
Macon Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Decatur City Council met Oct. 7

Webp 17

Lisa Gregory, Councilwoman | City of Decatur Website

Lisa Gregory, Councilwoman | City of Decatur Website

City of Decatur City Council met Oct. 7.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

On Monday, October 7, 2024, the City Council of the City of Decatur, Illinois, met in Regular Meeting at 5:30 p.m., in the Council Chamber, One Gary K. Anderson Plaza, Decatur, Illinois.

Mayor Julie Moore Wolfe presided, together with her being Council members Lisa Gregory, David Horn, Chuck Kuhle, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel and Mayor Moore Wolfe. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared a quorum present.

City Manager Tim Gleason attended the meeting as well.

Mayor Moore Wolfe led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mayor Moore Wolfe called for Appearance of Citizens.

The following citizens provided comments to the Council: Verlyn Rosenberger, Chris Cuddy, Mirinda Rothrock, Clay Whitney, Krist Lutt, Austin Yutzy, Debbie Dice, Alex Miller and Greg Webb.

Council members responded to citizens’ comments.

The minutes of September 16, 2024, City Council Meeting were presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the minutes be approved as written; seconded by Councilman Kuhle and on call of the roll, Council members Lisa Gregory, David Horn, Chuck Kuhle, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe

declared the motion carried.

Mayor Moore Wolfe called for New Business.

R2024-317 Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Collective Bargaining Agreement Regarding Pay, Benefits, and Work Conditions Between the Decatur Police Benevolent and Protective Association Labor Committee and the City of Decatur, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Resolution do pass, seconded by Councilman Kuhle.

City Manager Gleason gave an overview of the Resolution.

Mr. Shane Brandel, Chief of Police and Mr. Todd Koester, President of the Decatur Police Benevolent and Protective Association Labor Committee spoke about the collaboration between the city, police department and union over contract negotiations.

Council members provided feedback and thanked the Police Department for their work and dedication.

Upon call of the roll, Council members David Horn, Chuck Kuhle, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel, Lisa Gregory and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

R2024-318 Resolution Authorizing Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Decatur, Illinois and Primary Products Ingredients America LLC Regarding Employee, Contractor Use and Transit Fares, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Resolution do pass, seconded by Councilman Kuhle.

Ms. Lacie Elzy, Director of Transportation Services, gave an overview of the Resolution.

Council members discussed the agreement and thanked city staff and Primient for working together.

Upon call of the roll, Council members David Horn, Chuck Kuhle, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel, Lisa Gregory and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

R2024-319 Resolution Authorizing City Manager to Negotiate Terms and Execute an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Sanitary District of Decatur, IL and the City of Decatur, IL for the installation of Fiber Conduit under Lake Decatur at Lost Bridge Road, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Resolution do pass, seconded by Councilman Kuhle.

City Manager Gleason gave an overview of the Resolution.

Mr. Jim Edwards, Director of IT, spoke about the collaboration between the city and the Sanitary District.

Upon call of the roll, Council members David Horn, Chuck Kuhle, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel, Lisa Gregory and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

R2024-320 Resolution Authorizing Acceptance of other Associated Costs to Install Fiber Conduit under Lake Decatur at Lost Bridge Road, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Resolution do pass, seconded by Councilman Kuhle.

Mr. Jim Edwards, Director of IT, gave an overview of the Resolution and answered questions from Council members about the project.

Upon call of the roll, Council members David Horn, Chuck Kuhle, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel, Lisa Gregory and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

Ordinance Creating City Code Chapter 51.6 Municipal Gas Use Tax, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Ordinance do pass, seconded by Councilman Kuhle.

City Manager Gleason gave an overview of the Ordinance.

Deputy City Manager Jon Kindseth spoke about the gas utility tax versus the gas use tax.

City Manager Gleason discussed how the revenue would be used from the proposed gas use tax.

Council members discussed tabling the Ordinance until notifications were made to the affected users.

Ms. Debbie Dice and Ms. Mirinda Rothrock addressed concerns over the gas use tax.

Councilwoman Gregory made a motion to table the Ordinance, seconded by Councilman Kuhle.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Chuck Kuhle, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Lisa Gregory and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Council members David Horn and Pat McDaniel voted nay. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

2024-125 Ordinance Amending City Code Chapter 52, Alcoholic Liquor, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Ordinance do pass, seconded by Councilman Kuhle.

