
Macon Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Review of 2020 Presidential Election voting trends in Central NW City of Decatur: Precinct Decatur 25

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U.S. President Joe Biden & Former U.S. President Donald Trump | whitehouse.gov

U.S. President Joe Biden & Former U.S. President Donald Trump | whitehouse.gov

As we approach the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election, a review of the 2020 voting patterns in Central NW City of Decatur: Precinct Decatur 25 can provide valuable insights. In the contest between Donald J. Trump and Joe Biden, 167 of the 293 residents cast their ballots, resulting in a 57% turnout, according to the Illinois State Board of Elections.

The voting breakdown in Central NW City of Decatur: Precinct Decatur 25 reveals 42.7% of the total supporting Republicans, and 55.1% of the votes for Democrats, highlighting the precinct's political preferences.

Overall, 126 registered voters in Central NW City of Decatur: Precinct Decatur 25 did not vote in 2020.

Additionally, an estimated total of 847 residents were reported to be aged 18 or older in Central NW City of Decatur: Precinct Decatur 25, according to the last US Census and the 2021 American Community Survey.

The Illinois State Board of Elections ensures the integrity and security of the electoral process in Illinois. They handle candidate certifications, vote tallying, and campaign disclosures. Following a significant cyberattack in 2016, the board also focuses on bolstering electoral cybersecurity. Governed by the Illinois Election Code (10 ILCS 5), the SBE is committed to conducting fair and transparent elections.

