DeWitt County Courthouse in Clinton | WikipediA
DeWitt County Courthouse in Clinton | WikipediA
DeWitt County Board Finance Committee met Nov. 18.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Persons Wishing to Address the Committee (If requesting action, also list below in section three)
a. Jay Peterson
3. Items for Discussion and Possible Action
a. Approve last month’s minutes
b. Approve the claim
c. Insurance renewals
d. Create full time administrative assistant position for County Administrator
e. Create full time Animal Control Administrator/Warden position
f. Set wage for Animal Control Administrator/Warden position
g. Cost study for animal control and sheriff’s department
h. Revision to Chapter 30.16 and 31.01 of County Code of Ordinances
i. Transfer funds to Circuit Clerk fund
j. Upgrade radios for Fire and EMS - funding
4. Items for Discussion Only (No Action Requested)
5. Executive Session
6. Motion to adjourn