City Manager Gleason gave an overview of the Ordinance.

Ms. Amy Waks, Assistant Corporation Counsel, spoke about the proposed changes to the Ordinance.

Council members provided input on video gaming transfers, development agreements and revenue thresholds.

Councilman McDaniel made a motion to amend the proposed language for Class G and Class I holders that 60% or more of the gross revenue must be from the serving of meals to 50%, seconded by Councilwoman Gregory.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Chuck Kuhle, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel, Lisa Gregory and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Councilman David Horn voted nay. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

City Manager Gleason answered questions from Council members regarding the development agreement process.

Ms. Vicki Sheets and Ms. Austin Yutzy spoke about the proposed changes.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Chuck Kuhle, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel, Lisa Gregory and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Councilman David Horn voted nay. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

City Manager Gleason presented the City Manager Update. City Manager Gleason announced two new employees, Edison Cole and Amy Goodman. The following employees were promoted at the Fire Department: Neil Elder, Toby Jackson, Chris Downey, Gary Gundy, Wade Smith, Justin Kraus, Todd Cox and Nicholas Haake. A Study Session will be held on Monday, October 21, 2024, for a discussion on the 2025 budget.

Mayor Moore Wolfe called for Consent Agenda Calendar Items A. through AS. and asked if any Council member wished to remove an item from the Consent Agenda Calendar. Councilman Kuhle requested to remove Item AA. from the Consent Agenda Calendar and Councilman Horn requested to remove Items AR. and AS. from the Consent Agenda Calendar. The Clerk read Items A. through Z. and AB. through AQ.:

Item A. 2024-126 Ordinance Annexing Territory Lot North of 2210-2298 Deer Run Court

Item B. 2024-127 Ordinance Annexing Territory 2210 Deer Run Court

Item C. 2024-128 Ordinance Annexing Territory 2220 Deer Run Court

Item D. 2024-129 Ordinance Annexing Territory 2240 Deer Run Court

Item E. 2024-130 Ordinance Annexing Territory 2260 Deer Run Court

Item F. 2024-131 Ordinance Annexing Territory 2280 Deer Run Court

Item G. 2024-132 Ordinance Annexing Territory 2298 Deer Run Court

Item H. 2024-133 Ordinance Annexing Territory 2202 Deer Run Court

Item I. 2024-134 Ordinance Annexing Territory 2201 Deer Run Court

Item J. 2024-135 Ordinance Annexing Territory 2215 Deer Run Court

Item K. 2024-136 Ordinance Annexing Territory 2225 Deer Run Court

Item L. 2024-137 Ordinance Annexing Territory 2245 Deer Run Court

Item M. 2024-138 Ordinance Annexing Territory 2265 Deer Run Court

Item N. 2024-139 Ordinance Annexing Territory 2285 Deer Run Court

Item O. 2024-140 Ordinance Annexing Territory 2295 Deer Run Court

Item P. 2024-141 Ordinance Annexing Territory 3268 South Kathy Court Item

Q. 2024-142 Ordinance Annexing Territory 3258 South Kathy Court Item

R. 2024-143 Ordinance Annexing Territory 3248 South Kathy Court Item

S. 2024-144 Ordinance Annexing Territory 3228 South Kathy Court Item

T. 20224-145 Ordinance Annexing Territory 3202 South Kathy Court

Item U. 2024-146 Ordinance Annexing Territory 3135 Turpin Road

Item V. 2024-147 Ordinance Annexing Territory 3320 East Fitzgerald Road Item

W. 2024-148 Ordinance Annexing Territory 3244 Greenview Drive

Item X. 2024-149 Ordinance Annexing Territory 3050 Lakeland Road

Item Y. 2024-150 Ordinance Annexing Territory 2254 Mesa Drive

Item Z. 2024-151 Ordinance Annexing Territory 3077 Turpin Road

Item AB. R2024-322 Resolution Authorizing Execution of a Purchasing Order between the City of Decatur, Illinois and Master’s Transportation Inc. for State of Texas Contract #230204, for One (1) ADA Ford Transit Van and One (1) ADA Pacifica Van

