glazebrook. A roll call was taken.
Commissioner Abbey Sherwood absent
Commissioner Mike Fowler present
Commissioner Chuck Woodworth present
Commissioner Doug Booker present
Mayor Richard Glazebrook present
2. Lee Beckman reported that applications for the ITEP Grant will be accepted again in 2022. The EPA permit for the water plant should be issued soon. The EDP and TARP applications for the Bernius and Harshman project were submitted to IDOT. Bidding for the overlay and alley improvements covered by the State Legislative Grant should be held in February, with a March time frame for construction. Some field work has been completed for the Unsewered Grant and should be ready for the application.
3. Mayor Glazebrook asked if there were any comments from the public.
A citizen stated that there was a post on Facebook about the landscaping at the pavilion. She added that some people believe that the City spent $ 50, 000 on the project and asked the Council to address the public and clear- up any misunderstandings.
Another citizen questioned item number two under new and unfinished business, regarding the grant agreement with the Historical Society. He believed that this was the same item that was voted on previously and asked why it was being voted on again.
A member of the Moultrie County Historical and Genealogical Society shared that they will be holding their annual meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 18, 2021 at the Sullivan American Legion. The Council and public were invited to attend. There will be a program about coal mining in Central Illinois.
4. Mayor Glazebrook read the items in the consent agenda:
Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held October 25, 2021
Approval of claims except those in TIF funds
A motion was made by Commissioner Booker and seconded by
Commissioner Fowler to approve the consent agenda. Upon a roll call being taken the results were as follows:
Commissioner Doug Booker yea
Commissioner Mike Fowler yea
Commissioner Abbey Sherwood absent
Commissioner Chuck Woodworth yea
Mayor Richard Glazebrook yea
and the motion was declared carried by omnibus vote.
5. A motion was made by Commissioner Woodworth and seconded by Commissioner Booker to approve TIF claims. Upon a roll call being taken, the results were as follows:
Commissioner Chuck Woodworth yea
Commissioner Doug Booker yea
Commissioner Abbey Sherwood absent
Commissioner Mike Fowler abstain
Mayor Richard Glazebrook yea
and the motion was declared carried.
6. Commissioner Fowler read Commissioner Sherwood' s report in her absence. The Park Department has been putting out Christmas lights and marking trees for removal. The advertisement for the Wyman Park Island Project was posted for bids. The kiddie pool at the Civic Center is still under repair. The Civic Center is hosting a hat, glove, and boot drive through November. The pool will be closed on November 11th and 13th.
7. Sarah Golden presented on the insurance renewal for retirees over 65. This is the Medicare supplement the City has through Amwins, with the prescription plan through Health Alliance. There was no increase on either plan.
8. Commissioner Fowler mentioned an electric efficiency grant available to municipalities for low-income residents. He was approached about a rebate available for electric vehicle owners through the IMEA. Rodd Whelpley informed him that an ordinance would need to be passed before a rebate could be awarded. He added that Mayor Glazebrook brought up the idea of looking into the installation of a charging station within City limits. The City would be eligible for a rebate from the IMEA for the installation. Commissioner Fowler met with a representative from FS and was told that should a disaster occur, FS could deliver the needed fuel to the City. He then gave an update of tasks completed by the Electric Distribution Crew.
9. Commissioner Woodworth reported that there is a delay on the materials for the Tabling project. The City ordered the fittings and hydrants for the water installation approximately one month ago. Unfortunately, the distributor is backlogged and isn' t currently making the eight -inch materials needed for the project. The Distribution Crew will start the project as soon as the materials are delivered. Commissioner Woodworth has given the contractors approval to move forward with the installation of the foundation, as it will not interfere with the water installation. The Distribution Crew has installed a few new service lines and continues to replace the larger Nexgrid meters.
10. Commissioner Booker reported the projects completed by the Street Department, which included building a handicapped ramp, fixing a soft spot in the road and replacing a culvert on Hagerman Street.
11. A motion was made by Commissioner Booker and seconded by Commissioner Fowler to waive formal bidding and approve the concrete services with Bartels Construction Inc. for the fiscal year 2022 sidewalk replacement project. Upon a roll call being taken, the results were as follows:
Commissioner Doug Booker yea
Commissioner Mike Fowler yea
Commissioner Abbey Sherwood absent
Commissioner Chuck Woodworth yea
Mayor Richard Glazebrook yea
and the motion was declared carried.
12. Mayor Glazebrook attended an IMEA meeting. The Gas
Department has been installing new service lines in the trailer park. The Cemetery has been cleaning up and removing flowers from the square.
13. Ordinance 21- 13 — An Ordinance for Levy and Assessment of Taxes for the Fiscal Year beginning May 1, 2021, and ending April 30, 2021, for the City of Sullivan, was presented for the first reading by Treasurer Sarah Golden. She explained that the increase in the levy is due to the large increase in the City' s insurance renewal.
14. A motion was made by Mayor Glazebrook and seconded by Commissioner Booker that the Council give approval to a matching grant agreement by and between the City of Sullivan and the Moultrie County Historical and Genealogical Society, this matching grant will be paid out of the Titus Fund and in no event shall the City pay or be liable for more than the $ 200, 000 to the Moultrie County Historical and Genealogical Society. Upon a roll call being taken the results were as follows:
Mayor Richard Glazebrook yea
Commissioner Doug Booker yea
Commissioner Abbey Sherwood absent
Commissioner Mike Fowler yea
Commissioner Chuck Woodworth yea
and the motion was declared carried.
15. The Council discussed a TIF District Redevelopment Agreement with Main Street Capital Partners. Zac Horn is interested in an agreement for the creation of a subdivision. Mr. Horn is asking for an 80% reimbursement and the installation of utilities by the City. Commissioner Woodworth stated that he had reviewed the water and sewer plan and believes it would help the flow in that area of town.
16. A motion was made by Commissioner Woodworth and seconded by Commissioner Fowler to adjourn the meeting. Upon a roll call being taken, the results were as follows:
Commissioner Chuck Woodworth yea
Commissioner Mike Fowler yea
Commissioner Abbey Sherwood absent
Commissioner Doug Booker yea
Mayor Richard Glazebrook yea
and the motion was declared carried and the meeting was adjourned at 6: 47 p.m.,%202021%20Minutes.pdf