City of Sullivan City Council met Oct 10.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
1. The City Council of the City of Sullivan, Illinois, met in regular session at 6: 00 p. m. at the Elizabeth Titus Memorial Library, 2 W. Water Street, Sullivan. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Richard Glazebrook. A roll call was taken.
Commissioner Abbey Sherwood - present
Commissioner Mike Fowler - present
Commissioner Chuck Woodworth - absent
Commissioner Doug Booker - present
Mayor Richard Glazebrook - present
2. Lee Beckman gave an update on the status of grants and City projects. They are working on getting the water grant sent back to DCEO
The application for the ITEP grant was submitted. Lee is hopeful that the project will be funded. The announcement date has not been released.
HSIP — the City was recently notified by [ DOT that North and South Route 32 will be repaved. Intersections will be reconstructed to meet ADA requirements and the stop lights will be upgraded. A request has been submitted by the City to widen Water Street and Eden Street. The roads are not wide enough for truck traffic. IDOT indicated that they will consider the request. The City' s portion of the project is estimated at $ 45, 000.
Progress is being made on the Water Plant Improvements. Some concrete failed to meet specs and will be removed and replaced. There is a change order reducing the overall contract price.
Advertisement for the Bernius project will go out during the first or second quarter. The EDP, TARP and the State Legislative Grant are in place
The bid opening for the Rebuild Illinois Alley Improvements will be held on October 24 at 10: 00 a. m. at City Hall.
The overlay for Pierce and VanBuren Streets was approved by IDOT.
Milano & Grunloh will touch base with Howell for an estimated time frame for the completion of the project. The bid opening will be coordinated with Howell' s.
The NOFO for the Unsewered Grant was released on November 15.
The Safe Routes to School grant of $250,000 was received.
The City received their second distribution of ARPA funds. The funds will be used to replace the Eastview lift station. If there are funds remaining they will be used to replace the Main Street lift station.
3. Mayor Glazebrook asked if there were any comments from the public. Verna Tice addressed the Council regarding the proposed ordinance restricting residential living downtown. She stated that the property owners should have been notified of the change. Mrs. Tice owns a building downtown and has incurred expenses to keep the building in good shape. She doesn' t believe it would be fair for
the City to change the use of these buildings at this time. Mrs. Tice has only been approached once by someone looking to open a business. She added that if the City becomes too stringent in their requirements there could be unintended consequences. This could result in the buildings being less marketable and eventually causing them to fall into disrepair.
4. Mayor Glazebrook introduced representatives from DOVE and HOPE. He then read a proclamation declaring October 2022 Domestic Violence Awareness Month in the City of Sullivan.
5. Mayor Glazebrook read the items in the consent agenda:
Approval of minutes of regular meeting held September 26, 2022 Approval of claims except those in TIF funds
Approval of Pay Estimate # 3 for $292, 410. 00 to Grunloh Construction, Inc. for the Water Treatment Plant Project
Approval of Pay Estimate # 3 for $ 154, 068. 93 to Grunloh Building, Inc. for the Water Plant Project
Approval of Change Order # 1 from Grunloh Building, Inc. for the Water Treatment Plant Project for a decrease of $58, 615. 13
A motion was made by Commissioner Sherwood and seconded by Commissioner Booker to approve the consent agenda. Upon a roll call being taken the results were as follows:
Commissioner Abbey Sherwood yea
Commissioner Doug Booker yea
Commissioner Mike Fowler yea
Commissioner Chuck Woodworth absent
Mayor Richard Glazebrook yea
and the motion was declared carried by omnibus vote.
6. A motion was made by Commissioner Booker and seconded by Commissioner Sherwood to accept the TIF claims. Upon a roll call being taken, the results were as follows:
Commissioner Doug Booker yea
Commissioner Abbey Sherwood yea
Commissioner Mike Fowler abstain
Commissioner Chuck Woodworth absent
Mayor Richard Glazebrook yea
and the motion was declared carried
7. Commissioner Sherwood reported that the Park Department mowed off the prairie grass at Tabor Park in preparation for winter and are starting to prepare for leaf clean up. New Christmas lights were delivered and more will be ordered.