2020 Voter Participation in Central NW City of Decatur: Precinct Decatur 25
NameBirth YearAddressVoted/Didn't Vote
Aaron T. Speagle1970Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Aazeen Haqui1997Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Abbi B. Pierceall1987E Van Buren, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Alex Edward Shaw1984Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Allen Francisco1970E Van Buren, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Alma D. Shepherd1953N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Alvin J. Perry1996N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Andrea I. Tyler1938N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Andrew L. Mott1993Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Andrew Michael Sherrerd1989Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Angela L. Taylor1961N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Angelina Marie Thomas1989Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Anita M. Saffa1993Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Annette M. Williams1964N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Anthony D. Richard1975E MC Kinley, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Antoinette C. Rogers1937Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Antonio Terell Thomas1989Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Aretha Fitch Parker1955Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Ashley Nicole Swanson1984Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Audrianna Bartholomew1998Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Aurora Lindsey N. Williams1959N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Austin R. Pilger1997Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Barbara A. Cole1951N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Barbara J. Murray1959N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Barbara Joyce Clements1933N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Becky L. Kinney1956N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Becky L. Pfeifer1949E Arlington, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Benjamin Nicholas Ford1987Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Betty J. Arbogast1949N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Beverly J. Pfiefer1950N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Brandy M. Ernst1981E MC Kinley, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Brenda K. Weirauch1952N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Brenda S. Cantu1949N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Bret K. Thomure1959Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Brian K. Oxenreider1974N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Carlin D. Nerhus1957Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Carmen Tagadtad Foster1947N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Carol A. Culp1950E MC Kinley, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Carol A. Malone1948N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Carol A. Stillwell1966E Van Buren, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Carol D. Forehand1947N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Carolyn J. Palmer1953N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Carolyn T. Perkins1953N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Cathy D. Ogilvie1955N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Celestine Cunningham1963N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Celinda S. North1955W MC Kinley, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Charlene Morton1962N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Charles L. Long1951N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Charmonica E. Manney1980N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Chris A. Thomure1961Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Chris Smith1961N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Christie A. Smith1965N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Christine Brown1952N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Cindy L. Cosner1963N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Clarissa Trump1931W MC Kinley, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Claudia A. Cook1945N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Clint A. Paradee1988Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Coleen M. Yates1971N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Connie D. Woodson1970Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Connie L. Warnsley1946N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Craig Stephen Okeefe1962Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Cynthia D. Toliver1964N Morgan, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Cynthia L. Scott1959Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Dana Chew1970N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Daniel C. Foran1965E Arlington, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Daniel D. Waite1950Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Daniel J. Robinson1951E Arlington, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Daniel J. mc Glade1960Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Danielle A. mc Duffie1993E Van Buren, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Darlene M. Stobaugh1936N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Darrell Ellis1955N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
David R. May1973N Church, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
David W. Carter1949N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Debra Diane Ryerson1964N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Debra K. Taylor1951N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Debra Kaye Hesse1953N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Dennis J. Crowley1947Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Diana L. Champion1955E MC Kinley, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Donald G. Gillespey1951E Van Buren, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Donna mc Grath1950W MC Kinley, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Dorothy M. Bruns1931N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Earl L. Taylor1961N M L K Jr Dr, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Earnestine M. Allen-Rice1945W MC Kinley, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Eileen D. Linton1954N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Elizabeth F. Bavor1953W Pershing, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Emma Ingram1944N Green Tree, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Eric W. Benschneider1984Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Erin N. Hackney1984E Arlington, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Erma J. Shelley1946N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Estelene L. Hood1929N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Ethel I. Hansen1939N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Eugene D. Powell1970N Morgan, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Felicia Fouts1985N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Frank L. Reed1971N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Frank Spurlock1950N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Freeman C. Franklin1993E Pythian, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Gary L. Cole1957N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Gaylon D. Bancroft1959Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Gene W. Gray1942N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Gerald L. Cycotte1969E Van Buren, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Gilliam Wesley Green1971N Main, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Gladys G. Hood1940N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Gregory A. Owens1953N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Guy Assnow1953N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Hannah M. Freese1997Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Hannah R. Hall1992E Arlington, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Hattie Gordon1943N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Holly Sue Sherrerd1992Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Holly van Matre1989Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Howard Wayne Cox1941N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Ian James McKeown1995E Arlington, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Ivan Wayne Laurie1966N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Jacalyn Robinson1951E Arlington, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Jack B. Knight1939E Van Buren, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Jackie L. mc Millan1953Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Jacob A. Smith1979N Church, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Jacob William Maple1986N M L K Jr Dr, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Jacqueline K. Jinks1961Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Jakob Wyatt Lofland1994E Arlington, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
James E. Markham1940Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Janis C. Holoffe1933N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Jayne V. Camerer1951N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Jean A. Absher1942N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Jean M. Wilson1953Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Jeffrey B. Foster1969Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Jeffrey L. White1966Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Jennifer L. Stark1980Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Jeremy E. Klemaier1992N Church, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Jerome Martin Parker1955Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Jerry D. Baumgartner1938N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Jessica N. Oranika1994Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Jessie M. Rice1945N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Jimmie L. Mabon1940N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Jo Ellen Tamen1936N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Joanne Binkley1953N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Jody L. Yadon1962N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
