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Aerial View of the Village of Warrensburg | Village of Warrensburg Website
Village of Warrensburg Village Board met May 20.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
CALL TO ORDER: Village President Hackl called the meeting to order at the Warrensburg Village Hall on Monday, May 20, 2024 at 5:30 p.m., reminding everyone the meeting was being recorded.
ROLL CALL: Present: Acting Village President L. Hackl, Trustees P. Hood, B. Netherton,
And K. Hood. S. Freeman (arrived after Roll Call). Absent: Trustee Fisher. Also present were Chief Wheeler, Atty Jankowicz, DPW T. Allen & VAC Booth.
MAYOR’S COMMENTS: AVP Hackl said that C - D Auto will be building a new structure behind their current building and when that is complete, the old building will be torn down.
AVP Hackl also discussed that the Veterans Memorial at the center of Main Street is sinking.
He is going to have it inspected and get an estimate to fix it.
REVIEW/APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made by Trustee K. Hood, seconded by Trustee Netherton to approve the minutes of the May 6, 2024 regular meeting. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Trustee Netherton, seconded by Trustee K. Hood to approve the minutes of the May 6, 2024 closed session meeting.
Roll Call Vote: Yes – Trustees P. Hood, K. Hood, Freeman, Netherton and Hackl.
No – none. Motion carried.
VILLAGE ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK: Trustee K. Hood moved and Trustee Netherton seconded to approve the balance sheet, pay the bills and make the appropriate transfers for
May 20, 2024. VAC Booth discussed that the Windmill fund was received for this year, in the amount of $16,892.44 and it was deposited into the Buena Vista general fund. VAC Booth recommended moving that amount to the Illinois funds general account. The new line item entitled “Windtower Franchise” has been created under the Illinois Funds general account (on the Bills and Transfers sheet) as Trustee P. Hood suggested in order to keep track of the funds. VAC Booth also reminded the Board that the monthly transfers will be made from the Water to the various Reserve and Depreciation accounts.
Roll Call Vote: Yes – Trustees Netherton, Freeman, K. Hood, Hackl and P. Hood.
No – none. Motion carried.
FINANCE: Trustee P. Hood stated that Attorney Jankowicz will bring an amended spend allotment policy to the next meeting. The fixed electricity agreement discussion was tabled because the current rates were unavailable. She will get the new rates to compare with Ameren for the next meeting.
POLICE: Chief Wheeler discussed that the insurance check has been received but it was made payable to the Village and he is concerned that it would have to go through his budget. It was determined that VAC Booth would contact the Insurance company to see if the check could be made payable directly to Garner Autobody (who will be doing the repairs).
Chief Wheeler also presented the budgeted and contracted for Getac-in-car cameras. A discussion followed regarding the use of this particular company, (they are the only company in the area that utilizes the software that we are using) and the benefits of the cameras to the Police Department.
Trustee Netherton made a motion to approve the contract for the Getac-in-car cameras, seconded by Trustee K. Hood.
Roll Call Vote: Yes – Trustees K. Hood, Freeman, Netherton, Hackl and P. Hood.
No – none. Motion carried.
SEWER: The property at 286 Roosevelt was discussed. The owner would like to connect to the sewer without annexation. Trustee P. Hood made a motion that the owner be allowed to connect to the sewer (at his expense) with annexation to the Village, seconded by Trustee Netherton. Discussion followed regarding the benefit to the Village with annexation, whether other properties would also have to be annexed, and the intended use of said property (business or residential).
Roll Call Vote: Yes – Trustees Netherton, Fisher, Hackl, P. Hood, K. Hood and Freeman. No – none. Motion carried. Trustee Hackl will invite him to the next meeting to discuss further action.
STREETS: Trustee K. Hood discussed the success of the annual Clean-Up Day. They had to close early as all the dumpsters were full by around 11 am. He also stated that next year, residents will be asked to show their ID to ensure that they live within the Village.
Trustee K. Hood discussed the bids for blacktopping and asphalting some roads and a sidewalk that is buried on Washington Street. Trustee K. Hood made a motion to accept the bid from Atteberry Construction for $8,200 for the work from East Main to Washington, seconded by Trustee Freeman. A discussion followed questioning where the funds will come from (MFT or General Funds) and how to determine which streets and sidewalks should be included in the project. Trustee K. Hood exited the meeting early.
Roll Call Vote: Yes – Trustees Freeman and P. Hood. No – Trustee Hackl. Abstain – Trustee Netherton. Motion carried.
WATER: Nothing
PUBLIC WORKS: DPW Allen discussed the bids for repairing the transmission in the Sewer truck. He explained that the bid for getting a new transmission is only a few hundred dollars more than the bid for repairing the current one so he recommended the new transmission. Trustee Freeman made a motion to repair or replace the transmission in the Sewer truck for an amount not to exceed $6,548., seconded by Trustee Netherton.
Roll Call Vote: Yes – Trustees Netherton, Freeman and Hackl. Abstain – Trustee P. Hood. No – None. Motion carried.
VILLAGE ATTORNEY: Attorney Jankowicz did not have time to complete the Ordinace 802 and asked that it be added to the agenda for June 3.
OTHER AND/OR OLD BUSINESS: Dick, a resident who lives on Glasgow, asked when the culvert would be fixed that he has questioned the Village about for several years. DPW Allen said that he was aware of the issue and that Public Works employees would be getting to the repair of the streets as soon as they could finish with the storm clean up. He said that he will check that location next week.
Trustee Freeman moved and Trustee Netherton seconded to adjourn. Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 6:45 PM
The next regular meeting will be on Monday, June 3, 2024 @ 5:30 PM.