Treasurer Golden has been keeping her up to date on the CD' s for the Titus Funds. They have also been reviewing the RFP -submissions. The design layouts for the exterior of the City Building were received. A committee meeting will be held tomorrow at 10:30 a. m. at the library regarding the Ordinance regulating residential living in the downtown area. Representatives of each group will be in attendance and Mel Workman will be one of those representatives. A committee was established so each group could voice their opinions.
8. Commissioner Fowler met with Jeff Nadler, BHMG and Bret Guin to discuss the panel replacement project. The project area is in a dangerous location within the substation and will require that safety measures are taken. Rubber blankets will be laid over the overhead high voltage line. The line will also be de - energized while the line truck is underneath it. He received an email from Mel Workman regarding the proposed Ordinance regulating residential living in the downtown area. Commissioner Fowler stated that he was unaware of the changes until an hour before the meeting. He does not believe that the subject was ready to be brought before the council. Adding that this isn' t the first time that this has happened and he finds it embarrassing as a Council member and apologized for anyone that was affected by the presentation of the Ordinance. He spoke with a representative from Hydro -Gear and was informed that the factory is running seven days a week with talks of adding additional hours. Commissioner Fowler stated that the City may want to rethink completing the panel replacement job on the weekend, as it won' t help the company and will be an additional cost to the City. He then gave an update of tasks completed by the Distribution Crew and BH Electric
9. Commissioner Woodworth is at a conference and couldn' t attend. Mayor Glazebrook read his report. Many deliveries are expected for the Water Treatment Plant project. The claricones are being installed and the concrete is being completed for the building foundation. The building is expected to start going up on November 14th. Some changes were made to the plans resulting in change order
1, which will save the City almost $ 60, 000. The Distribution Crew completed all water and sewer connections for the Tabeling Development project. Three water service lines for the commercial building were replaced after being ripped out by a bulldozer. They also replaced a couple small leaks in town. Commissioner Woodworth has recently been in Rochester, Minnesota and noted that the community promotes living in the downtown area. With people living in the downtown it creates a need for grocery stores, specialty shops, restaurants, etc. within a walking distance. They also reduced a four lane road to a two lane, widened the sidewalks and added green space to the downtown area.
10. Commissioner Booker reported that the Street Department cleaned the dump lots, fixed flags, trimmed trees, swept streets, picked up trash on the square, helped move items out of the City Building, completed work orders, met with contractors for the alley and VanBuren project, completed brush pick up, repaired and replaced stop signs, completed ditch work on Calhoun street, patched roads, mowed, had the trucks inspected and got equipment ready for winter weather.
11. Mayor Glazebrook stated that there are plans in place for Route 121 to be
repaved west of Sullivan to Mt. Zion. Two years after this they will go through Sullivan. The Cemetery Department planted seeds around Asa Creek for the Lumpkin Grant, are getting ready for winter, have been working on the nursery and will be moving the flower containers off of the square. He asked that residents sign up for Code Red. The IMEA will attend the next meeting to discuss rates.
12. Mayor Glazebrook announced that the discussion and possible action on the retiree Health Alliance Prescription Drug Plan & Amwins Medicare Supplement Plan F renewals for 2022 would be tabled until the next meeting due to a conflict.
13. A motion was made by Commissioner Sherwood and seconded by Commissioner Booker to award Meeder Public Funds for our Investment Management Services. She then explained that after evaluating the proposals it was noted that Meeder' s sole focus is on municipalities. Meeder understands the goals of a municipality and how the goals can be reached. The City of Champaign offered insight in working with this firm. Commissioner Sherwood and Treasurer Golden felt that their portfolio was designed well and implemented both strategies and had estimated fees they considered fair. Upon a roll call being taken, the results were as follows:
Commissioner Abbey Sherwood yea
Commissioner Doug Booker yea
Commissioner Mike Fowler nay
Commissioner Chuck Woodworth absent
Mayor Richard Glazebrook yea
and the motion was declared carried.
14. A motion was made by Commissioner Booker and seconded by Commissioner Sherwood to adjourn the meeting. Upon a roll call being taken, the results were as follows:
Commissioner Doug Booker yea
Commissioner Abbey Sherwood yea
Commissioner Mike Fowler yea
Commissioner Chuck Woodworth absent
Mayor Richard Glazebrook yea
and the motion was declared carried and the meeting was adjourned at 6: 40 p. m.,%202022%20Minutes.pdf