John D. Simroth1961Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Jose Antonio Perez1995E MC Kinley, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Joseph Thurmond1938W MC Kinley, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Joy E. Ellis1941N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Joyce M. mc Farland1955N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Judith A. Kersting1942W MC Kinley, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Juneita E. Baity1951E Arlington, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Karen E. Schmidt1962N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Karen Kay Moore1953N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Karen L. Hood1957N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Karla Jean Manceaux1956N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Kathryn E. Smallwood1989W Damon, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Keith Allen Stewart1972E MC Kinley, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Keith Le R. Crone1988N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Kelly K. Reed1977N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Kelvin E. West1952W MC Kinley, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Kevin N. Brooks1961N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Kimberlee A. Thompson1960N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Kristie S. Burwell1968N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Larice A. Manns1951N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Larry G. Taylor1953N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Larry L. Wooten1946N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Linda D. Akhimie1954N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Lois E. Burcham1940N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Lonnell Lowery1963N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Loretta S. Schuerman1948N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Lori E. Bales1959Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Lori E. Mellon1961Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Lou Ann Perry1961N Church, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Lou Ann Siburt1927N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Lucille M. Sutton1949N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Lucinda L. Crutchfield1974N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Lynda M. Hazenfield1942N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Maeleen Byrd1965N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Marcia E. White1950N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Marilyn K. Bonnell1946E Van Buren, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Marilyn Tate1938N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Mark A. Tuttle1964E Arlington, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Mark Alan Ferguson1952N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Mark Keven Kates1958N Church, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Mark S. Roose1963N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Martha Freeman1932N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Martha L. Waddell1951N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Mary A. Cameron1938N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Mary A. Chesnutt1972W MC Kinley, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Mary A. Johnson1921W MC Kinley, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Mary E. Black-Stiles1944N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Mary J. Bolds1937W MC Kinley, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Mary J. Harris-Phillips1944N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Matthew Ryan Thacker1987Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Maureen K. Pierson1950N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Meghan M. Perry1996Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Melissa Whittington1976Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Melody Ann Miranda1951N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Melvin R. Hedenberg1938N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Michael C. Melton1971Pine Tree, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Michael C. Vadakin1991N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Michael D. Nance1958N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Michael R. Pacholski1968Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Nacyla Mitchell1999Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Nancy A. Tuttle1943E Arlington, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Nathaniel Walker1927N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Nickolas Joel Gum1995Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Nicole J. Jones1985Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Norma Jean Fisher1927N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Pamela L. Spurlock1949N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Pamela M. mc Coy1962N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Patricia A. Mashburn1949N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Patricia C. Smith1944N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Patsy L. Harding1940N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Paul D. Neaveill1916N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Paul D. Pfeifer1944E Arlington, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Paul D. Pfeifer1966E Arlington, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Penny J. Vadakin1952N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Rachel A. Bicicchi1980Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Rachel L. Fonville1948N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Randall L. Tuttle1965E Arlington, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Regina R. Peoples1969Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Reyna C. Rodriguez1937W MC Kinley, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Richard E. Jordan1947N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Rick L. Morrisett1958N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Rick S. Buckley1961N Church, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Rickie R. Fathauer1982N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Robert D. Goodrich1973N Church, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Robert F. Fischer1940N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Roberta S. Stephenson1944N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Rochelle L. Allen1969Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Ronald D. Nichols1953N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Ronda K. Hall1961N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Ronnie H. la Garde1957N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Rosetta Martin1959N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Roshanda L. Thomas1996E Van Buren, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Ruth Ellen Werner1933W MC Kinley, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Ruth F. Foster1929N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Ruthie Strother1957N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Ryan Nicholas Fuller1991Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Sally L. Foster1944N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Sally O. Foley1956E MC Kinley, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Sam Ethel Manns-Perkins1943N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Samantha J. VoorheesN M L K Jr Dr, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Sandra K. Ramsey1949Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Sarah J. Six1962N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Scott A. Zinn1963N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Shanicea Lee Cremeans1992Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Shannon M. Warnsley1981N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Shea A. Kelly1987Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Sheila J. Lyles1960N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Sheila Kay Bonnell1972N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Shelby Danielle Rozanski1994Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Sheldon K. Roddy1993E MC Kinley, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Sheri A. Lausmann1943N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Shirley Jean Moyer1937N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Stacey A. Blue1964N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Stacy R. Hughes1970N Church, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Starlean V. Chapman1993N Morgan, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Stefan H. Black1961N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Stefania L. Bailuc1977Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Stephen E. Dodd1957W MC Kinley, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Steve E. Grant1948N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Sue K. Dodd1951W MC Kinley, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Susan A. Durbin1945N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Susan A. Edwards-Bell1946Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Susan Maricle1944N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Taimur Ali1993Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Tera L. M. Logue1975N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Teresa M. Wilson1960N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Terry Edwin Jones1958N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Thamara Valais1979Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Thelma M. Watson1938N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Theresa C. Perez1972E MC Kinley, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Theresa L. Fletcher1938Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Thomas Louis Yacopino1992W Damon, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Tiffany D. Jones1975N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Tiffany P. Clower1990N M L K Jr Dr, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Timothy D. Champion1960E MC Kinley, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Todd A. Vohland1962Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Tony D. Brummett1970N Church, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Troy E. Fischer1962N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Trudi D. Simroth1955Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Velma Lea Crowe1955N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Verna R. Strahle1941N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Veronica L. Pfeifer1974E Arlington, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Vicky L. Jones1949N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Wanda L. Morey1923N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Wayne D. Etter1964N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Wilbert V. Owens1962N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
William Christopher Hoffman1960Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
William E. Burns1959E Van Buren, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
William F. Herrin1952W MC Kinley, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
William J. Foley1956E MC Kinley, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
William L. Ealey1965Twin Oaks Ct, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Willie B. Jones1934N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Willie F. Jackson1957W MC Kinley, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Willietta A. Jackson1963N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted
Willis E. Phillips1944N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Wreatha C. Connor1935N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Didn't Vote
Zachary Q. Zimmerman1964N Monroe, Decatur, IL 62526Voted



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