
Macon Reporter

Friday, September 20, 2024

Village of Warrensburg Village Board met July 1

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Warrensburg Village Hall | Facebook

Warrensburg Village Hall | Facebook

Village of Warrensburg Village Board met July 1.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

CALL TO ORDER: Acting Village President Hackl called the meeting to order at the Warrensburg Village Hall on Monday, July 1, 2024 at 5:30 p.m., reminding everyone the meeting was being recorded.


ROLL CALL: Present: Acting Village President L. Hackl, Trustees P. Hood, B. Netherton, Freeman and K. Hood. Also present were Chief Wheeler, DPW T. Allen, Attorney Jankowicz & VAC Booth. Absent: Trustee Fisher

MAYOR’S COMMENTS: AVP Hackl stated that an electric pole was hit by one of the trucks as they were working on the stage construction. He has been looking into having the electric wire run underground so that the pole won’t block the stage but it is too costly. So, it will be run overhead for now. Later, if the Board decides to do something different with the stage, it can be changed at that time. This option will be at no cost to the Village.

PUBLIC COMMENTS: Betty asked why there were no extra copies of the agenda. VAC Booth stated that there were more people than usual in attendance and she would be sure to have extra copies available at the next meeting.

Tim Hoffman updated the Board on the stage progress and thanked them for everything they have done to get the project accomplished. He also asked about the timeframe for the decision to take the electric pole underground, as he thought that the payment could be made from Corn fest funds. He requested that we push the pole to the side of the stage for the time- being.



REVIEW/APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made by Trustee Netherton, seconded by Trustee Freeman to approve the minutes of the June 17, 2024 regular meeting. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Trustee Netherton, seconded by Trustee K. Hood to approve the minutes of the June 17, 2024 closed session meeting.

Roll Call Vote: Yes – Trustees P. Hood, K. Hood, Netherton and Hackl.

Abstain: Trustee Freeman No – none. Motion carried.

VILLAGE ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK: Trustee Freeman moved and Trustee Netherton seconded to approve the balance sheet, pay the bills and make the appropriate transfers for

July 1, 2024. VAC Booth discussed that there are a number of bills to be paid for the Corn fest and also for the repair and painting of the Village buildings. She also stated that a payment to Axon Enterprises was not made in 2023, therefore that past due payment as well as the invoice for 2024 are now due.

VAC Booth mentioned that she will be absent from the next Board meeting but will have all of the necessary paperwork ready.

Roll Call Vote: Yes – Trustees Netherton, Freeman, K. Hood, Hackl and P. Hood.

No – none. Motion carried.

FINANCE: Nothing

BUILDING: Trustee Netherton presented 3 estimates for the Warrensburg signs and stated that they were discussed during the Building/Land committee meeting held on June 30, 2024. Trustee Netherton made a motion to accept the bid from Dynagraphics for $14,054.36, seconded by Trustee Freeman. He showed illustrations of the possible signs and recommended the sign by Dynagraphics because it has the ability to be changed and will be sturdy aluminum with steel posts and double sided. The Village can also add business names at the bottom of the sign in the future if the Board would like to do so. The signs will also have landscaping around them and solar lights to illuminate at night.

Roll Call Vote: Yes – Trustees K. Hood, Hackl, P. Hood, Freeman and Netherton.

No – none. Motion carried.

Trustee Netherton also updated the Board on the progress of Mike Costello’s crew in cleaning and painting the Village buildings and said that the work is almost done.

POLICE: Chief Wheeler presented the monthly report for June.

SEWER: Trustee Hackl mentioned that we have had one minor violation from the EPA and asked DPW Allen to explain the necessary steps to rectify the situation. Trustee Hackl pointed out that now would be the time to pursue a Grant for the replacement of the Sewer Plant. He will discuss with Stephanie Brown from Chastain Engineering how that could fit into the 5-year plan.

STREETS: Trustee K. Hood reviewed the MFT Program designed by Chastain Engineering and made a motion to accept the MFT Program in the amount of $23,690, seconded by Trustee Netherton.

Roll Call Vote: Yes – Trustees K. Hood, Hackl, P. Hood, Freeman and Netherton.

No – none. Motion carried.

WATER: Nothing

PUBLIC WORKS: DPW Allen discussed the issue regarding the clogging of the sewer which occurred on Sunday, June 30. When the sewer was jetted, it was determined that it was full of baby and sanitary wipes. The Board discussed the need to make our residents aware that they cannot flush wipes of any kind. AVP Hackl suggested that it be put in the Newsletter next month.

Kevin Collings from Koenig presented several quotes for a new truck, with various options such as a snow plow, tool bar and lighting. The Board will research the value of the F250 truck for a trade in and will discuss at the next meeting.

VILLAGE ATTORNEY: Trustee Freeman made a motion to approve Ordinance 803, seconded by Trustee Netherton. Attorney Jankowicz discussed Ordinance 803, which deals with our purchasing policies and procedures. It amends the spending authority to a maximum of $1500.

Roll Call Vote: Yes – Trustees Hackl, P. Hood, Netherton, Freeman and K. Hood.

No – none. Motion carried.

Trustee Netherton made a motion to approve Ordinance 804, seconded by Trustee K. Hood. Attorney Jankowicz discussed Ordinance 804, an Intergovernmental Agreement with Illini Township. It authorizes the AVP to sign an agreement with the Township to confirm the storage and installation of tiles at the sewer plant.

Roll Call Vote: Yes – Trustees P. Hood, Netherton, Freeman, K. Hood and Hackl.

No – none. Motion carried.

Attorney Jankowicz stated that it is time to adopt this year’s Appropriation Ordinance.

He urged the Board to contact Trustee P. Hood regarding the numbers they would like to be inserted and said that it needs to be done by the last Board meeting in July.

Trustee Netherton made a motion to approve the bid from Mike Costello for the repair of the storm damage in the amount of $19,100, seconded by Trustee Freeman.

Attorney Jankowicz discussed the work that the crew from Mike Costello has been doing around the village and that it makes sense to utilize the same crew for the storm repairs as well, while they are working.

Roll Call Vote: Yes – Trustees Freeman, K. Hood, Hackl, P. Hood and Netherton.

No – none. Motion carried.

Attorney Jankowicz also updated the Board on the Asbestos case. The RMA will provide some coverage for the Village in the defense of this case as the outside lawyer, Louis Brisbois, will no longer be used. They will continue the litigation in this case to determine if the Plaintiff was exposed to asbestos as he worked in the Warrensburg area in the 1980’s. The RMA will be responsible for the bill in this case.

OTHER AND/OR OLD BUSINESS: Trustee Freeman asked about the whereabouts of all of the closed session minutes. Attorney Jankowicz expressed that we do need to have a closed session meeting to determine if any of those minutes can be opened. AVP Hackl said that he is in the process of locating all of those minutes and securing them in a proper storage area.

Trustee K. Hood moved and Trustee Netherton seconded to adjourn. Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 6:45 PM

The next regular meeting will be on Monday, July 15, 2024 @ 5:30 PM.