Item AC. R2024-323 Resolution Authorizing Execution of a Purchasing Order between the City of Decatur, Illinois and Altorfer, Inc for BidBuy Contract for One (1) CAT 265- 05 Compact Track Loader

Item AD. R2024-324 Resolution Authorizing Execution of a Purchasing Order between the City of Decatur, Illinois and Morrow Brother’s Ford Inc. for State of Illinois Contract 21-416CMS-Boss4-B-21143 for One (1) F250 Work Truck, One (1) F350 Heavy-Duty Work Truck, and Two (2) Hybrid F-150 Work Trucks

Item AE. R2024-325 Resolution Accepting the Bid and Authorizing the Execution of a Contract with Culy Contracting LLC for 2024 Manhole Rehabilitation Project, City Project 2024-14

Item AF. 2024-152 Ordinance Approving the Closure of Various Streets and Alleys in the Wabash Crossing Neighborhood

Item AG. R2024-326 Resolution Accepting the Quote of Traffic Safety Warehouse for the Purchase of Traffic and Safety Barriers

Item AH. R2024-327 Resolution Authorizing Street Lighting in the Wabash Crossing Neighborhood

Item AI. R2024-328 Resolution Accepting the Bid Price from Homer Tree Care for Tree Removal in Various Locations

Item AJ. R2024-329 Resolution Accepting the Bid Price from JT's Tree Service for Tree Removal in Various Locations

Item AK. R2024-330 Resolution Accepting the Bid Price from HD Trees, LLC for Tree Removal in Various Locations

Item AL. 2024-153 Ordinance Adding Territory to Enterprise Zone and Approving the Amendment of the Enacting Ordinance and Intergovernmental Agreement Industrial Corridor Additions

Item AM. R2024-331 Resolution Approving Appointment - Firemen's Pension Fund Board of Trustees

Item AN. R2024-332 Resolution Approving Appointments - Library Board of Trustees

Item AO. R2024-333 Resolution Regarding Halloween Trick or Treat Hours

Item AP. R2024-334 Resolution Authorizing Payment to Central Square for Software Maintenance Fees

Item AQ. R2024-335 Resolution Authorizing Action Regarding Unsafe Structures

Councilwoman Gregory moved Items A. through Z. and AB. through AQ. be approved by Omnibus Vote; seconded by Councilman Kuhle, and on call of the roll, Lisa Gregory, David Horn, Chuck Kuhle, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

R2024-335 Resolution Authorizing Execution of a Purchasing Order between the City of Decatur, Illinois and Landmark Ford Inc. for State of Illinois Contract #Boss-B-37575 for Three (3) Ford Electric SUVs, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Resolution do pass, seconded by Councilman Kuhle.

City Manager Gleason answered questions from Councilman Kuhle about high dollar items being listed on the Consent Agenda Calendar.

Ms. Lacie Elzy, Director of Transportation Services, explained the procurement process for the three SUV’s.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Chuck Kuhle, David Horn, Ed Culp, Pat McDaniel, Lisa Gregory and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Councilman Cooper abstained from the vote. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

R2024-336 Resolution Designating Honorary Street Name in Honor of the Late Dr. John C. Ellis, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Resolution do pass, seconded by Councilman Kuhle.

Councilman Horn provided background information and recognized the late Dr. John C. Ellis.

R2024-337 Resolution Designating Honorary Street Name in Honor of Jerry Pelz, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Resolution do pass, seconded by Councilman Kuhle.

Councilman Horn provided background information and recognized Jerry Pelz. With no other New Business, Mayor Moore Wolfe called for Other Business.

Councilman Culp spoke about ambulance staffing issues and wished a speedy recovery to those involved in a recent residential fire. Councilman Cooper recognized October as Cancer Awareness Month and encouraged men to wear pink in the month of October. Councilman Horn spoke about issues with AMR. Councilman Kuhle recognized Harvard graduates and state track champions from Decatur, Katina & Tina Martin.

There being no Other Business, Mayor Moore Wolfe called for adjournment. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Regular Council meeting be adjourned, seconded by Councilman Culp and on call of the roll, Council members Lisa Gregory, David Horn, Chuck Kuhle, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the regular Council meeting adjourned at 8:21 p.m.




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