
Macon Reporter

Friday, September 20, 2024

Village of Warrensburg Village Board met April 1

Webp 19

Aerial View of the Village of Warrensburg | Village of Warrensburg Website

Aerial View of the Village of Warrensburg | Village of Warrensburg Website

Village of Warrensburg Village Board met April 1.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

CALL TO ORDER:  Acting Village President Hackl called the meeting to order at the Warrensburg Village Hall on Monday, April 1, 2024 at 5:30 p.m., reminding everyone the meeting was being recorded.   


ROLL CALL:  Present:  Acting Village President Hackl, Trustees P. Hood, B. Netherton, and

 D.  Fisher.  Also present were Chief Wheeler, Atty Jankowicz & VAC Booth.      

Absent: Trustees K. Hood and S. Freeman and DPW T. Allen

MAYOR’S COMMENTS: Warrensburg Lathem Education Fund is requesting a donation for their upcoming Trivia Night. Trustee Fisher made a motion to donate $100 from Video Gaming to the WLEF, seconded by Trustee Netherton.

Roll Call Vote: Yes – Trustees Fisher, P. Hood and Netherton. No – Trustee Hackl. Motion carried. 




REVIEW/APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  A motion was made by Trustee Fisher, seconded by Trustee Netherton to approve the minutes of the March 18, 2024 regular meeting.  Motion carried.

VILLAGE ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK:  Trustee Netherton moved and Trustee P. Hood seconded to approve the balance sheet, pay the bills and make the appropriate transfers for April 1, 2024.  VAC Booth mentioned that the invoiced amount for the Safe Routes to School will be reimbursed to the Village. 

Roll Call Vote:  Yes – Trustees P. Hood, Netherton, Fisher, and Hackl. No – none.  Motion carried.

VAC Booth also discussed a quote from Decatur Computers to upgrade to Microsoft 0365 and migrate the Village emails to a safer platform.  This discussion was tabled until Trustee Freeman can be available to assist.

FINANCE:  Budgets will be discussed at the next meeting when all Trustees are present. 

We will have 6 dumpsters for the Clean-Up Day on May 11. Volunteers are needed for this day.

POLICE:  Chief Wheeler presented his report for March 2024.  It was brought to the Chief’s attention that there were solicitors in the area that were operating without a permit. He will escort them to the Village Hall for a permit if they do not have one. 

SEWER:  Owners of the property at 286 S Roosevelt were asked to attend the next meeting to discuss their sewer issue. A motion was made by Trustee Fisher to go into Closed Session after Old Business to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of an employee pursuant to 5ILCS 120/2 (c)(1). Seconded by Trustee Netherton. 

Roll Call Vote: Yes – Trustees Netherton, Fisher, Hackl, and P. Hood. No – None. Motion carried.


WATER:  None



OTHER AND/OR OLD BUSINESS:  Tim Hoffman gave an update on the Cornfest Stage.

He presented a $10,000 check to the Village of Warrensburg received as a grant from the Community Foundation of Macon County for the stage.  He discussed the bids that were received from Cleary Building Corp and Blunier Builders.  The proposed stage will be a lean-to style building that will be 24’ x 32’ and the roof and walls can be different colors, to be determined at a later date.  Tim recommended Cleary, since they can get to the work right away. There was a discussion regarding the concrete, ramp and rails; to be completed in phases. Tim requested that the Board choose the builder for the stage and authorize the down payment immediately. The Cornfest income and expenses were discussed and it was determined that most of the expenses will be paid for by donations, the grant and money already budgeted in the Cornfest account. Tim inquired about using the “Windfarm payment” to cover incidentals. The Board will discuss that at a later date. The concrete bids received from Mike’s Concrete, Precision Concrete and New Horizons Concrete were opened and the Board deliberated over the cost and scope of the concrete phase of the project. It was determined that a meeting will be scheduled soon with all parties to discuss each aspect of the stage construction.  It was also agreed that a Project Manager would be appointed to oversee the construction. Attorney Jankowicz will draft an ordinance for adopting the contracts. The Board commended Tim and Cindy Hundley for all of their efforts in the growth and success of the Cornfest.

 A motion was made by Trustee Netherton to accept Cleary’s bid of $47,701 including the downpayment to Cleary in the amount of $9,740.  Seconded by Trustee P. Hood.

Roll Call Vote: Yes – Trustees Fisher, P. Hood, Hackl, Netherton. No – None. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Trustee Fisher to accept the bid from Mike’s Concrete in the amount of $38,700 for the concrete and the ramp.  Seconded by Trustee Netherton. 

Roll Call Vote: Yes – Trustees P. Hood, Fisher, Netherton and Hackl. No – None. Motion carried.

Moved into Closed Session at 6:53 PM.

Reconvened to Open Session at 7:57 PM

Trustee Fisher moved and Trustee Netherton seconded to adjourn.  Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 8:01 p.m.  

The next regular meeting will be on Monday, April 15, 2024 @ 5:30 PM.
